The latest episode of Pocket Monsters
Best Wishes 29 - The Scaaary Stories of Hitomoshi Mansion! (ヒトモシ屋敷のこわ~いお話!) aired on Thursday in Japan.
Satoshi and his friends continue their journey to Raimon City and as they walk it begins to rain. They quickly rush to a nearby mansion for cover. Little do they know that the mansion is haunted and strange things happen there.
Characters and
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Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな?BW)
The ending new ending called
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな?BW) aired at the end of today's episode replacing
Fanfare of the Heart (心のファンファーレ). The song has a very fast tempo song like the previous naming songs. It is sung by Takeshi Tsuruno (つるの剛士). A couple screenshots from the ending were posted on the official site and can be seen below.
BW25 & 27 Re-Airing Announcement
Midway through today's episode, it was announced that the Sunday morning variety show
Pokémon Smash! (ポケモンスマッシュ!) will be rebroadcasting
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 25 - Hiun Gym Match! Purehearted Bug Pokémon Battle!! (ヒウンジム戦! 純情ハートの虫ポケモンバトル!!) on Smash episode #27 which airs April 10th, 2011. They will also be rebroadcasting
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 27 - Beware of the Cute Face! Paralyzed by Emonga!! (かわいい顔に要注意!エモンガでシビレビレ!!) on Smash episode #28 which airs April 17th, 2011. Both episodes are being rebroadcast due to the Sendai Earthquake/tsunami that disrupted many people's schedules and as a result they were unable to see the original airings of those episodes. No information was revealed about the first airings of BW23, 24 or 26 which were skipped.