Golgo and Maria introduced the anime rerun theme for this week which was once again the Pokémon Library (ポケモンライブラリー). This weeks episode,
Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!? ! is from the
orginal series. The episode features a bunch of Magnemite and Grimer as the power as been disrupted at the power plant and Satoshi and friends go to investigate.
Yamamoto explains that the new character on the anime series, Dent is a Pokémon Sommelier. Akiyama asks if anyone knows what a Pokémon Sommelier and no one responds and Shoko-tan looks clueless. A clip featuring Dent from
BW005 is then shown to explain what a Pokémon Sommelier is and Dent states: "Based on their abundance of knowledge and experience, they determine the compatibility between Trainer and Pokémon and give them advice on how to become better friends. That's our duty as Pokémon Sommeliers."

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Robert go out on a great investigation to find out information about different types of Sommeliers. Baba dresses up as Dent as they went out on their investigation. This first stop was
Takashimaya Nihonbashi, Tokyo (東京 日本橋 高島屋), a multi-floor department store in Chuo Ward. There they met Wine Vinegar Sommelier
Uchibori Mitsuyasu (酢ムリエ 内堀光康) at his Oaks Heart (オークスハート) fruit vinegar stand. He introduces himself as a "su sommelier", a "summelier", "su" being Japanese for vinegar (私は酢のソムリエ酢ムリエと申します).

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Yamamoto was the first to sample a provided drink, a Raspberry dessert vinegar (飲む木いちごの酢). Yamamoto takes a small sip and quickly replies that its really good. The narrator explains that the drink is quite sweet and is intended as a complement drink with dessert. The next drink sampled was Muscat Vinegar (飲むマスカットの酢), another Dessert Vinegar which Baba tried. Baba says "Sweet" (あまい) after he tastes it. Made from Muscat grapes, the grapes are typically used for dessert wines. The final drink, Super Vinegar 20 (スーパービネガー) was tasted by Akiyama. He takes a small sip and its quite evident that he didn't like it because he began to choke and cough and wasn't able to respond. The Super Vinegar 20 is the most acidic vinegar in the world made from rice. Akiyama and Uchibori Mitsuyasu then had a blind tasting test to see if they could tell what the drink was that they were drinking and were told to comment on it. Uchibori Mitsuyasu was easily able to beat Akiyama.

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Robert's next stop was the Great Lantern Rice Shop in Asagaya, Tokyo (東京 阿佐ヶ谷 大提燈米穀店) in Suginami ward. There they met Rice Sommelier Akira Nakashima (中島晢). Robert asked him about the what makes the best tasting rice (美味しいお米の条件). He replied that there are three things that affect the taste and quality of rice: 1. Seasonal temperature difference (四季の温度差), 2. Lot of nutrients (栄養分が多い土), 3. Clean Water (キレイな水).
Akira and Yamamoto did a tasting test to see if they could identify what they were tasting. There were three types of rice that they had to choose from. Koshihikari (コシヒカリ) is a popular variety of rice cultivated in Japan in the Uonuma area as it is one of the most expensive rice in all of Japan. Hitomebore (ひとめぼれ) is a short grain rice and the grains are glossy and soft when cooked but have a sticky yet smooth texture and Akita Komachi (あきたこまち) rice. Akira won the tasting test by correctly identifying the Koshihikari rice.

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Director Masuda from GAME FREAK was in studio on today's episode to announce the details of the first Pokémon Smash Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection download event. The
official Japanese Pokémon website as well as the latest issue of CoroCoro magazine announced earlier in the week that event will begin on
October 22nd, 2010 and will run until November 29th, 2010. The rare 5th generation ice-type Pokémon
Kumashun (クマシュン) will be available to download. It is also special because it can learn the following attacks:
Cut (いあいぎり),
Strength (かいりき) and
Surf (なみのり). The OT is PokéSma (ポケスマ), its IDno. is 10220,
Kumashun (クマシュン) is stored in a Cherish Ball and its level 15.

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