The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Pokémon Ghosts and the Summer Festival / Chief Golgo and Professor Red Help the Children who can't do the Horizontal Bar Reverse Spin / Chief Golgo Challenges the 'Pokemon Sunday Cup' Champion!' (ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり / ゴルゴ所長・レッド博士が逆上がりのできない子どもたちを手助け / 「ポケモンサンデーカップ」のチャンピオンがゴルゴ所長に挑戦!), aired today in Japan.
This weeks rerun theme, the continuation of last weeks Ghost Pokémon theme, Testing the Shocked Feelings!? Ghost Pokémon Big Special (ドッキリ キモ試し!?ゴートポケモン大特集).
Pokémon Ghosts and the Summer Festival was this weeks repeat episode which features 'The Ghost of Maiden's Peak'.
A preview clip of this weeks episode of
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール),
DP190 - Pokémon Doctor Takeshi! (ポケモンドクター・タケシ!) was played that displayed a few new images. The episode was also promoted throughout the repeat episode on the widescreen pillar bars. The Sinnoh League is now over and Satoshi and friends board a ship that gets attacked by a shoal of Dokukurage. The episode airs on Thursday September 2nd, 2010.

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During the final segment of the show, Baba presented a video showing scenes from the upcoming games Pokémon Black and White. The footage showed the Battle Subway and revealed a new character called the Subway Master.

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