Pokémon Smash Episode 38,
Gureggru of the Mysterious Gym! / Covering all Types through Pokémon Trades! Bingo Showdown / Handsome Yamamoto Sneaks into the Airport!? (なぞのジムのグレッグル! / ポケモン交換で全タイプそろえろ!ビンゴ対決 / ハンサム山本が飛行場潜入!?), aired on Sunday in Japan.
The announcer introduced the items for this episode and then said: "Hey boys and girls! It's time for Pokémon Entertainment Show! Pokémon Smash! Let's get started!". Professor Red and Golgo show up and wonder where Shoko-tan was. The Adventure Group/Team Zekrom had a couple of promotional items that they wanted to give to Red and Golgo but they didn't want to accept them at first because they didn't want to seem bias. When they finally realized it was chocolate, they were more than happy to get it. Shoko-tan shows up and sees Red and Golgo with the chocolate Team Zekrom promotional item and accuses them of supporting Team Zekrom. Shoko-tan quickly gets mad at them.

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Akiyama introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Destiny can be a Sudden Encounter!(運命の出会いは突然やって来る!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Gureggru of the Mysterious Gym! (なぞのジムのグレッグル!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
The International Division girls showed up they went off with the Adventure Group to do a Bingo Showdown to get 1000 points for the winning team. They visited the Tokyo Pokémon Center and each of them were dressed up as a different Pokémon. Yamamoto was Kibago, Akiyama was Victini, Baba was Pokabu, Misaki was Kumasyun, Hana was Gothiruselle and Maria was Victini. The object of the game was to get 4 Pokémon types lined up on the score card before the other team. The 6 cast members visited with kids in the Pokémon Center and asked them if they would trade, which Pokémon game they had and which of the two Movie 14 movies they liked.

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The first girl they encountered at the Tokyo Pokémon Center was 10 year old Karin Matoba (的場華鈴). She traded
Shibishirasu (シビシラス), an electric type to the Adventure Group. Next they visited with 8 year old Yuuki Shino(篠侑希) and he had Pokémon Black and selected the Reshiram movie. He traded
Zoroark (ゾロアーク), a Dark type to the International division. A girl then traded
Chandera (シャンデラ), dual type Ghost/Fire to the International division. 7 year old Kurumi Yamazaki (山崎 久琉美) then traded
Maracacchi (マラカッチ), a grass type to the International division to give them a demanding lead.

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Pokémon Center employee Fujimoto (藤本) then traded
Muggyo (マッギョ), a dual type Ground/Electric to Robert but they only got the Ground type from it as they already had the Electric type space filled from the
Shibishirasu (シビシラス) trade. Then Pokémon Center employee Seki(関) traded
Ligray (リグレー), a Psychic type to the International division to almost give them a bingo.

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The cast then went to Shueisha Shogakukan Production (小学館集英社プロダクション) where they first met with Shinji Yamamoto (山本槇仁) who works on the PokéFan Magazine. He traded
Kyurem (キュレム), a dual type Dragon/Ice type with Robert. Assistant Producer to many of the Pokémon Anime episodes
Satoshi Shimodaira (下平聡士) traded
Kumasyun (クマシュン), an Ice type to the International division.

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Shogakukan employee Yuu Izuoka(出岡由宇) was then visted by the cast. Baba spotted a DVD on his desk which was one of
Misaki Momose's gravure idol DVD's.
It was her latest DVD which was released in December which she seemed a bit embarrassed with when Robert confronted her with it. He ended up trading
Ononokus (オノノクス), a Dragon type to the International division girls. Shogakukan employee Yui Kudou then traded
Dustdasu (ダストダス), a Poison type to Robert.

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The cast then went to Nakano Kawashima (中野区川島商店街) where is was raining and a bunch of kids were there to trade. A lot of trades took place but Team Reshiram ended up winning the Bingo challenge although it was a close race as Team Zekrom had multiple ways of winning as well. Team Reshiram received the 1000 points and the first Team that gets to 100000 points now will also get a special present similar to the
letterhead that was given out to Team Reshiram for being the first to get to 75000 points.
After the bingo segment, the Handsome Yamamoto Sneaks into the Airport scene that was originally going to air in
Pokémon Smash 23 aired. The episode didn't air due to the
Sendai earthquake and tsunami. They announced the ANA Peace Jet that features many Pokémon painted on the plane.
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW)
As a reminder for the CD of
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which was released on June 22nd, 2011, they filmed various kids singing the song for the ending. Also a special page was opened on the official site with a video of each of the endings where the kids sing the song. A pictorial lyrics sheet was also posted.

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Characters and
Pictures from this episode have been added to the
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