Niantic has announced the first event for Pokémon GO in 2024. Pokémon GO's New Year’s 2024 event will take place from Monday, January 1st, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Celebrate the start of 2024 with a grand event!
Celebrate the start of the year with our New Year’s event! Keep an eye out for costumed Pokémon making their debuts, new avatar items, and the return of some familiar Pokémon wearing party hats. Let’s kick off 2024 in style!
Pokémon GO New Year’s 2024
Monday, January 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time
Pokémon debuts
New costumed Pokémon will appear during this event!

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
Explore with decor
During this event, festive fireworks will light up the skies. We hope you enjoy the colorful decor!
Event Bonuses

1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into Incubators during the event.

: 1/4 Hatch Distance for the first three Eggs hatched during the event using the Pokémon GO Egg hatching widget.*
*These bonuses will not stack.
The Pokémon GO Egg hatching widget is available on iOS and Android devices. To learn how to add a widget to your device home screen, you can refer to our Help Center article.
Wild encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
Jigglypuff wearing a ribbon

, Hoothoot wearing a New Year’s outfit

, Darumaka

Some Trainers might even encounter the following: Bronzor

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids.
One-Star Raids: Bulbasaur wearing a party hat

, Charmander wearing a party hat

, Squirtle wearing a party hat

, Hoothoot wearing a New Year’s outfit

, Wurmple wearing a party hat
Three-Star Raids: Raticate wearing a party hat

, Nidorino wearing a party hat

, Gengar wearing a party hat

, Wobbuffet wearing a party hat
Five-Star Raids: Buzzwole (Americas), Xurkitree (Asia-Pacific), Pheromosa (Europe)
Mega Raids: Mega Ampharos

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
The following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km Eggs.
Pichu wearing a party hat

, Igglybuff

, Togepi

, Tyrogue

, Smoochum

, Elekid

, Magby

, Azurill

, Wynaut

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
Field Research task encounters
New Year’s–themed Field Research tasks will be available! Complete the research tasks to earn Stardust! The following Pokémon will also be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks!


Some Trainers might even encounter the following.


New avatar item
The following new avatar item will be available to purchase in the in-game shop during this event and will continue to be available after the event ends!
Darumaka Hat
Event bundles
Check out the New Year’s Box in the in-game shop during this event! For 99 PokéCoins, you will get one Incubator and one Premium Battle Pass.
Paid Timed Research
For US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency), you’ll be able to access event-exclusive Timed Research. Complete the research tasks to encounter event-specific Pokémon and earn Stardust, XP, and PokéCoins!

Jigglypuff wearing a ribbon

| Hoothoot wearing a New Year’s outfit

| Wurmple wearing a party hat

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
Please note that Timed Research expires. The tasks associated with this Timed Research must be completed and their rewards must be claimed before January 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Trainers will be able to purchase and gift tickets to any of their Pokémon GO friends that they have achieved a Friendship level of Great Friends or higher with. Please note that purchases—including those made for other Trainers—are non-refundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Tickets cannot be purchased with PokéCoins.
*Please note that the Timed Research ticket will only be available in the in-game shop from Monday, January 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.