Niantic has announced that the Lunar New Year 2023 event features Darumaka and will take place from Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, January 23, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Pokémon GO’s 2023 Lunar New Year event!
It’s time to celebrate the Lunar New Year in Pokémon GO! Pokémon like Bunnelby and Buneary will appear more frequently in the wild, and Trainers can look forward to other event-themed Pokémon appearing in the wild, in raids, and hatching from Eggs!
It looks like all Trainers’ luck will also improve during the event—you’ll have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Darumaka, an increased chance to receive Lucky Pokémon in trades, and an increased chance to become Lucky Friends!
Lunar New Year 2023
Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, January 23, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time
Wild encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.

, Magmar

, Magikarp

, Slugma

, Numel

, Combee

, Buneary

, Fennekin, Bunnelby

Some Trainers might even encounter the following: Flareon, Darumaka

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
Event Bonuses

Increased chance to encounter Shiny Darumaka!

: Increased chance for Lucky Pokémon in trades.

: Increased chance to become Lucky Friends

: 2× Stardust from opening Gifts.

: One additional Special Trade can be made for a maximum of two per day.*
During the Lunar New Year event, Trainers can choose from several bonuses as a reward for their Timed Research.
Timed Research: Lucky Wishes
Trainers will be able to access branching Timed Research that grants their wish for bonuses that revolve around either hatching Eggs, the duration of Daily Adventure Incense, or collecting Stardust.
The path you choose will determine which bonuses and tasks you have for the event!
No matter which wish you pick, all Trainers who complete the research will receive a Lucky Egg and other items. They will also have the opportunity to encounter the following Pokémon.

Azumarill, Combusken, Darumaka

, Galarian Darumaka

, Bunnelby
The following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km Eggs.

, Riolu

, Darumaka

, Galarian Darumaka

, Scraggy

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids.
One-Star Raids: Hisuian Voltorb, Shinx

, Darumaka

, Galarian Darumaka
Three-Star Raids: Flareon, Shuckle

, Blaziken

, Druddigon

, Diggersby
Five-Star Raids: Regice
Mega Raids: Mega Lopunny
Field Research tasks
The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks!

, Paras

, Cyndaquil

, Torchic

, Chimchar

, Combee

, Buneary

, Tepig

, Darumaka

, Galarian Darumaka

, Fennekin, Bunnelby

, Litten
Avatar items and stickers
The following new avatar items will be available to purchase in the in-game shop during this event and will continue to be available after the event ends!
Red Lantern Backpack