Niantic has announced that Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey is coming to Yogyakarta, Indonesia on August 24th, 2024 and August 25th, 2024.
Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey is coming to Yogyakarta, Indonesia!
We’re excited to announce that another Pokémon Air Adventures collaboration—part of Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey—is coming to Yogyakarta, Indonesia on August 24 and 25, 2024! Trainers can look forward to exciting Special Research opportunities, costumed Pokémon, and more gameplay inspired by Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey as they explore the city of Yogyakarta.
Pokémon Air Adventures is an initiative that helps create wonderful travel memories, and as part of it, Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey will be a great opportunity for Trainers looking to maximize the fun on their visit to Yogyakarta!
Price: 150,000 IDR (Plus applicable taxes and fees)
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dates: August 24 and August 25, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. local time
Tickets are on sale now for 150,000 IDR (plus applicable taxes and fees). Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey attendees may purchase a ticket for one of the two event days. You will see “Tickets Available” next to the event listing if it hasn’t sold out yet. Event gameplay will be available only at the date, time, and location specified on your ticket. It will not be possible to participate in this event without an event ticket.
Note: Tickets to this event are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Tickets are first come, first served and are available for purchase while supplies last.
Event Features
Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey ticket holders can enjoy the following features while exploring Yogyakarta during the date and time listed on their event ticket.
- Increased Chance to Encounter Shiny Pokémon - Keep an eye out for Shiny Pokémon!
- Special Research - Complete an event-exclusive Special Research story to earn rewards!
- Location Cards - Trainers with an active Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey: Yogyakarta ticket who take on in-person Mega Raids during the time listed on their event ticket will have a chance to receive a Yogyakarta Location Card after catching Latias or Latios!
- Field Research - Spin PokéStops to get event-exclusive Field Research tasks that award encounters with featured Pokémon.
- Collection Challenge - Level up your Elite Collector medal by completing the event’s Collection Challenge!
- Surprise Encounters - Take lots of snapshots—Latias or Latios may surprise you!
Featured Pokémon
Pikachu wearing a batik shirt will appear in the wild in Yogyakarta! This particular Pikachu will appear on Saturday, August 24, 2024, and will continue to appear for over a year!
Plus, be on the lookout for Chatot, the Music Note Pokémon! Chatot can be found throughout the southern hemisphere—including in Yogyakarta.
Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey ticket holders may encounter the following Pokémon while exploring Yogyakarta during the date and time listed on their event ticket.

, Charmander

, Charizard

, Squirtle

, Flying Pikachu with multicolored balloons

Flying Pikachu with special balloons

, Pikachu wearing a batik shirt

, Jigglypuff

, Caterpie

, Magikarp

, Gyarados

, Eevee

, Gligar

, Mantine

, Drifloon

, Bronzong

, Chatot

, Noibat

, Rowlet

, Mareanie

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
The following Pokémon will appear in raids!
One-Star Raids: Bulbasaur

, Charmander

, Squirtle
Three-Star Raids: Charizard

, Gyarados

, Dragonite
Mega Raids: Mega Latios

, Mega Latias

: If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!
Exclusive Attacks
Venusaur - Evolve Ivysaur (Bulbasaur’s Evolution) during the event to get a Venusaur that knows the Charged Attack Frenzy Plant.
Charizard - Evolve Charmeleon (Charmander’s Evolution) during the event to get a Charizard that knows the Charged Attack Blast Burn.
Blastoise - Evolve Wartortle (Squirtle’s Evolution) during the event to get a Blastoise that knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon.
Latias - Latias caught during the event will know the Charged Attack Mist Ball.
Latios - Latios caught during the event will know the Charged Attack Luster Purge.
Event Bonuses
Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey ticket holders will enjoy these bonuses while exploring Yogyakarta during the date and time listed on their event ticket

: Time to trade! You can make up to three Special Trades.

: Incense activated during the date and time listed on your event ticket will last for eight hours. Please note this does not apply to Daily Adventure Incense.

: You can get up to six additional Raid Passes by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms.

: Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently in balloons.

: Your buddy may find an exclusive Paper Airplane souvenir.
Event Stickers
During the event, special Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey–themed stickers will be available to all Trainers in Yogyakarta, with or without an event ticket, from spinning PokéStops and from Gifts!
Special In-Person Activities and Events
This event will feature in-person activities and events in Yogyakarta for the whole family to enjoy! Please visit the Pikachu’s Indonesia Journey: Yogyakarta website for more detailed information.
Pakuwon Mall Jogja - Experience the excitement of Pokémon GO at Pakuwon Mall Jogja! Stop by during your adventure and take part in Pokémon TCG Academia as well as other exciting Pokémon experiences.