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Cover Image English: PTMS 5 Hoopa, the Mischief Pokémon
Cover Image Japanese: PTMS 5 おでまし小魔神フーパ
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): PTMS 5 Odemashi shōmajin Hoopa
Cover Image Japanese (TL): PTMS 5 The Minidjinni of the Word "Appear!": Hoopa
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 73 ポケットモンスターXY特別編「最強メガシンカ ~Act II~」 / 「ポケテレなんでも収集団」第2弾、トレンディエンジェル等がポケモンウエハースチョコのシールのコンプリートに挑戦!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 73 Pocket Monsters XY tokubetsu-hen 'saikyō megashinka ~Act II~' / 'Pokétele nandemo shūshū-dan' dai2dan, Trendy Angel nado ga Pokémon Wafers Choko no seal no complete ni chōsen!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 73 Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ / In the Second Installment of 'PokéTV Anything and Everything Collection Team', Trendy Angel etc Attempt to Complete a Collection of Pokémon Wafer Chocolate Stickers!
Cover Image English: MES 4 Pokémon: Mega Evolution Special IV
Cover Image Japanese: MES 4 ポケットモンスター XY 特別編 最強メガシンカ ~Act IV~
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): MES 4 Pocket Monsters XY tokubetsu-hen - Saikyō Megashinka ~Act IV~
Cover Image Japanese (TL): MES 4 Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act IV~
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 74 ピカチュウとデデンネ! ほっぺすりすり!! / 「あばれる君のポケモン交換の旅」ORAS編4回目は福岡県、次世代WHFに潜入!? / 視聴者バトルはしょこたん!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 74 Pikachu to Dedenne! Hoppesurisuri!! / 'Abareru-kun no Pokémon kōkan no tabi' ORAS-hen 4kaime wa Fukuoka-ken, Jisedai WHF ni sennyū!? / Shichōsha battle wa Shoko-tan!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 74 Pikachu and Dedenne! Nuzzle!! / In the Fourth Installment of the ORAS edition of 'Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey', He Goes to Fukuoka and Sneaks Into the Next Generation WHF!? / The Television Viewer Battle is Against Shoko-tan!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 75 ハクダンジム戦! 華麗なるビビヨンの舞バトル!! / 「オードリー春日のコンテストスターへの道」第2回は徳島県の力餅大会に出場 / 「ピカチュウ今なにチュウ!?」も放送!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 75 Hakudan Gym sen! Kareinaru Vivillon no mai-battle!! / 'Audrey Kasuga no Contest Star e no michi' dai2kai wa Tokushima-ken no Chikara-mochi taikai ni shutsujō / 'Pikachu ima nani-chū!?' mo hōsō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 75 Hakudan Gym Match! The Elegant Vivillon's Dance Battling!! / In the Second Installment of 'Kasuga from Audrey's Road to Becoming a Contest Star', He Particiates in the Chikara-mochi Tournament in Tokushima / 'Pikachu, What'chu Doin' Now!?'
Cover Image English: XY 69 Defending the Homeland!
Cover Image Japanese: XY 69 湿地帯の戦い!ヌメルゴン対フラージェス
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): XY 69 Shitchitai no tatakai! Numelgon tai Florges
Cover Image Japanese (TL): XY 69 A Fight in the Wetlands! Numelgon VS Florges
Cover Image German: XY 69 Verteidigt die Heimat!
Cover Image French: XY 69 Muplodocus et l'attaque du marais !
Cover Image Spanish: XY 69 ¡Defendiendo la tierra natal!
Cover Image Swedish: XY 69 Hemtrakternas försvarare!