New Pokémon Snap is now available for pre-order at game retailers nationwide in Japan! Those who pre-order and purchase the game at participating stores will receive special perks from each store they order the game from!
Pokémon Center and Pokémon Store Pre-Order Details:
The release date for New Pokémon Snap has been set for Friday, April 30th, 2021. Starting Friday, January 15th, 2021 until Thursday, April 29th, 2021, pre-orders will be available at Pokémon Centers, Pokémon Stores, and Pokémon Centers Online throughout Japan. Early purchasers of the physical version will receive a "Pokémon Center Original New Pokémon Snap Acrylic Stand"! It's perfect for interior decoration and will add a cute touch to your home. At the Pokémon Center and Pokémon Store, if you pre-order by April 18th, 2021, you can have it delivered free of charge. Buy "New Pokémon Snap" early at the Pokémon Center and get the amazing benefits! New Pokémon Snap costs 6,578 yen including tax.
Pre-order Item Details: Pokémon Photo Collection (ポケモンフォトブロマイドコレクション) |
 AEON / AEON Style / AEON Super Center: A4 Glitter File (A4 キラキラファイル) |
 Ito-Yokado: Hand Sanitizer Bottle & Case (ハンドサニタイザーボトル&ケース) |
 Edion Group: Cell Phone Rings (スマホリング) |
 GEO: Multi Holder Size: 150 mm x 310 mm (マルチホルダー) |
 JOSHIN: Notebook 169mm x 105mm (ノート) |
 Seven Net Shopping: Acrylic Keychain (アクリルキーホルダー) |
 Bic Camera/Sofmap/Kojima: Mask Case (マスクケース) |
 Furu1/Book Square: Picnic Blanket W600 × H600mm (レジャーシート) |
 Yodobashi Camera: Lens Cloth (レンズクロス) |
 Rakuten Books: Tumbler (タンブラー) |
 Lawson Loppi / HMV: Mini Clear File (ミニクリアファイル) The front side is a picture of Pokémon Snap, which was released in 1999 as a Nintendo 64 game. |
 WonderGOO: Cloth Cleaner (クロスクリーナー) Size: approx. W175 x H150mm |
 Pokemon Center: Acrylic Stand (アクリルスタンド) H130mm x W100mm x D60mm. The size after assembly. |
Laplace New Pokémon Snap Pokémon Mezastar Tag
The physical version of New Pokémon Snap comes with a special Laplace New Pokémon Snap ver. tag as an early purchase bonus which can be used in Pokémon Mezastar, a popular Pokémon video game machine!
The number of special offers tags is limited and will end as soon as they are gone. The special tag will not be included for the downloadable version.