gamrFeed by VGChartz is reporting that the
Pokémon Black and White pre-order sales total has hit 759,252 units 6 weeks before launch. 155,122 pre-orders were purchased this week. On August 22nd, 2010, approximately a month before launch of Pokémon Black and White in Japan, there was 1.08 million pre-orders of the games making them
the fastest DS games to a million pre-orders. With a couple weeks to go before that same '1 month till launch' milestone, the American pre-orders of Pokémon Black and White are on approximately the same pace that the Japanese pre-orders were on and could possibly end up beating that record.

Chart from: gamrFeed by VGChartz
To help spur on pre-order sales, Toy'R'Us has announced that people who pre-order Pokémon Black and White from them will receive a free Reshiram or Zekrom Wall Cling when they pick up their reserved copy in stores. Toy'R'Us is charging $5 for pre-orders.

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Sources: and