The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday,
Asagi Gym! VS Haganeil!! / Robert experience the Pokéwalker World / Battle among the Members in HGSS (アサギジム!VSハガネール!! ポケウォーカーの世界をロバートが体験 HGSSでメンバー内バトル), aired today in Japan.
In this weeks episode, the Pokemon Sunday crew watched as Robert walked into the room with their Pokewalker's in hand. They were trying to keep them as steady as possible so the counter wouldn't go up. They then decided to have a relay race to see which team could have the lowest counter. Robert went up again TIM and Shoko. The first part of the relay featured Shoko and Yamamoto climbing up and down some stairs. The second part featured Golgo and Baba trying to get over a hurdle. The third and final stage of the relay was Professor Red and Akiyama bouncing a balloon. Robert ended up winning with a counter of 136 steps, while the team of TIM and Shoko lost with 182 steps.
After the relay, Robert teamed up with a bunch of kids to experience the Pokéwalker World. The kids were split up into two groups with Yadon Akiyama on one team and Gantetsu Baba making his return on the other team. The teams competed in various Pokéwalker related activities.
During the Pokemon Sunday News segment, a video was shown for the upcoming Nintendo Wii game, PokéPark Wii Pikachu's Great Adventure (ポケパークWii ~ピカチュウの大冒険~). An imageboard thread has been created with high quality pictures from the Sunday Pokemon News segment.
Click here to view the thread.
The Pokémon Selection rerun serial continued the theme "Popular characters playing important roles in HeartGold and SoulSilver". Today's episode focused on the Asagi Gym Leader Mikan as Satoshi battled against her Coil and Haganeil to get the gym badge.
During the Pokemon Game Arena segment, the first 4 on 4 battle using the latest games, HeartGold and SoulSilver took place between Akiyama and Golgo. Akiyama had: Ordile (オーダイル), Hoho (ホーホー), Rentorar (レントラー) and a Beadull (ビーダル). Golgo had: Garura (ガルーラ), Kamonegi (カモネギ), Ordile (オーダイル) and a Denryu (デンリュウ).Golgo was victorious against Akiyama. Children in Japan will be featured in upcoming weeks as they battle against the Pokemon Sunday crew.
A new password was announced on the show that unlocks Lucario. Passwords can be enter in the home village and unlock rare Pokémon.
NK-M T&61 WJS@ +WX# |
Lucario |
Level 51 |
Pokemon Sunday |
2009-11-08 |
A separate page has been created to keep track of all the passwords for the Pokemon. It will be updated as new codes become available.
Click here to visit the Password page. TV Tokyo has also added a passwords page for the passwords revealed on Pokemon Sunday.
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