The DVD for last years Pikachu short that was shown on ANA Airlines has been announced. Pikachu's Great Sparkling Search! (ピカチュウのキラキラだいそうさく!) was shown on ANA flights between August 1st, 2009 and August 29th, 2009. The DVD will be released in Japan on June 18th, 2010 and it will retail for 2500yen. The DVD will also include the recently aired DP169 episode:
Pokémon Ranger! Heatran Rescue Mission!! (ポケモンレンジャー! ヒードラン救出作戦!!). The DVD also comes with a bonus gift, a 600×900mm 'Special Leisure Sheet' (スペシャルレジャーシー) featuring Giza Mimi Pichu, Pikachu and Pochama.
Summer! Everyone is full of energy today. Pikachu and friends play with their beach ball! Pikachu and Pochama are chasing and diving in a river when they drift over and see a metropolis. "Where are we?" they said, searching from the rooftops of the buildings. Suddenly, with a bang, jagged-eared Pichu and Muchul collide. The two argue in an angry mood. "Sparkling is gone! It was the present to give to Kireihana..." Besides, today is her birthday!? This is troublesome! We must hurry and search. Moreover, Nyarth-tachi are aiming too! Thus, the Great Sparkling Search begins!
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