Pokémon Global Link has finally launched after a small delay. Players can now sync up their games with their online profile to take advantage of the new online features of Pokémon Global Link and Pokémon Dream World.
Visit the Pokémon Global Link site now!.
Game Sync ID
You can check your ID by tapping "GAME SYNC SETTINGS" at the main menu of your Pokémon Black or White games after you've reached a certain point in your adventure. Each Pokémon Trainer Club account can have one Game Sync ID for both Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version. The ID can't be changed once registered.

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Pokémon Dream World
Like the Japanese version, Pokémon Dream World limits players to 1 hour of play time per day. The Pokémon Dream World will end automatically after an hour and the data may not be saved properly if the Pokémon BW ends automatically, so be sure to keep track of your time.
Pokémon C-Gear
The Starter Pokémon skin and the Charming Munna skin are both available for download now.
Click here for a full listing of C-Gear skins worldwide.