The final episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl aired on Thursday in Japan. The series began its run on September 28th, 2006 and had a total of 191 episodes.
Diamond & Pearl 191 - Memories are Pearls! Friendships are Diamonds!! (思い出はパール!友情はダイヤモンド!!) concludes the journey of Satoshi, Takeshi and Hikari in the Sinnoh region. The series will now be replaced by
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ) which will begin airing on September 23rd, 2010.
Having arrived in Futaba Town, Satoshi and Takeshi rest up at Hikari's house before they head off to the Kanto region. Pochama though is sad that its going to be separated from Pikachu and the others and runs away into the forest.
Characters and
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Pocket Monsters Best Wishes

official Best Wishes website updated just after today's Diamond and Pearl episode concluded. A biography for Don George (ドン・ジョージ) was posted. He will probably make his debut in
BW004 - Battle Club! Mysterious Pokémon Appear!! (バトルクラブ!謎のポケモン現る!!). Below is the biography translation.
Pokémon Battle Clubs are facilities that can improve skills and allow trainers battle each other freely. The Battle manager will give advice on how to improve Pokémon's techniques. (トレーナー同士が自由にバトルして技術を高めあう事ができる施設、「ポケモンバトルクラブ」のバトルマネージャー。時には、新しい技をポケモンに覚えさせたい時にアドバイスをしてくれる。)
Next Thursday, a special entitled:
A Closer Look at the Secrets of the New Games and Anime!! (ポケモン新作ゲーム&アニメのヒミツに迫る!!) which features the cast from Pokémon Sunday, will air. It will showcase the upcoming Pokémon Black and White games as well as the new anime series Best Wishes. A preview was posted on the
official TV Tokyo YouTube page last week and that same preview aired at the end of today's episode but without the new cat Pokémon that was revealed in the original trailer. It is unclear why they removed the Pokémon from this weeks preview. Below are screenshots comparing the segment from both trailers.

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