The official Japanese Pokémon TCG website has revealed 5 cards that will be part of the upcoming Pokémon Card Game - Lost Link expansion (ポケモンカードゲーム ロストリンク). The set will be available starting April 16th, 2010 for 200yen per pack including tax with each pack contains 7 cards from the new 40 card set. Below are pictures of the revealed cards, card information and a link to the official Japanese TCG dex for each card.

Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND (ダークライ&クレセリアLEGEND)
Dual Type: Darkness / Psychic
Hit Points: HP150
Illustration: Shinji Higuchi (樋口真嗣) & Noriko Takaya (高屋法子)
Card Numbers: 35/40 & 36/40
Mew (ミュウ)
Type: Psychic
Hit Points: HP60
Illustration: Hideaki Hakozaki
Card Number: 18/40
Lucario (ルカリオ)
Type: Fighting
Hit Points: HP90
Illustration: Takashi Yamaguchi
Card Number: 26/40
Lost World (ロストワールド)
Type: Stadium
Illustration: Hideaki Hakozaki
Card Number: 40/40