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Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 12 Pokémon the movie! / International-bu to Adventure-bu ga Pokémon no card sagashi de taiketsu! / Pokémon battle wa Shokotan-buchō / Goods present kikaku
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 12 Pokémon the Movie! / The International Division and the Adventure Division's Pokémon Card Searching Showdown! / Director Shoko-tan's Pokémon Battle / Goods Present Project
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 13 ジャングルのさんびき! おんせんバトル!! / 「なりきり写真」を送ってくれた方にプレゼントを届ける / AAAがポケスマ!ED曲を披露 / プレゼント・ポケスマメンバーのポケモンと交換
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 13 Jungle no sanbiki! Onsen battle!! / 'Narikiri shashin' wo okuttekureta e ni present wo todokeru / AAA ga PokéSma! EDkyoku wo hirō / Present - PokéSma member no Pokémon to kōkan
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 13 The Jungle Trio! Hot Spring Battle!! / Delivering Presents to Those who Sent in 'Cosplay Pictures' / AAA Perform the PokéSma ED Tune / Presents: Trade Pokémon with the PokéSma Members
Cover Image English: PWV 1 Christmas Night
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 1 クリスマスであそぼ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PWV 1 Christmas de asobo!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PWV 1 Let's Play on Christmas!
Cover Image English: PWV 2 Kanga Games
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 2 雪であそぼ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PWV 2 Yuki de asobo!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PWV 2 Let's Play in the Snow!
Cover Image English: PWV 3 Winter Games
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 3 こおりであそぼう
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PWV 3 Koori de asobō
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PWV 3 Let's Play on the Ice
Cover Image English: PWV 4 Stantler's Little Helpers
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 4 クリスマスの夜
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PWV 4 Christmas no yoru
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PWV 4 Christmas Night
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 5 デリバードのプレゼント
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PWV 5 Delibird no present
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PWV 5 Delibird's Presents
Cover Image Japanese: PWV 6 ホワイトストーリー