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Jan 16 2010 Pokémon Sunday 274
Episode PictureThe latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Masara Town The Setting off of a Pokémon Trainer / Which one is it? Quiz! / Pokémon Ranger - Paths of Light (マサラタウン ポケモントレーナーの旅立ち / ドッチ~ニョ?クイズ! / ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡 ), aired today in Japan.

The anime rerun episode for this week was 'Masara Town The Setting off of a Pokémon Trainer'. The episode followed a new beginning trainer named Hajime who was visiting Professor Okido's laboratory to get his starter Pokémon. A Tauros stampede crashes through the lab and the starter Pokémon get spooked and run away. Will Professor Okido be able to recover the starter Pokémon so Hajime can choose from them?

During the main segment of the show, a letter was sent to the PokéSun Company by MooMoo Milk (モーモーミルク) & The Mysterious Choreographer P (謎の振り付け師P). The crew is a bit confused who they are at first, but Shoko explains that MooMoo Milk is part of the new live action ending theme for Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl, Dotchi Nyo~! (ドッチ~ニョ?). Professor Red then realizes that there is a dance associated with the song and Robert persuades Professor Red to show them. Reluctantly, he tries to perform the moves in front of them but only manages to make a fool of himself in the process. Golgo suggests that Lucario show them the dance, but Lucario just ends up doing his normal excited dance moves. Robert then head off to meet MooMoo Milk.

Dance MovesRobert visits a gym where MooMoo Milk and Kids are preforming the Dotchi Nyo~! dance. They watch them complete the dance in the middle of the room before greeting them. TV Tokyo has posted the dance moves for the Dotchi Nyo~! dance on their website. They are also available by clicking on the image to the right.

After completing the full dance, the main singer for MooMoo Milk and the choreographer, who reveals himself as Papaya Suzuki (パパイヤ鈴木さん), introduce themselves. Papaya Suzuki is famous for his role as the voice actor for Bogie (ボギー), the Wish Maker vendor, as well as for his choreography and dancing in the DVD bonus feature Polka O Dolka, Let's Dance!

For the first quiz question, MooMoo Milk-san put her hand into the box with a bunch of questions and read the question on the paper that she selected from the box. Robert was asked the question: Will hot water still be hot when sprayed from a bottle? (熱湯を霧吹きに入れてかけたら). The two answers they could choose from were: 'A - Hot' (A 熱い) and 'B - Not Hot' (B 熱くない). Robert stood down the middle of a red line on the gym floor as they danced to Dotchi Nyo. They were instructed to pick the A or B side at the end of the song, the side that corresponded to their answer. Akiyama was the odd one out by choosing B. They tested spraying hot water on his arm a few times to see if it was hot. He was able to withstand the sprayed water which lead Yamamoto to see if the spray bottle water was hot and it was.

The second quiz question asked: Can you stand up with only 1 finger holding you down? (指1本で立てなくする事が). The answers were: 'A - Possible' (A できる) and 'B - Not Possible' (B できない). Baba was the odd one out this time choosing B and he sat down on a chair while MooMoo Milk-san put her index finger on his forehead and told him to stand up. He wasn't able to get up. Akiyama thought Baba was fooling around and tried it himself but he also wasn't able to get up.

The third quiz question asked: Immediately after ten rotations left and right, can you run? (右・左に10回転した後まっすぐ前に). The answers were: 'A - Can Run' (走れる) and 'B - Cannot Run' (走れない). Baba was the odd one out again this time, but he chose 'A - Can Run'. MooMoo Milk-san and Papaya Suzuki spun him around 10 times on a chair and after the 10th spin, Baba got up and tried to run. He fell down on the gym floor a few meters from the chair.

The final question asked: Can you stand on the eggs without breaking them? (たまごの上に人間が乗ったらたまごは)。The answers were: 'A - Will Break' (割れる) and 'B - Won't break' (割れない). Yamamoto was the odd one out by choosing 'B - Won't break'. With the help of Akiyama and Papaya Suzuki, they lifted up Yamamoto onto the tray's of eggs where he stood on them for a minute or so and did the Dotchi Nyo dance. After getting off, they checked all the layers to see if any of the eggs had broken. Yamamoto was right and none of them broke.

The Pokémon Sunday News segment featured a reminder for viewers of the upcoming Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 160 - Burn, Kabigon! The King of Pokéthlon!! (燃えるカビゴン!ポケスロンの王者!!) episode airing on Thursday January 21st, 2010. The episode features Satoshi and Pikachu participating in a Pokéthlon. There was also a reminder that the latest Diamond and Pearl episodes got a "Power Up!" as the new intro 'The Greatest・Everyday' (イコー・エブリディ!) is now airing at the beginning of the episodes.

During the Pokémon Game Arena segment, Shoko-tan announced the new Pokémon Ranger - Paths of Light (ポケモンレンジャー 光の軌跡) game. She showed a card of the two protagonist which was behind a question mark in last weeks preview. She also revealed Ukulele Pichu (ウクレレピチュー) on a card and a brief video of the Pichu in the forest surrounded by other Pokémon was shown.

Pictures and characters from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
picThe latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 159 - Roar, Ice Punch! Buoysel VS Barrierd!! (唸れ れいとうパンチ!ブイゼルVSバリヤード!!), aired on Thursday in Japan.

While heading to Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next contest, Satoshi and his friends stop by a river while Satoshi trains with Fukamaru. Suddenly a Barrierd and its trainer jump out from behind the waterfall and challenges Satoshi and Buoysel to a battle. Can Satoshi and Buoysel defeat Kijūrō and his Barrierd?!

Characters, Music and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.

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A new live action variant of Dotchi Nyo~! aired at the end of today's episode. The ending features a bunch of girls dancing and singing along to the song. The ending direction remains animated though.
picThe latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 158 - Roaring Around! Jibacoil VS Metagross!!(爆走!ジバコイルVSメタグロス!! ), aired on Thursday in Japan.

While heading to Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next contest, Satoshi and his friends encounter a violent Jibacoil. They then encounter some trainers who's Pokémon have been injured by the Jibacoil. Can Satoshi and his friends figure out why Jibacoil is acting so strange?!

What could possibly end up being one of the worst animation errors in the entire series occurred in this episode. Click here to view episode errors for this episode.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.

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A new opening aired during the episode today. The Greatest - Everyday! (サイコー・エブリディ!) sung by Akiyoshi Fumie (あきよしふみえ) replayed High Touch! 2009 as the opening theme song for the series. Lyrics for the song have been added to the database. High definition screenshots are available on the Imageboard thread.

Anisong Kouhaku 2009 (アニソン紅白2009) is a yearly broadcast in Japan that features songs from many of the popular animated series in Japan. On December 31st, 2009, New Years Eve, the show was broadcast in Japan from the Tokyo Dome City Theatre G-ROSSO (東京ドームシティ シアターGロッソ) on channel BS11.

This years Anisong Kouhaku featured two songs from the Pocket Monsters anime. The first song, Mezase Pokémon Master (めざせポケモンマスター) , was sung by Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香) live as video from the opening was shown on the overhead projector.

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The second Pocket Monsters song sung at the concert was High Touch! (ハイタッチ!) sung by Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香) and Megumi Toyoguchi (豊口めぐみ).

HD Screenshots from the broadcast are available on the Imageboard thread.

Related link: http://www.anison-kouhaku.jp/
picThe latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 157 - Fukamaru! Get it!! (フカマル!ゲットだぜ!!), aired on Thursday in Japan.

While heading to Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next contest, Satoshi and his friends encounter Fukamaru once again. Jun also shows up and wants to capture Fukamaru but Satoshi wants to get it as well. Who will capture Fukamaru?!

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
picThe latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 156 - Fukamaru and Draco Meteor!! (フカマルとりゅうせいぐん!!), aired on Thursday in Japan.

While heading to Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next contest, Satoshi and his friends get lost once again in a forest. They see Grandma Tatsu's Altaria's Draco Meteor in the air and quickly go to see where it was coming from.

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
Amazon.co.jp has posted information about two new CD's based on newest Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl opening. The Greatest・Everyday! (サイコー・エブリディ!) CD single and CD/DVD versions will be released in Japan on February 24th, 2010. The full track lists have yet to be announced.

The CD single version has a catalog number of ZMCP-5451 and a suggested retail price of 1365yen. The tracks revealed on the CD so far includes: The Greatest・Everyday! (サイコー・エブリディ!) & ( Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ New Arranged Version - 君のそばで~ヒカリのテーマ~(NEWアレンジバージョン).

The CD/DVD version has a catalog number of ZMCP-5450 and a suggested retail price of 1890 yen. This version includes the same as the CD single version but it also includes a DVD with 4 known tracks so far which are listed below.

1. The Greatest・Everyday! (TV Version) [サイコー・エブリディ!(TVサイズ)]
2. High Touch! 2009 (TV Version) [ハイタッチ!2009(TVサイズ)]
3. Get fired up, jagged-eared Pichu! (TV Version) [もえよ ギザみみピチュー!(TVサイズ)]
4. Surely Tomorrow (TV Version) [あしたはきっと(TVサイズ)]

Sources: http://park3.wakwak.com/~pokepale/news/3/z3_020_01.htm & http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0030HT70E/
Dec 13 2009 Pokemon Sunday 269
Episode PictureThe latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Rocket Gang! The Origin of Love and Youth / Pokéwalker Bingo with Different Pokémon Types! / Using the Pokémon Card Game as a Party Game (ロケット団! 愛と青春の原点 ポケウォーカーでポケモンタイプ別ビンゴ! ポケモンカードゲームを使ったパーティーゲーム), aired today in Japan.

The anime rerun episode for this week was a special side story episode featuring the Rocket Gang and how the famous trio was formed. Musashi, Kojiro and Nyarth recall their training at the Rocket Gang's headquarters and they ended up together.

In today's episode of Pokemon Sunday, a Domino's Pizza delivery boy arrived on set with a pizza for the crew. They are all happy to see him and quickly begin eating the pizza. To celebrate the release of PokePark in Japan, Domino's Pizza is offering an Exciting PokePark 「わくわくポケモンパック」 promo pack with their orders. The promo is being held from December 11th, 2009 to January 14, 2010. Promo quantities are limited, so be sure to order a pizza early! Below are the cards and some information about them.

While the crew begins eating the pizza, the delivery boy states that the pizza would be 2480 yen for the pizza, but Robert, Shoko and Red quickly ignore him leaving Golgo in a bit of a predicament. Reluctantly, he pays for the pizza only to find out by the time he'd done so, everyone else had eaten the pizza.

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Yadon (ヤドン) 60HP Water Type Yadoking Holo (ヤドキング)
Promo Number 028 - Height: 1.2m - Weight: 36.0 kg Promo Number 030 - 100HP Psychic Type
Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno Illustrator: Noriko Hatta
Weakness: Lightning x 2 Weakness: Psychic x 2
Retreat Cost: 2 Colorless Retreat Cost: 2 Colorless

During the Pokémon Daisuki Project segment, Robert played Pokéwalker Bingo with different Pokémon types throughout Tokyo. The three members of Robert each had a Pokéwalker and a large Bingo card handing in front of them. Each card had the different types of Pokémon listed in random locations. The objective was to trade Pokémon with people using their Pokéwalker and try to trade for Pokémon that matched the type on the card that they needed. The first person to line up 4 Pokémon types in a row, would be the winner.

Robert's first stop was the Tokyo Pokémon Center. There they traded Pokémon with employees and customers that were in the store at the time. By the time they left the Pokémon Center, Baba was in the lead with 5 spaces covered.

Their second stop was Tokyo's Kōtō Ward's, Sunamachi-Ginza Shopping Street (東京都江東区砂町銀座商店街) where they continued trading Pokémon with people they saw on the street that had Pokéwalkers. When they left the shopping area, both Yamamoto and Baba were tied with three separate ways to get a Pokéwalker Bingo.

Robert's final stop was Tokyo's Kōtō Ward's, LaLaport Toyosu Shopping Park (東京都江東区砂 ららぽーと豊洲)where they continued to trade Pokémon until Baba was the first to get a Pokéwalker Bingo and win the game.

After the Pokémon Sunday News, the original Movie 13 teaser trailer with Lugia and Ho-oh was shown and then right after it, the new Theatrical Edition Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl - Phantom Champion Z (劇場版ポケットモンスターダイヤモンド&パール「幻影の覇者 Z」) trailer that originally aired on Oha Suta (おはスタ) earlier in the week was shown.

A new preview for the upcoming episode Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl - 156 - Fukamaru and Draco Meteor!! (フカマルとりゅうせいぐん!!) was also shown. High resolution pictures from the preview are available in the Imageboard thread.

Pictures and characters from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.
The Japanese children's variety television show Oha Suta (おはスタ), hosted by Pokémon alumni Kōichi Yamadera (山寺宏一), announced the latest movie on the show on Friday. Theatrical Edition Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl - Phantom Champion Z (劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール「幻影の覇者 Z」) was announced and is scheduled for release in Japanese theaters on July 10th, 2010.

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The teaser shown features the legendary Pokémon Entei (エンテイ), Raikou (ライコウ), Suicune (スイクン) and Celebi (セレビィ). The trailer shows Celebi flying through a large city and then Satoshi shows up facing his opponent which looks like evil version of himself.

The official Japanese Pocket Monsters movie website has also updated with information about the new movie. A high quality version of the trailer has been posted on the site.

Source: http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/
picThe latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 155 - Double Battle! Manmoo and Hinoarashi!!(ダブルバトル!マンムーとヒノアラシ!!), aired on Thursday in Japan.

Satoshi and friends have arrived at Sonoo Town and are watching Hikari's rival Nozomi in the Pokemon Contest. Will she be able to win her 5th ribbon and gain entry into the Sinnoh Grand Festival?!

Characters and Pictures from this episode have been added to the episode guide. You can also comment and discuss this episode. Also be sure to rate this and other episodes in the episode guide.