The announcer introduced the show by saying: "Today we'll feature Dragon Selection. The more you learn the more exciting your Pokémon Card Game will be! Pokémon Smash!". The crew was looking at Shoko-tan who said she had got a
Tatsubay (タツベイ) from the Pokémon Center as part of the
Alternate Colored Dragon Egg event that was being held to commemorate year of the Dragon. Baba told Shoko-tan that she could eventually evolve it to a
Bohmander (ボーマンダ).
Baba then introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Let's all work together! (みんなで力を合わせよう!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Kairyu! Outrage Activates!! (カイリュー!げきりんはつどう!) from the
original series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

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After the Pokémon Library the International Division girls showed up and Misaki was holding a white egg with green dots. The they ended up playing a game where a balloon was slowly filled with air and they passed it along as each person named a different Dragon type Pokémon. Golgo started and he chose:
Sazandora (サザンドラ), Professor Red was next and he initially chose
Mijumaru (ミジュマル) only to realize it wasn't a Dragon type so he quickly said
Rayquaza (レックウザ), Shoko-tan said
Kairyu (カイリュー), Misaki said
Reshiram (レシラム), Hana said
Zekrom (ゼクロム), Maria quickly said
Kyurem (キュレム), Yamamoto took his time and finally said
Palkia, Akiyama said
Onondo (オノンド), with the balloon getting bigger Baba quickly said
Ononokus (オノノクス), heading back down the line Aikyama finally managed to pronounce
Crimgan (クリムガン) properly, Yamamoto said
Monozu (モノズ), Maria said
Tattu (タッツー) and passed it on to Hana when the balloon exploded. Golgo though interjected and said
Tattu (タッツー) wasn't a Dragon type so it shouldn't have been passed to Hana. The announcer then reminded viewers once again about the
Dragon Egg event at the Pokémon Centers.
For the VTR for the episode, the Adventure Division and International Division had a Pokémon Card Battle using cards from
Dragon Selection (ドラゴンセレクション).
Teacher Takashima returned once again to referee the match and give information about the new card set. He also introduced the new Dragon type that made its debut in the
Dragon Selection. He also noted that none of the moves in the Dragon Selection set actually require Dragon energy but instead other types of Energy. The Teams were split up once again and each had a card assigned to them. Hana Team featured: Hana (
Latios/ラティオス DS 10/20), Akiyama (
Haxorus/オノノクス DS 16/20) and Yamamoto (
Dragonite/カイリュー DS 5/20). Maria Team featured: Maria (
Latias/ラティアス DS 9/20), Misaki (
Salamence/ボーマンダ DS 8/20) and Baba (
Rayquaza/レックウザ DS 11/20). They played a modified version of the TCG for the show and there was a spinning wheel that had all the energy cards listed. Each player on their turn would spin the wheel and whichever spot it landed on they would get an energy card based on that type.
Baba Rayquaza VS Yamamoto Dragonite
First up was Baba (
Rayquaza/レックウザ DS 11/20) VS Yamamoto (
Dragonite/カイリュー DS 5/20) and Baba went first. He got a Darkness energy on his spin so he couldn't use any attacks. Yamamoto spun next and he got a Fighting energy. Baba spun the second time and got another Darkness and Yamamoto got a Fire energy on his second spin. On his third spin Baba added a larger pie shaped piece to the wheel for Lightning energy and he was able to get the Lightning Energy. On Yamamoto's third spin he got a Lightning energy as well and only needed a Grass energy to use his move. On Baba's forth spin he needed a Fire energy but just missed it and got another Darkness energy. On Yamamoto's fourth spin he added a large pie shape for Grass energy to the wheel but he just missed getting it. Akiyama couldn't believe it but Maria team cheered. On the fifth turn Baba got his Fire energy and used
Tear Up (ひきさく) which normally deals 90 damage. To emulate the move, two guys showed up and ripped off Yamamoto's clothes.
Hana Latios VS Maria Latias
The second matchup was Hana (
Latios/ラティオス DS 10/20) vs Maria (
Latias/ラティアス DS 9/20). They played a different game to get the energy they needed for their cards. They each put on helmets and pads and a bungie cord was attached to them. At either end of the gym was a line of energy cards that they had to get to. Maria seemed to overpower Hana from the start and was able to get the Fire and Psychic energy cards she needed to use the
Sky Gain (スカイゲイン) attack. To emulate the attack Hana held onto a large fabric elastic band with her teeth while Maria pulled it back as far as it would go and then let it go.
Akiyama Haxorus VS Misaki Salamence
The third battle was Akiyama (
Haxorus/オノノクス DS 16/20) vs Misaki (
Salamence/ボーマンダ DS 8/20). Their battle was split into 4 parts: A four-legged race, a net, a flour pan and a balance beam. Each team was part of the four legged race. Akiyama both went under the net and did the flour pan. On the balance beam Akiyama and Misaki were attacked with volley balls. Misaki ended up getting all the energy she needed first to use
Tear Up (ひきさく). Akiyama had a face on his body that he didn't want people to see.
In the studio battle, 11 year old Haruya Shiki battled against Dragon Elite Four Member Baba. He only managed to defeat one of Baba's Pokémon.
Mijumaru Tweet Corner
In the Mijumaru Tweet Corner, the third Best Wishes ending
A Seven-colored Arch (七色アーチ) was introduced to the Smash audience and a special preview for the upcoming Best Wishes episode
Double Battle! Pikachu and Waruvile VS Pendror and Gamageroge!! (ダブルバトル!ピカチュウ・ワルビルVSペンドラー・ガマゲロゲ!!) was also shown.

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