The official Japanese Pokémon website as well as the latest issue of CoroCoro magazine have announced that a new Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection download event will begin on
October 22nd, 2010 and will run until November 29th, 2010. The rare 5th generation ice-type Pokémon
Kumashun (クマシュン) will be available to download. It is also special because it can learn the following attacks:
Cut (いあいぎり),
Strength (かいりき) and
Surf (なみのり).
The Kumashun event will also be briefly showcased on the upcoming episode of
Pokémon Smash #3 - Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!? / The Adventure Department's Great Investigation of Different Types of Sommeliers / Director Masuda from Game Freak Visits! / Significant News on the Pokémon from the Isshu Region (コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? / アドベンチャー部がいろいろなソムリエを大調査 / ゲームフリーク・増田部長が登場!/イッシュ地方あるポケモンの重大ニュース) airing on October 17th, 2010.
CoroCoro also announced that a
Gureggru (グレッグル) will be available on the new Global Link service. The Gureggru has the Poison Hand ability. The Global Link event runs from
October 20th, 2010 to November 19th, 2010.