Media Factory and Pikachu Records have announced some new Pocket Monsters Anime products that will be going on sale in Japan later this year. Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW), the current Best Wishes ending sung by Takeshi Tsuruno (つるの剛士) will be released on CD on
June 22, 2011. It's retail price is 1,155yen and its catalog number is ZMCP-7132. The CD will also come with 3 special Pokémon cards:
Yanakkie (ヤナッキー),
Baokkie (バオッキー) Hiyakkie (ヒヤッキー).
The CD has been added to the database.

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Also announced was a DVD for last years ANA short
Pocket Monsters Diamond&Pearl Pikachu's Really Mysterious Adventure (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール ピカチュウのふしぎなふしぎな大冒険). The DVD will also come with the Diamond&Pearl Hikari special
Hikari Sets Off Anew! (ヒカリ・新たなる旅立ち!) that aired in February. The DVD will be released in Japan on
July 16th, 2011 for 2,250yen. It's catalog number is ZMBS-6088.
The DVD has been added to the database.