Title: New Diamond and Pearl Intro and Ending: High Touch! & Ashita...
「ハイタッチ!」 (High Touch!)
サトシとヒカリによるパワフル&元気なポケモン初のデュエットソング!(Satoshi and Hikari sing their first cheerful and powerful Pokemon duet!)
作詞:戸田昭吾 (Lyrics: Shiyougo Toda)
作曲&編曲:たなか ひろかず (Composer and arranger: Hirokazu Tanaka)
うた:サトシ(松本梨香)&ヒカリ(豊口めぐみ)(Sung by: Satoshi (Rica Matsumoto) & Hikari (Megumi Toyoguchi)

More pictures from the intro are available
here. Lyrics for the song are available
「あしたはきっと」 (ashita wa kitto / Surely Tomorrow)
ピカチュウやポッチャマたちの姿が目に浮かぶようなカワイイ仲直りソング!(A cute song with appearances by Pikachu and Pochama)
作詞:須藤まゆみ (Lyrics: Mayumi Sudou)
作曲&編曲:三留一純 (Composer and arranger: Kazumi Mitome)
うた:歌奈子 (Sung by: Kanako)

More pictures from the ending are available
here. Lyrics for the song are available