Popular trading card guide company Beckett Media has been sued by The Pokémon Company International over copyright violations for publishing pictures of the Pokémon trading cards in their guides. A link to the filed lawsuit is available by
clicking here.
Beckett Media publishes Pokémon trading card guides with full scans of the cards and this seems to be one of the main reasons for the lawsuit as it states, "The Beckett Magazine appropriated the Pokémon Works by publishing full scans of numerous Supreme Victors and HGSS trading cards copied from the Pokémon Works."
The Dallas Observer posted a news article on the subject which further explains the reasons behind the lawsuit. "...Beckett's gotten into the secondhand market on its Marketplace site. Which is where Nintento subsidiary Pokémon Company International comes in: At the end of last week in Dallas federal court, the Bellevue, Washington-based company filed suit against Beckett claiming that for years it's been violating Pokémon's copyright by publishing those monthly price guides, which contain reproductions of hundreds of cards. Pokémon says it's been back-and-forthing with Beckett for years over the price guide to no avail." (Dallas Observer - Robert Wilonsky, Mon., Jul. 19 2010 @ 11:14AM)