The official Pokémon Black and White Site has updated adding a ton of good quality screenshots and artwork for the upcoming games.
New Information:
- Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is Isshu dex #001
- Chillarmie (チラーミィ) is Isshu dex #078
- Pokabu (ポカブ) is Isshu dex #004
- Pokémon Transfer Machine (転送マシンでポケモン) allows Celebi to be transferred to Pokémon Black or White from other 4th Generation games.
- The battle option selections have English labels as well as Japanese and a current weather conditions icon has also been added.
- C Gear (Cギア) allows the players to wirelessly search the surrounding area to find other players and connect to them via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Wi-Fi or via IR (Infrared).
- Extend Play to the Web (Webで広がる遊び) - Allows players to send their save game to the Internet and access it via a PC.

Isshu Region (イッシュ地方)

An Imageboard thread has been added with many of the new screenshots.