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DeNA has announced a special event featuring Jessie and Arbok from Team Rocket. The voice actors for the English version of the event will be added at a later date as there was recording scheduling issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Japanese Pocket Monsters anime Rocket Gang voice actors though reprise their roles in this special event and it features Megumi Hayashibara as Musashi, Shin-ichiro Miki as Kojiro and Inuko Inuyama as Nyarth. Our list of COVID-19 postponements has been updated.


Special Event Double Trouble

Special Event: Double Trouble under way! Team up with Jessie & Arbok! Special Event: Double Trouble under way! You can team up with Jessie & Arbok in this event. As Team Rocket members search all over Pasio for the Mythical Pokémon, Celebi, they have a less-than-friendly run-in with Team Break in the forest...

Note: Due to the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the English voice recordings for Jessie, James, and Meowth have been postponed in order to protect the health and safety of all those involved with the recording process. We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask for your understanding as their English voices will be added at a later date.


July 8, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - September 16, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1 : The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2060_2W_2
DeNA has announced that the Legendary Arena: Cobalion has been added and the related missions will be available form July 6th, 2020 to July 20th, 2020.


Legendary Arena: Cobalion Newly Added!

Legendary Arena: Cobalion Available Now! Legendary Arena: Cobalion is a brand new battle area that has just been added today! You can complete the related missions to earn Medals that can only be obtained here!


July 6, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 20, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Legendary Arena Details

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. Each difficulty level has a maximum number of sync pairs that can participate. Sync pairs that have already participated cannot do so again until the challenge has been reset.Strategically form teams for each Legendary Arena challenge and take on the boss!


You can earn Medals and other completion rewards that are only available during this Legendary Arena challenge period!

Note: For more details about missions, tap the Mission Completion Rewards button displayed on the Legendary Arena difficulty selection screen.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2:Defeat Team Break!(Normal)in single-player.
  • To learn more details about the Legendary Arena, tap the Information button on the main Legendary Arena screen.
  • While Legendary Arena missions will also be displayed on the General missions screen, they cannot be attempted outside of the challenge period.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2060_2W_1
DeNA has announced that the monthly item exchange limit has been reset and the lineup of sync pairs obtainable through the daily scout has been updated. Also, a Hilda and Ethan Spotlight Scout will take place from July 2nd, 2020 until July 20th, 2020.

Hilda and Ethan Spotlight Scout


Increased chance to scout Hilda and Ethan!Hilda and Ethan Spotlight Scout under way! Featuring 5★ Hilda & Tepig and 5★ Ethan & Cyndaquil! Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs. 5★ Hilda & Tepig’s sync grid will also be expanded in conjunction with this sync pair scout. In this sync pair scout, you can use the daily discount for only 100 paid gems per scout up to 3 times per day.

About Hilda & Tepig

This Unovan powerhouse charges through with Flare Blitz! Watch her attack with reckless abandon!

About Ethan & Cyndaquil

This skilled Trainer from Johto scorches all opponents at once with Eruption!


July 2, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 20, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • The sync pairs featured in this sync pair scout may also appear in future sync pair scouts.
  • Sync pairs other than the ones mentioned above may appear.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team.
  • To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 11: Alola’s Rising Stars: Part 2 (Normal) in single-player.
  • The number of times the daily discount (100 paid gems per scout) can be used is reset each day. Reset Time: 11:00 p.m.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Scout_2060_1W_3

Item Exchange Reset & Daily Scout Update


Item Exchange Reset & Daily Scout Update! The monthly item exchange limit has been reset. The lineup of sync pairs obtainable through the daily scout has been updated. Note: The daily scout can be used once a day at no cost to obtain various items and team up with new sync pairs.

Reset & Update Date/Time

June 30, 2020 at 11:00 p.m.


  • Items obtained via the daily scout go directly into your Bag.
  • The daily scout can be used once a day.
  • The daily scout is reset every day at 11:00 p.m.
  • The lineup of sync pairs obtainable through the daily scout will be refreshed periodically.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2060_1W_7
DeNA has announced an 5★-Select Scout Limited Time Only event which takes place from July 2nd, 2020 until July 4th, 2020 for the 48 hour Select Scouts and from July 2nd, 2020 to July 9th, 2020 for the week long event.


5★-Select Scout Limited Time Only


Limited Time Only! You can team up with your favorite 5★ sync pair! Two sync pair scouts where you can choose your favorite 5★ sync pair will be available for a limited time only.5★-Select Scout 48 Hours Only! will be available for one time only.

This sync pair scout will only be available for 48 hours. After scouting the initial sync pairs, you can choose one 5★ sync pair of your liking from the featured pool of sync pairs.

5★-Select Scout One Week Only!


5★-Select Scout One Week Only! will be available for one time only. This sync pair scout will only be available for 7 days. After scouting the initial sync pairs, you can choose one 5★ sync pair of your liking from the featured pool of sync pairs.


  • This sync pair scout will appear once you return to the Pokémon Center after using the trial scout.
  • This sync pair scout will appear once you visit the Pokémon Center after fulfilling the above conditions.
  • Each of these sync pair scouts can only be used once.
  • Your chosen 5★ sync pair must be claimed within a certain period. You will not be able to claim them once this period has ended.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
  • This sync pair scout is available using paid gems only.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Scout_2060_1W_2
DeNA has announced that the Story Event Serena’s Dessert Party, the Serena Spotlight Scout and a Fire-Type Training Event is available from June 29th, 2020 to July 20th, 2020.

Story Event Serena’s Dessert Party


Story Event: Serena’s Dessert Party under way! Help Serena put on a party! Story Event: Serena’s Dessert Party under way! Try to get back the ingredients stolen by Team Break and put on a dessert party with Serena! You can earn various rewards by completing different areas. With the new Full-Force Battle feature comes the addition of event medals.


June 29, 2020 at 11:00p.m. - July 20, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Full-Force Battles

Assemble a strong team with a set number of sync pairs for every battle and strive for victory in Full-Force Battles. Your opponent’s remaining HP and fainted Pokémon are carried over until you reset. Sync pairs that have already been assigned to the team cannot be assigned again until you reset.

The sync pairs you will face have various capabilities. Try to form a strategy when creating a team for each battle!

Event Medals

Event medals are awarded for meeting certain conditions in event missions. For info about event medals you have obtained, or how to obtain other event medals, check out the Event Medals tab in the Medals section of the Poryphone menu.

Log-In Bonus Under Way!

A log-in bonus for Serena’s Dessert Party is currently under way to mark the start of the event.

  • Day 1: Gems ×100
  • Day 2: Gems ×100
  • Day 3: Gems ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Gems ×100
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100
  • Day 8: Gems ×100
  • Day 9: Gems ×100
  • Day 10: Gems ×100
  • Day 11: Gems ×100
  • Day 12: Gems ×100
  • Day 13: Gems ×100
  • Day 14: Gems ×100


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • When the exchange period for the vouchers obtained in this event ends, leftover vouchers will be converted into coins (10 coins per voucher) and sent to your Present Box.
  • To attempt missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • If you have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player during the mission period, you will have fulfilled the conditions for the missions leading up to it and can claim your rewards.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • To claim log-in bonuses, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • Log-in bonuses are sent to your Present Box.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed during the specified time period.
  • Log-in bonuses sent to the Present Box can only be claimed for a limited period of time.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed once per day.
  • Up to 14 log-in bonuses can be claimed.
  • Log-in bonuses are reset each day at 11:00 p.m.
  • If you are already logged in, you will need to return to the Pokémon Center and claim them from your Present Box.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2060_1W_1

Serena Spotlight Scout


Increased chance to scout newly released Serena & Fennekin! Serena Spotlight Scout under way! This sync pair scout currently features 5★ Serena & Fennekin, which will come in handy during Story Event: Serena’s Dessert Party!

Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs. The sync grids of 5★ Serena & Fennekin will be expanded upon their release.

About Serena & Fennekin

This accomplished Trainer from the Kalos region puts her opponents to sleep to gain the upper hand!


June 29, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 20, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • The sync pairs featured in this sync pair scout may also appear in future sync pair scouts.
  • Sync pairs other than the ones mentioned above may appear.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team.
  • To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 11: Alola’s Rising Stars: Part 2 (Normal) in single-player.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Scout_2060_1W_1

Fire-Type Training Event

Fire-Type Training Event under way! You can strengthen your Fire types! You can check out the Fire-Type Training Event during the time period below. You can collect Fire Vouchers and exchange them for Move Candies in the Exchange Items menu to strengthen your sync moves during this event!

You can also take on Ultra Hard difficulty battles once per day. You can complete this battle to get the Fire Super Voucher, which can be exchanged for even more amazing items.

Event Details

You can strengthen Fire-type sync pairs with ease during this event since opposing sync pairs will all be weak to Fire-type attacks. You can prepare your favorite Fire-type sync pairs and take them on!

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!


June 29, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 20, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • When the exchange period for the vouchers obtained in this event ends, leftover vouchers will be converted into coins (10 coins per voucher) and sent to your Present Box.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2060_1W_3
DeNA has announce dthat from June 17th, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. until July 1st, 2020 at 10:59 p.m., players of Pokémon Masters will be able to participate in the Unova Rally events. special conversation icon above them. Make sure to talk to them to collect awesome presents.

Unova Rally


The following Unova Rally events are currently under way. During the rally, sync pairs from Unova will appear in the Pokémon Center with presents. Sync pairs with presents will have a special conversation icon above them. Make sure to talk to them to collect awesome presents.


June 17, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 1, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Story Event: The Importance of Elegance is back!

Explore Pasio with Caitlin! Some rewards and mission content have been renewed since the event was last held. Note: Check out the event notification for more information.

Special Event: Challenge Unova!

It’s a test of skills against Trainers from Unova! Note: Check out the event notification for more information.

Unova Rally Log-In Bonus

You can log in every day and get lots of non-paid gems and items for training!

  • Day 1: Gems ×100
  • Day 2: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 3: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100
  • Day 8: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 9: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 10: Gems ×100
  • Day 11: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 12: Co-op Sync Orb ×100
  • Day 13: Gems ×100
  • Day 14: Gems ×100


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1 : The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • Log-in bonuses are sent to your Present Box.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed during the specified time period.
  • Log-in bonuses sent to the Present Box can only be claimed for a limited period of time.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed once per day.
  • Up to 14 log-in bonuses can be claimed.
  • Log-in bonuses are reset each day at 11:00 p.m.
  • If you are already logged in, you will need to return to the Pokémon Center and claim them from your Present Box.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Campaign_2050_4W_1

Story Event - The Importance of Elegance


Story Event: The Importance of Elegance is back! Explore Pasio with Caitlin! The Importance of Elegance is an event that lets you explore Pasio with Caitlin! Complete event areas to earn various rewards. Note: Some rewards and mission content have been renewed.


June 17, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 1, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1 : The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • When the exchange period for the vouchers obtained in this event ends, leftover vouchers will be converted into coins (10 coins per voucher) and sent to your Present Box.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2050_4W_1

Special Event Challenge Unova!


Special Event : Challenge Unova! under way! You can take on Gym Leaders and the Champion from Unova in this event! Use this event to test the skills of the sync pairs you have trained!


June 17, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - July 1, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1 : The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2050_4W_2
DeNA has announced that a Legendary Arena: Entei has been added, New Main Story Chapters have been added and there is a Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor log-in bonus.

Legendary Arena: Entei Newly Added!


Legendary Arena: Entei Available Now! Legendary Arena: Entei is a brand new battle area that has just been added today! You can complete the related missions to earn Medals that can only be obtained here!


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 24, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.

Legendary Arena Details

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. Each difficulty level has a maximum number of sync pairs that can participate. Sync pairs that have already participated cannot do so again until the challenge has been reset.

Strategically form teams for each Legendary Arena challenge and take on the boss!


You can earn Medals and other completion rewards that are only available during this Legendary Arena challenge period! Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Note: For more details about missions, tap the Mission Completion Rewards button displayed on the Legendary Arena difficulty selection screen.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • To learn more details about the Legendary Arena, tap the Information button on the main Legendary Arena screen.
  • While Legendary Arena missions will also be displayed on the General missions screen, they cannot be attempted outside of the challenge period.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2055_3W_1

About the Legendary Arena

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area where you can form multiple teams and take on the challenge using a set number of sync pairs. Each difficulty level has a maximum number of sync pairs that can participate. Sync pairs that have already participated cannot do so again until the challenge has been reset.

The Legendary Arena features multiple difficulty levels. Completing a lower difficulty will allow you to attempt the next one. You can earn rewards by dealing a certain amount of damage to a boss during battle, as well as by completing missions. See if you can complete all of the difficulty levels!

Carried-Over Opponent Stats
In the Legendary Arena, your opponent’s remaining HP and status conditions, etc. are carried over until the challenge is reset. A boss’s attack patterns and other moves will change after you deal a certain amount of damage to them.

Special Parameters
There are special parameters for every battle in the Legendary Arena. These special parameters can be found on the Area Details screen.

Arena Rewards
Arena rewards can be obtained from the Legendary Arena and can be viewed by tapping the Arena Rewards icon. Medals and damage rewards are obtainable as arena rewards.

You can acquire them by completing the specified missions.
Damage Rewards
These can be acquired by dealing a certain amount of damage to a boss. Damage rewards are comprised of first-time rewards and battle rewards. First-time rewards can only be acquired once. Battle rewards can be acquired after each reset.

Mission Completion Rewards
You are rewarded for completing all the missions in the Legendary Arena. Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Once you have started a Legendary Arena challenge, you cannot attempt any others until the challenge is reset. The information below is reset.

  • Current challenge status
  • Ally participation count
  • Your opponent’s HP and status conditions
  • Damage reward progress

Tap the Reset button to reset.

Auto Reset
Your progress will be automatically reset after a week has elapsed since you last attempted the Legendary Arena.

Quitting / Deleting Interrupted Play Data
Deleting play data from a quit game or interrupted play data in Legendary Arena battles will revert you to your status prior to participating in a battle.


  • To attempt Legendary Arena missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • Check out the separate notice for more information about the Legendary Arena challenge period.
  • While Legendary Arena missions will also be displayed on the General missions screen, they cannot be attempted outside of the challenge period.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2055_3W_2

New Main Story Chapters Added!


New chapters have been added to the Main Story! A Main Story Support Log-In Bonus will also be available to celebrate the Main Story additions.

Log-In Bonus Details

  • Day 1: Gems ×100
  • Day 2: Gems ×100
  • Day 3: Gems ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Gems ×100
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 17, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To unlock these new story chapters, you must complete Chapter 24 in the Main Story.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.
  • To claim log-in bonuses, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • Log-in bonuses are sent to your Present Box.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed during the specified time period.
  • Log-in bonuses sent to the Present Box can only be claimed for a limited period of time.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed once per day.
  • Up to 7 log-in bonuses can be claimed.
  • Log-in bonuses are reset each day at 11:00 p.m.
  • If you are already logged in, you will need to return to the Pokémon Center and claim them from your Present Box.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2050_3W_1

Double Feature Spotlight Scout

Increased chance to scout Sygna Suit Grimsley and Sygna Suit Elesa! Double Feature Spotlight Scout under way! Featuring 5★ Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo and 5★ Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom! Featured sync pairs have a higher chance of appearing than non-featured 5★ sync pairs. The sync grids of 5★ Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo will be expanded upon their release.

About Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo

Surf’s up with Grimsley, sporting a new sygna suit, as he overwhelms opponents with fierce attacks!

About Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom

Elesa serves up a sygna suit look as she lends her teammates a hand with their sync moves!


June 10, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 24, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • The sync pairs featured in this sync pair scout may also appear in future sync pair scouts.
  • To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 11: Alola’s Rising Stars: Part 2 (Normal) in single-player.
  • Sync pairs other than the ones mentioned above may appear.
  • Please note that you cannot have two or more sync pairs that include Trainers with the same name in your team. Example: Brock & Onix and Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
  • To check the available sync pairs and their respective offering rates, go to the Offering Rate section on the Sync Pair Scout screen.
  • Please read the Notes section under Offering Rate on the Sync Pair Scout screen before using the feature.

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Scout_2050_3W_1

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor log-in bonus


Part 1 of the Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor, is coming soon!

To celebrate, #PokemonMasters will have a log-in bonus! This is your chance to stock up on training items like Gym Leader Notes, co-op sync orbs, and more!

Source: https://twitter.com/PokemonMasters/status/1270762655268122624

The producer of Pokémon Master Yu Sasaki posted an open letter about the game on the Pokémon Master's official website. The letter addresses the upcoming changes to the game including New content, Updates to make sync pairs more exciting and their approach to improving existing features.

A Message from the Pokémon Masters Team (Vol. 11)

Greetings, Trainers. We’re the producers of Pokémon Masters, Yu Sasaki and Tetsuya Iguchi, here with a new message for you. Today, we’ll discuss how we’re expanding the game’s content as we approach our first anniversary and celebrate this exciting milestone with fans.

We’ll also tell you about our plans to make sync pairs even more exciting, as well as how we’re improving existing features. We would like to thank all of you for sharing feedback on the new features mentioned in our last message, including responses to the survey made available in May.

Discussion Topics

In this message, we’ll discuss the following:

  • New content
  • Updates to make sync pairs more exciting
  • Our approach to improving existing features

New Content and Updates to Make Sync Pairs More Exciting

We appreciate the feedback we’ve received regarding sync pairs, and we plan to improve them in the following ways.

Streamlining Sync Pair Training

We’re currently developing new ways to strengthen sync pairs. We plan to release these around the first anniversary of the game, so we hope you are looking forward to it.

Sygna Suits and Seasonal Sync Pairs

One of fans’ most frequent requests is to see more new sync pairs as well as existing sync pairs in both sygna suits and special seasonal outfits.

Many sync pairs that haven’t debuted yet are on their way, and we’re working to ensure that sync pairs in sygna suits and seasonal outfits will appear more frequently than before.

We’ll be introducing new season-exclusive sync pairs in our next message, so stay tuned.

Battling Champions


*Game screens are not final.

As previously discussed, we are introducing a new battle feature that will allow players to face off against Elite Four members and Champions. With this feature, we’re hoping to re-create the same challenging thrills that Trainers experience when battling in the Pokémon League in Pokémon RPGs.

You can enter these battles with multiple sync pairs, but winning will require strategy that is different from the approach used in other battles. More details will come in a future message.

Egg Events

Events based on Pokémon Eggs are coming in July. Each Pokémon you can get from these events will be different, as each one’s role and the number of passive skills it has will be random.

There will also be a very rare chance that a Shiny Pokémon will hatch, so we encourage all Trainers to try to find their favorite Pokémon.

In addition to developing these features, we’re also working on expanding existing content and preparing new events. There is a new legendary event coming, too, so we hope you’re looking forward to it!

Our Approach to Improving Existing Features

In May’s survey, we collected feedback about our three planned improvements to existing features:

  • Reduced time spent battling for items
  • Easier identification of battles that reward items
  • A change to the number of playable battles per day
Survey responses indicate that many players want to obtain items more efficiently—even if the number of battle attempts is limited.

Based on this feedback, we will be launching a new stamina system on a trial basis to solicit additional player input that will help us create the best possible experience.

Why We Are Revising the Current System

With the current system, you can obtain a set number of items based on the time you spend playing, and anytime you are not actively repeating a battle, you may miss out on the opportunity to obtain more items.

With the stamina system, you’ll instead receive a much higher number of items in a short time, and the time you save will go toward recharging your stamina.

Ultimately, we hope to reduce the time spent repeating the same battles and provide a more balanced gameplay experience for everyone. To give you an idea of what to expect, here’s a detailed explanation of this new system.

Where Stamina Is Applicable

Stamina will be consumed each time you battle in the following areas, and consumed stamina will recover over time.

  • Main Story (single-player only)
  • Level-Up Area
  • Cap-Unlock Area
  • Sync Orb Area
  • Evolution Material Area
  • Some events
No new limits will be imposed on the Legendary Arena, the Battle Villa, co-op battles in general (EX Challenge, Battle Villa, or main story), or certain other event battles. You can continue to play those battles as much as you want.

Because this new system will impact game balance, we’re launching it on a trial basis, during which we’ll be listening to your feedback and making improvements along the way—even reverting back to the current system if needed.

Regardless, we are working hard to ensure the final result is enjoyable for our players, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Reduced Time Spent Battling for Items and Easier Identification of Battles That Reward Items

The current Training Area will be renamed the EX Plaza, and battles found in courses and supercourses will be redesigned as part of a brand-new Training Area.

To simplify the process of collecting the items you want, we’re making it so you can easily tell which items are obtainable from which areas.

  • Level-Up Area
  • Cap-Unlock Area
  • Sync Orb Area
  • Evolution Material Area
We’ll explain these new areas using the Sync Orb Area as an example.

After completing a battle in the Sync Orb Area, you’ll obtain co-op sync orbs based on the battle’s difficulty. There will be a maximum of 10 attempts available per day in the Sync Orb Area. Up to 90 items will be obtainable with each attempt, making it possible to acquire up to 900 co-op sync orbs each day.

As this feature is currently in development, certain details may change prior to launch, so stay tuned to future updates.

You may recall that we previously announced there would be a new way to obtain sync orbs for specific sync pairs. However, we decided to only make co-op sync orbs obtainable from the Sync Orb Area to let you choose which sync pairs to power up.

You will still be able to obtain co-op sync orbs from various events and other areas as well.

What to Expect in the Next Message

In our next message, which is scheduled for late July, we’ll go over our plans for future updates and the anniversary celebration in more detail.

We’re always working hard to deliver updates and improvements that make the world of Pokémon Masters as fun as possible. Until next time, thank you for playing Pokémon Masters.

Pokémon Masters Producer: Yu Sasaki
Operations Producer: Tetsuya Iguchi

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Other_2050_4W_1
DeNA has announced that a new Medals feature has been added to Pokémon Masters as of version 1.10.5. You can obtain Medals by meeting set conditions when completing some battles or missions.


New Medals Feature Added!

A new Medals feature has been added! Note: Changes will be reflected after updating to Ver. 1.10.5 or higher. The exact time the update becomes available may differ for each player. Note: Please try again later if the update is not available.

Medals Details

You can obtain Medals by meeting set conditions when completing some battles or missions.

You can check out the Medals section of the Poryphone menu for information about the Medals you have already earned, as well as how to obtain other Medals.

You can select up to three Medals as your favorites, which will be visible to your friends via Friend List.

If you get your hands on a rare one, go ahead and set it as a favorite and show it off to your friends!

Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Update_2055_1W_2
DeNA has announced that a Water-Type Training Event will take place from June 3rd, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. until June 17th, 2020 at 10:59 p.m. Also, Medals and the Legendary Arena will be added as new features soon.


Water-Type Training Event

Water-Type Training Event under way! You can strengthen your Water types! You can check out the Water-Type Training Event during the time period below. You can collect Water Vouchers and exchange them for items to upgrade the sync moves of Misty & Starmie and Barry & Piplup during this event!

Also, the sync grids of Misty & Starmie and Barry & Piplup will be expanded in conjunction with this event.

Event Details

You can strengthen Water-type sync pairs with ease during this event since opposing sync pairs will all be weak to Water-type attacks. You can prepare your favorite Water-type sync pairs, and take them on!

Event Missions

You can take on special missions during the event period. Check the Missions screen to learn more!


June 3, 2020 at 11:00 p.m. - June 17, 2020 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • To acquire items that strengthen Barry & Piplup's sync move via item exchange, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 2: Defeat Team Break! (Normal) in single-player.
  • This event is scheduled to reoccur in the future.
  • Each time the event comes around, the number of times the following special sync pair items can be obtained will be reset.

    • Misty & Starmie
    • Barry & Piplup
  • To unlock the sync grid, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 11: Alola’s Rising Stars: Part 2 (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • When the exchange period for the vouchers obtained in this event ends, leftover vouchers will be converted into coins (10 coins per voucher) and sent to your Present Box.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • The time period and featured content are subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Event_2050_2W_1

New Features Coming Soon!

Medals and the Legendary Arena coming soon! Medals and the Legendary Arena will be added as new features soon.

Medals Details

You can obtain Medals by meeting set conditions when completing some battles or missions.

Legendary Arena Details

You can form multiple teams to take on this new kind of challenge using a set number of sync pairs. The bosses you will face in the Legendary Arena are strong opponents with a lot of HP, but if you plan out your team strategy right, you’ll be able to take control of the battlefield with ease.

Water-type attacks are effective against the first boss you'll come up against, so take advantage of the Water-Type Training Event currently under way to train your favorite sync pairs!


  • The content is subject to change without notice.
Source: https://pokemonmasters-game.com/en-US/announcements/Notice_2050_5W_1