The latest episode of Pocket Monsters
Diamond & Pearl 158 - Roaring Around! Jibacoil VS Metagross!!(爆走!ジバコイルVSメタグロス!! ), aired on Thursday in Japan.
While heading to Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next contest, Satoshi and his friends encounter a violent Jibacoil. They then encounter some trainers who's Pokémon have been injured by the Jibacoil. Can Satoshi and his friends figure out why Jibacoil is acting so strange?!
What could possibly end up being one of the worst animation errors in the entire series occurred in this episode.
Click here to view episode errors for this episode.
Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
episode guide. You can also
comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the
episode guide.
A new opening aired during the episode today.
The Greatest - Everyday! (サイコー・エブリディ!) sung by Akiyoshi Fumie (あきよしふみえ) replayed
High Touch! 2009 as the opening theme song for the series.
Lyrics for the song have been added to the database.
High definition screenshots are available on the Imageboard thread.