The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
A Startling Yamirami! / Weird Boys appear in 'Aim For a New PokéSun Record!!' / Pokémon BW 'Information on New Pokémon' & A Battle with Tsutarja, Pokabu and Mijumaru (ヤミラミでドッキリ! / 「目指せ!ポケサン新記録!!」で変な動きをする少年登場/ポケモンBW「新ポケモン情報」&ツタージャ・ポカブ・ミジュマルのバトル), aired today in Japan.
The show started of with Golgo and Professor Red practicing their baseball skills. Red was batting and Golgo was pitching as Robert and Shoko-tan enter the room. Baba asks to have a try batting but as Golgo pitches the ball, Baba is confused because he didn't see it and Red didn't catch it. They start looking for the ball as Shoko-tan points out the ball mysteriously is on Yamamoto's right eye and he is lying on the ground.
Shoko-tan announces this weeks rerun theme, the continuation of last weeks new Ghost Pokémon theme, Testing the Shocked Feelings!? Ghost Pokémon Big Special (ドッキリ キモ試し!?ゴートポケモン大特集).
A Startling Yamirami! was this weeks repeat episode which featured a Yamirami scaring people in a mine shaft.
A full summary of this episode is available in the Episode Guide.
A preview clip of this weeks episode of
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール),
DP188 - Rival Battle Conclusion! Satoshi VS Shinji!! (決着ライバルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!!) was played that displayed a few new images. The episode was also promoted throughout the repeat episode on the widescreen pillar bars. Satoshi and Shinji will finally finish the full battle rematch during the quarter-final round of the Sinnoh League. Who will win?! The episode airs on Thursday August 19th, 2010.

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Returning from the repeat episode, the PokéSun crew has a 'Wack-a-Mole' like tent setup to promote the latest Movie. The tent is used as a New PokéSun Record event. Shoko-tan decides that she'd try out the game which requires her to take pictures of Zoroark with the Nintendo DSi. Robert's head pop out as distractions so she'll take pictures of them instead of Zoroark. She managed to take 3 pictures of Zoroark but she took 2 picture of Yamamoto and one picture of Akiyama's hair to give her a final score of 0 points.
TIM head off to Kamagaya Hatsutomi Chiba City Elementary School (千葉県 鎌ヶ谷市立初富小学校) for another PokéSun Record event. The first event was the Celebi Relay Race (ときのはもん ときわたりリレー) which had the teams dressed up in green ponchos and boots so they looked like Celebi. Each team held a bucket of water over their head and had to walk across a narrow board without spilling too much water. The team members pass the water bucket to each member of the team and the team with the most amount of water left in the bucket at the end of the relay is the winner. A team ended up winning the event.
The next event was Dodorio Rope Skipping (ドードリオのがむしゃらなわとび) and featured 3 people holding hands while running and skipping together as fast as they could across the gym. The event featured next was Sawamular's Megaton Kick (サワムラーのメガトンキック) which required people to kick their shoe off as far as they could. One kid was able to kick his shoe over 20 metres!
The next event was Zoroark's Camera Shutter (ゾロアークシャッターチャンス), the event that Shoko-tan played earlier in the show. The record is 9 points for the game but no one was able to beat the record. The final event for the day was the PokéWalker relay. Blue team managed to get the best score for the day with -204. The current record is -404.
During the Pokémon Game Arena, Robert visited The Pokémon Company where they were greeted by Pokémon Company Publicity Department Member Jonathan (株式会社ポケモン 宣伝企各部 前野”ジョナサン” 和志さん). Akiyama was dressed up as Shoko-tan which amused both Yamamoto and Baba for a bit when Shoko-Akiyama was revealed. Jonathan first revealed the cases for Black and White and indicated that the outside of the case was a bit different as Reshiram (レシラム) and Zekrom (ゼクロム) tails both glow a bit.

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As revealed in the latest issue of CoroCoro, Pokémon Sunday also revealed the latest new Pokémon in Black and White on the show. Below is the revealed information.

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New Pokémon
Gigaiasu (ギガイアス) |
High Pressure Pokémon (こうあつポケモン) |
Sturdy (がんじょう) |
Rock (いわ) |
1.7m |
260kg |
Kurumiru (クルミル) |
Sewing Pokémon (さいほうポケモン) |
Swarm (むしのしらせ) Chlorophyl (ようりょくそ) |
Bug/Grass (むし/くさ) |
0.3m |
2.5kg |
Mamanbou (ママンボウ) |
Nursing Pokémon (かいほうポケモン) |
Healing Heart (いやしのこころ) Hydration (うるおいボディ) |
Water (みず) |
1.2m |
31.6kg |
Shikijika (シキジカ) |
Deer Pokémon (きせつポケモン) |
Chlorophyll (しんりょく) Herbivore (そうしょく) |
Normal/Grass (ノーマル/くさ) |
0.6m |
19.5kg |
Miruhoggu (ミルホッグ) |
Precaution Pokémon (けいかいポケモン) |
Illuminate (はっこう) Keen Eye (するどいめ) |
Normal (ノーマル) |
1.1m |
27.0kg |
Moguryu (モグリュー) |
Mole Pokémon (もぐらポケモン) |
Sand Throw (すなかき) Sand Power (すなのちから) |
Ground (じめん) |
0.3m |
8.5kg |
Swanna (スワンナ) |
Swan Pokémon (しらとりポケモン) |
Keen Eye (するどいめ) Pigeon Heart (はとむね) |
Water/Flying (みず/ひこう) |
1.3m |
24.2kg |
Also revealed was the fact that Shikijika (シキジカ) can have different colors depending on the season. The Spring Form color is Pink, the Summer Form color is Green, the Autumn Form color is Orange and the Winter Form color is brown.

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Characters and
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