PokéPark Wii Pikachu's Great Adventure (ポケパークWii ピカチュウの大冒険) was released today in Japan for a suggested retail price of 4,800 yen. It was first revealed during the Kyoto gaming conference at the beginning of October 2009.
The game takes place in the Pokémon's playground, PokéPark. Pikachu is informed of a crisis at PokéPark by a mysterious Pokémon named Mew. Pikachu starts its journey and adventure that day. There are various areas such as a forest and sea in PokéPark where Pokémon can play. The game is an action adventure game where Pikachu confronts difficult tasks while making friends with other Pokémon.
There are 193 Pokémon in the game. Pokémon are unlockable through passwords and by defeating them in the Trial of Strength adventure mode.
The game will feature the ability to save pictures from the game onto SD memory cards similar to previous Wii Pokémon games. This allows players to easily transfer pictures from the game with friends and to commemorate the gaming adventure. This feature can be unlocked once the player visits Misdreavus' Photo Shop.
For those that bought the game early, participating retail stores gave people a Pikachu Wiimote decal for free. The number of decals was limited and was limited to first come first serve.
Trial of Strength (ちからくらべ)
This is the main gameplay mode as Pokémon come to the Poképark to participate in a variety of games where they can Battle and test their strength. Pokémon can be unlocked in the adventure mode increasing the number of Pokémon friends. These unlocked Pokémon can then be played in the various attractions
- A Hide and Go Seek mode where Pikachu has to find the Pokémon.
- Other party's physical strength is decreased when Pikachu uses Thunderbolt in "Battle".
- A "Wild Goose" chase mode requires players to chase and touch Pokémon.
- A quiz mode where players are asked various questions and they must answer them correctly.
- Gyarados' Marine Slider (ギャラドスのマリンスライダー) : Pokémon race around a water course as fast as they can while going through flags to speed up.
Playable Pokémon: Pikachu, Psyduck, Azurill, Slowpoke, Empoleon, Floatzel, Feraligatr, Golduck, Vaporeon, Prinplup, Bibarel, Buizel, Corsola, Piplup & Lotad.
- Bursyamo's Punching Rock (バシャーモのパンチングロックス): Shake the Wii Remote in a timely fashion as large rocks come flying!
- Emperte's Snow Slider (エンペルトのスノースライダー): Players race against the clock in a time attack challenge in the snow and ice!
Playable Pokémon: Pikachu, Teddiursa, Magikarp, Empoleon, Glaceon, Blastoise, Glalie, Lapras, Delibird, Piloswine, Prinplup, Squirtle, Piplup, Quagsire & Spheal.
- Yonoir's Running Crash (ヨノワールのクラッシュランニング): An obstacle course that requires skill to avoid all the hazards.
- Trideps' Panel Crash (トリデプスのパネルクラッシュ): To hit the ball at the panel to score points! The ball speed keeps on getting faster and faster!
- Absol's Hurdle Succession (アブソルのつぎつぎハードル): Jump the hurdles as fast as you can!
- Dosaidon' Heat Up Fight (ドサイドンのおしだしヒートアップ): Pokémon battle in a ring arena and the objective is to knock the Pokémon outside of the ring to get points. The point multiplier increase the longer the player stays in the ring.
- Bohmander's Super Sky Race (ボーマンダのスーパースカイレース): Players use flying Pokémon to hit as many targets as they can as they go by.
- Fushigidane's Foot Race (フシギダネのふりふりダッシュ): Players race against 6 Pokémon as the players shake the Wii Remote as fast as they can to increase the running speed of the Pokémon. First Pokémon across the finish line is the winner.
Playable Pokémon: Pikachu, Chimchar, Treecko, Bidoof, Turtwig, Bulbasaur, Oddish, Shroomish, Munchlax, Bonsly, Lotad, Weedle, Caterpie, Magikarp, Jolteon, Arcanine, Leafeon, Scyther, Ponyta, Shinx, Eevee, Pachirisu, Buneary & Croagunk
- Fushigibana's Rope Swinging (フシギバナのスイングロープ): Pokémon hold onto a rope and swing around until it builds up enough speed and the player lets it go to see how far the Pokémon goes.
Playable Pokémon: Pikachu, Magikarp, Munchlax, Blaziken, Infernape, Lucario, Primeape, Tangrowth, Ambipom, Croagunk, Mankey, Aipom, Chimchar, Treecko & Pachirisu
The first password was announced today on the official website. Passwords can be entered from the main menu present option.
78872252 |
Surfing Pikachu |
Gyarados' Marine Slider |
PokéPark Official Website |
2009-12-05 |
An Imageboard thread was created to showcase screenshots from the game. Players can also upload their own screenshots there for others to see.
Click here to visit the thread.