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PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!

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Staff Birthdays for 2025-02-13
Happy birthday to the following staff! Check out staff biographies in our Staff Database.
Official Movie 11 English Dub Website

The Official Movie 11 English Dub Website has opened and has posted a trailer, Character biographies, Wallpapers, Screenshots and a storyline for the upcoming movie. Most character names will be the same as the Japanese version but the big change is Mugen Graceland. His name has been changed to N...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 110

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 110 - Gen and Lucario! (ゲンとルカリオ!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Having been contacted by his rival Jun, Satoshi and his friends travel to Iron Island to met up with him. When arriving at the Pokemon Center, Satoshi finds out that Jun isn't th...

Latest Issue of Corocoro announces Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky

Images from the latest Corocoro issue have leaked onto 2ch. The game is called: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky (空の探検隊 - Sora no Tankentai). Five 5 new starter Pokémon have been announced and they are: Riolu, Shinx, Vulpix, Phanpy & Eevee. The game is due out in Japan in the spring for...

Pokemon Sunday 221

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Return to Kurogane Gym! Decisive Match with Rampard!!' / 'New Year's Challenge Quiz!' (ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「クロガネジムふたたび!決戦ラムパルド!!」 「お正月チャレンジクイズ!」), aired on Sunday in Japan. This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is クロガネジムふたたび!決戦ラムパルド!! (Retur...

'Beat of the Frontier' TCG Expansion Announced - March 6th 2009

The latest Japanese TCG expansion, Bonds to the End of Time, was released on December 26th. Only a few weeks after the release of the last expansion set, 'Beat of the Frontier' TCG Expansion 「拡張パック フロンティアの鼓動」 has been announced and is scheduled for release on March 6th, 2009. Packs will be sold for ...

Platinum Prerelease Tournaments Announced

Prerelease tournaments allow you to receive and play with cards from upcoming expansions two weeks prior to the official release date of the set! Discover New Worlds and New Formes … Early! The latest Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion, Pokémon TCG: Platinum, is coming to stores on February 11. ...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 109

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 109 - The Stray Hoeruko! (迷子のホエルコ!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi and Pikachu are stuck in the sewer after Rocket Gang attacked them. They befriend a bunch of the Pokemon there. Will they be able to help the Pokemon free a Hoeruko who...

Two 'Platinum' TCG Cards Revealed

The official TCG website has posted information about two of the upcoming cards that will be part of the new expansion 'Platinum'. Below is information about the two cards. You can click on either card to get a higher resolution. Honchkrow [G] Pokémon TCG: Platinum introduces new Pokémon owned b...

Two New Extra Missions Reveal Dialga and Palkia

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia allows you to download very rare special and extra missions by connecting to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Two new extra missions are now waiting for you on Ranger Net: "Dialga in Hia Valley!" and "Palkia in Haruba Desert!". To play these extra missions, you'll need to ...

Pokemon Sunday 220

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Big Charge of Ancient Pokémon!' / 'Pokémon New Year's Party! (ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「古代ポケモン大進撃!」 「ポケサン新年会開催!」), aired on Sunday in Japan. This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is 古代ポケモン大進撃!(Big Charge of Ancient Pokémon!) which is the seventee...

Pokemon Sunday 219

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Zugaidos VS Pikachu' / 'PokeSan Quiz Grand Prix Exhibition! (ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「ズガイドスVSピカチュウ!」「ポケサンクイズグランプリ開催!」), aired on Sunday in Japan. This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is ズガイドスVSピカチュウ!(Zugaidos VS Pikachu) which is the sixteenth ...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 108

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 108 - Mio Gym Match! Steel Battle!! (ミオジム戦!はがねのバトル!!), aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi has challenge gym Leader Tougan to a battle. Tougan's son Hyouta is the officiator for the match. Will Satoshi be victorious? Pictures from this e...