The official
Pokémon Black and White website has announced the worldwide names for Zorua and Zoroark. They will retain their Japanese names throughout the world.
Zorua is the Tricky Fox Pokémon and has the Illusion Ability, which gives it the power to take the form of other Pokémon. Zorua can also use a new move called
Foul Play, which uses its target's Attack stat against it.
Like Zorua, Zoroark can learn moves new to Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version. Zoroark is the Illusion Fox Pokémon and also knows the Illusion Ability. The new
Hone Claws move increase Zoroark's Attack stat and accuracy at the same time.
 Zorua (ゾロア) |
Category: Tricky Fox Pokémon Type: Dark Ability: Illusion Height: 2'04" Weight: 27.6 lbs. |
 Zoroark (ゾロアーク) |
Category: Illusion Fox Pokémon Type: Dark Ability: Illusion Height: 5'03" Weight: 178.8 lbs. |