Home / News Articles / Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N - Press Release
It was officially revealed today that Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2 エピソードN) will begin on January 17th, 2013 and will feature the return of the Rocket Gang! We have added the series to our Episode Guide and it will be updated as soon at titles are revealed. Below is the press release.


Japanese Press Release - Translation

In this new series, Satoshi, Pikachu and friends start a new journey towards the 'White Ruins'. On their way, they meet the young 'N', who can hear the voices from Pokémon's hearts... The door of truth leading to an Utopia for Pokémon and humans now lies open! 'Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N' is a tense and exciting story featuring battles on an all new level - do not miss it! What is the real deal with the mysterious youth N? Make sure to take note of the new characters Ghetsis and Achroma as well!

The story of this new arc: Following the Isshu League Higaki Tournament, Satoshi and friends set out on a new journey towards the 'White Ruins' discovered by Professor Araragi's father, a place connected to Reshiram, a Pokémon called legendary. There, they meet the mysterious youth N, who claims he can understand what Pokémon are saying. And then the group gets involved in an ominous experiment on Pokémon conducted by the Plasma Gang! Through the works of the mysterious scientist Achroma, even Pikachu and Kibago become hostile towards Satoshi and friends!? What are the true ambitions of the Plasma Gang's leader Ghetsis, who reveals the gang has been searching for N!? And then, the Rocket Gang trio makes their return to the Isshu Region!! Their current mission puts them at odds with the Plasma Gang... how will the resulting battle turn out!?

Japanese Press Release

新シリーズでサトシとピカチュウたちは、「白の遺跡」を目指し、新たな旅を始める。そこで、ポケモンの心の声が聞こえる青年“N(エヌ)”と出会うが……。ポケモンと人との理想郷、その先にある真実の扉が今開かれる!これまでにない圧倒的なスケールのバトルと、スピード感あふれるストーリーでますます見逃せない『ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2 エピソードN』。そして何よりも、謎の青年Nの正体は?ほか、ゲーチス、アクロマといった新キャラクターにも大注目だ!


Press Release Pictures

Pictures from the press release have been added to our imageboard and can be viewed by clicking here. Below are some of the pictures from the press release.

N Achroma Ghetsis

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