The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
The Ghost Ship and the Ghost Pokémon! / AAA and Robert Investigates the 'Pokémon Searcher BW' / Professor Red has a Television Viewer Battle / The First Public Clips of the New Anime Series! (ゆうれいせんとゆうれいポケモン! / AAAとロバートが「ポケモンサーチャーBW」を調査 / レッド博士が視聴者バトルに登場 / アニメ新シリーズの映像を初公開!), aired today in Japan.
To begin the episode the PokéSun crew have a few posters up to remind the audience about this years JR Eastern Japan - Mezase Pokémon Stamp Rally! Pokémon!! 2010 (JR東日本ポケモン・スタンプラリー~めざせ!ポケモンマスター!!2010~). The goal is to go to various stations and collect Pokémon Stamps on a brochure paper so participants can receive prizes. The rally started on July 24, 2010 and continues through the rest of this week until August 8th, 2010.
More information is available at the official website.

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This weeks rerun theme, is a new Ghost Pokémon theme、 Testing the Shocked Feelings!? Ghost Pokémon Big Special (ドッキリ キモ試し!?ゴートポケモン大特集).
The Ghost Ship and the Ghost Pokemon! was this weeks repeat episode. In this episode, Rocket Gang steals the Orange League trophy. Satoshi and friends then encounter a bunch of Ghost Pokémon on an abandoned ship.
A full episode summary is available in the episode guide.
A preview clip of this weeks episode of
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール),
DP186 - Decisive Rival Match! Satoshi vs Shinji!! (ライバル決戦!サトシ対シンジ!!) was played that displayed a few new images. Satoshi and Shinji will finally have a full battle rematch during the semi-final round of the Sinnoh League. The episode airs on Thursday August 5th, 2010.

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A preview clip of the new anime series Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ) was shown after the repeat episode. The clip revealed the new characters on the show, Professor Araragi (アララギ博士), Iris (アイリス) and Dento (デント).

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The Japanese Pop group
AAA was the special guests on the show today. It was announced during the
300th episode that they would be touring various locations from August 7th to September 12th for the new Pokémon Searcher BW (ポケモンサーチャーBW) campaign along with Robert. The Pokémon Searcher BW bus will have information about the upcoming Pokémon Black and White games. Today they went to a garage where a bus was being housed and went inside it to see what it looked like.
Before checking out the bus, AAA and Robert played a game of Pokémon Shiritori (しりとり) to test their Pokémon knowledge and was started off by Pokémon Company Publicity Department Member Jonathan (株式会社ポケモン 宣伝企各部 前野”ジョナサン” 和志さん) who chose Tsutaja (ツタージ
ャ). He was then followed by Yamamoto who chose Yadoking (
グ). The members of AAA went next choosing: Crab (クラ
ブ), Boober (
バー), Barrierd (
ド), Trancell (トランセ
ル), Lucario (
オ), Ohsubame (
メ). Baba went next and chose Menokurage (
ゲ), Akiyama helped out with the 9th straight one by suggesting Gangar (
ガー) and then finished off by choosing Kairiky (
Jonathan showed Robert and AAA around the Pokémon Searcher BW bus. The bus is decorated with pictures of Reshiram (レシラム) and Zekrom (ゼクロム) as well as the Pokémon Black and White logos.
New Pokémon Black and White Info
Throughout the show, various clips revealed new information about the upcoming games. Below is a list of the new information that was revealed.
- Plasma Gang (プラズマ団) was revealed as the new antagonists.
- A new character was revealed named Aloë (アロエ) .
- Mijumaru (ミジュマル) can use the new move Blade Shell (シエルブレード) . The attack throws a shell similar to the one on its stomach at its opponent.
- Mijumaru (ミジュマル) can also use Fury Cutter (れんぞくぎり) and Revenge (リベンジ).
- A new location was revealed: Ryūrasen Tower (リュウラセンのとう).

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During this weeks Pokémon Game Arena, Professor Red battled against Takumi-kun. The battle was easily won by Takumi who was still battling a
less confident and unlucky Red. The battle was 4 vs 4 in Pokémon Battle Revolution. For winning the battle, Professor Red had to trade his Thunder to Takumi.
Official Best Wishes Website
After Pokémon Sunday finished airing,
the official Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ) TV Tokyo website launched. The website revealed the names of the two new characters. Below are their bios.

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Iris (アイリス): Being good at climbing trees and taking huge bites out of berries, she is a very wild girl with initiative. For some reason, she travels together with the Dragon Type Pokémon Kibago. (木登り得意だったり、木の実丸かじりしたりと、とっても野生的で行動力にあるの女の子。 ある理由から、ドラゴンタイプのポケモン・キバゴと共に旅をしている。)
Dento (デント): A Pokémon sommelier who, with his abundance of knowledge and experience, determines the compatibility of Trainers and Pokémon and gives them advice on how to befriend each other. (豊富な知識と経験をもとに、トレーナーとポケモンの相性を診断したり、仲良くなる方法をアドバイスするポケモンソムリエ。 果たしてその実態は!?)
Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
episode guide. You can also
comment and discuss this episode on the forum. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the
episode guide.