ANA has collaborated with The Pokémon Company to create the world's first in-flight safety video featuring Pokémon. With this collaboration, they aim to provide excitement to their customers and provide an in-flight safety video that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The video will be shown...
The Pokémon Air Adventures Flying Pikachu Project, developed by The Pokémon Company, and the ANA Group are expanding their collaborative efforts. The Eevee Jet NH will be the second Flying Pikachu Project aircraft for the ANA Group, and it will begin operation on August 31st, 2023 with a Boeing ...
ANA and The Pokémon Company has introduced the Pikachu Jet NH, a specially painted aircraft that will fly the international skies, servicing various countries and regions around the world starting on June 4th, 2023. ANA and Pokémon to take Pikachu Jet to the skies on "Pokémon Air Adventures" Coll...