Title: Re: PS 310: まさかの最終回!ポケサンカンパニー解散!?/Masaka no saishūkai! Pokés...
Oh I'm gonna miss Chimchar and Lucario, even the members who might not return like Slowpoke dan. He was hilarious. Unless Robert is slowpoke dan. anyways, nice to see a montage filled with memories. I love Lucario and Slowpoke.
Are we going to add the music BGM for the special? I've got four so far.Wigglytuff's guild plays at the beginning, following a prelude of the PMD Introduction, The Dark Future (hard to hear, but listen closely as Grovle speaks about Dialga and the fall of Temporal Tower) ,Sea of Time melody (voyage to the hidden land) and Grovle's departure plays a sad Sea of Time melody, the slow paced one. Thanks!