TV Tokyo |
Sunday - 7:30am - 8:30am |
Variety Show |
October 3rd, 2010 to September 29th, 2013 |
Pokémon Smash Main Page - About the Show - Cast - Segments |
About the Show
The official Pocket Monsters movie blog confirmed that a new show called
Pokémon Smash! (ポケモンスマッシュ!) would debut on October 3rd, 2010 and would replace
Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) in the same 7:30am to 8:30am time slot on TV Tokyo. A press conference was held in Tokyo on September 16th, 2010 revealed the new show.
The show keeps the same variety show nature that Pokémon Sunday did by featuring the games, anime, movies as well as announce new information about the Pokémon franchise. The show airs in widescreen and in high definition. The main show features a Pokémon Library episode which generally takes up the first half hour. The Pokémon Library episode is an anime episode that has aired in the past. If the anime episode is a 4:3 episode, the pillars on each side often remind viewers of the latest anime episode that is to air that week on Thursday. Some channels do air a 30 minute abbreviated version of Smash later on in the week for those that missed the full episode on Sunday.
Unlike Pokémon Sunday, at the beginning of each main segment after the Pokémon Library episode, a VTR splash screen introduces the segment and which department of the show will be hosting it along with the name of the project. The contents of this VTR section of the show are generally divided into two main parts with a commercial break in between.
TIM group which includes:
Red Yoshida (レッド吉田) and
Golgo Matsumoto (ゴルゴ松本), Robert (ロバート) group which includes
Ryuuji Akiyama (秋山竜次),
Hiroshi Yamamoto (山本博) &
Hiroyuki Baba (馬場裕之), as well as
Shoko Nakagawa (中川翔子), cast members from Pokémon Sunday, all returned to Pokémon Smash.
Director Lucario,
Hikozaru and
Yamirami who were part of Pokémon Sunday, did not come over to Smash and they were replaced by
Mijumaru and
Director Zoroark.
Director Lucario though returned for the 3rd year of Smash after staying in a borough in the southern area of Rio de Janeiro.
The show also initially featured
Choi Hong-Man (チェ・ホンマン), a South Korean kickboxer and mixed martial artist. He is very tall at 7'2" and he towers over the rest of the cast as the press
conference pictures show. His official title on the show is the Chief Executive Officer of Pokémon Enterprises. Being Korean, his Japanese is not very fluent but he manages to get his point across when speaking. He did not last past the first block of four episodes which were recorded at the same time.
So Takei (武井 壮) is a former multi-athlete and a current TV personality during the airing of Smash. His specialty is the decathlon, where he holds the current Japanese record in 100 meter sprint, 10.54s. He joined the Pokémon Enterprise in
Pokémon Smash episode 141, where he's in charge of the Special Division (特殊部).
Misaki Momose (桃瀬美咲) joined the show at 17 and is in the yellow shirt,
Hana Watt (ハナ・ワット) in the red shirt and
Maria Israel Cialdini (マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ) in the green shirt were the first three members of the Smash International Division. In
Episode 105, the three of them were "transferred" and their new job was to report on kids all around the world who love Pokémon (世界のポケモンずきのこどもたちの調査へ!). They appeared at some Smash related events in Japan after leaving the show at the end of the second year.

Click on image for higher resolution
Four new International Division members were also introduced in
Episode 105.
Director Lucario rejoined the crew after having spent some time in Brazil. Lucario then helped introduce the newest member of the International Division,
Niccolo Marangon (ニコロ・マランゴン).
Niccolo Marangon is from Brazil and he joined the Pokémon Enterprises International Division at age 10.
Noemi Trijasson joined the Pokémon Enterprises International Division at age 9. She is a small girl but she is very tomboyish. Neese introduced himself as Neese(マクヴィカーニース)of Canadian decent and he likes to dance. The final new member was introduced as
Maru Kiuchi (木内 舞留) and she is a mysterious girl from Russia who was 10 years old when she joined the International Division.
Pokémon Library (ポケモンライブラリー) - The Pokémon Library segment features a rerun anime episode. Often times the rerun episode will be related to what is going on in the other segments of the shows. It is also often related to other aspects of the franchise that are going on around the same time that has some relevance. There is also a theme/moral associated with the episode and one of the cast members tells the audience what it is before the rerun library episode starts. Professor Red almost always starts the library episode by saying his "OK! Pokémon Library!" go-to line.
Pokémon Quiz Caravan (ポケモンクイズキャラバン) - The quiz caravan features Golgo and Red on location at a junior school that has invited them for the day. There are different segments to the Quiz Caravan as well but most of them require the participants to answer Pokémon trivia from all aspects of the franchise.
Marketing Department Presents (マーケティング部プレゼンツ) - Shoko-tan and Mijumaru are the main hosts of this segment. They introduce new merchandise that is going on sale as well as announce new games and events. Trailers, commercials and pictures of the merchandise is shown. Game announcements and visitors like Junichi Masuda often frequent the segment.
PokéSma Card Battle (ポケスマカードバトル) - The PokéSma Card Battle are generally held around the week that a new set will be released in Japan to promote the new cards and new features that are associated with the set. The International and Adventure groups generally face off against each other, reenacting the moves on the cards in real life.
Pokémon Black/White Battle (ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト バトル) - The battles generally take place after the main segment of the show is completed and just before the Marketing Department segment. Audience members are invited onto the show to battle one of the PokéSma cast members. Most battles are 4-on-4 Double Battles capped at level 50. Legendaries are allowed in the battles as are held items. If the challenger defeats the PokéSma cast member, they get to chose one of the cast members Pokémon to trade with and keep.
Pokémon Black 2/White 2 Battle (ポケットモンスター ブラック2・ホワイト2 バトル) - The battle is almost identical in setup to the Pokémon Black/White Battle except players are using Pokémon Black 2/White 2.
Mr. Medal Golgo Sets Out (メダルおやじゴルゴがいく!) - Golgo dress up and acts like Mr. Medal from the Pokémon Black 2/White 2 games. He visits kids that have various skills and talents and watches them do it in order to give them a PokéSma Medal for their efforts. He gives them one of three medals: Beginner (ビギナー), Elite (エリート) or Master (マスター).
Mijumaru's Tweet Corner (ミジュマルのつぶやき) - Mijumaru often announces events and shows upcoming trailers for the anime that will be airing within a week or so. The segment generally airs after the VTR but before the final commercial break.
Get Presents Through the Pokémon Finale Act (ポケモン大喜利deプレゼントゲット) - Golgo introduced this segment during
Smash #125. Each week, two PokéSma members were given a question to provide a humorous answer for during the final segment of the episode. Viewers were call in to vote for which of the two they want to perform this skit. (ポケスマメンバー2人のどちらの答えを聞きたいかみんなに電話投票してもらい勝者を決定!). The PokéSma member who got the most caller votes wins. The viewers who voted for the winner then were entered in a lottery where they could win a special PokéSma poster. (電話投票の勝者に電話してくれた人の中から抽選でポケスマ特製ポスターをプレゼント!).
You Choose! Pokémon Anime Request! (キミが決める!ポケモンアニメリクエスト) - As requested by Smash in March of 2013, during the month of April 2013 a new segment would debut called You Choose! Pokémon Anime Request! (キミが決める!ポケモンアニメリクエスト). Viewers were requested to select a Pokémon and then an anime Library episode that features that Pokémon would be shown during the Pokémon Library segment of the show. Viewers needed to send in a postcard with a brief message and their Pokémon selection into the show.
The Eievui Akiyama Friends (イーブイ秋山フレンズ) - To promote the
Movie 16 short Pikachu and its Eievui Friends (ピカチュウとイーブイフレンズ), Akiyama dressed up as all the Eievui evolutions and did various skits from the Eievui house. Shoko-tan later joined in some of the skits as Nymphia.
Pokémon XY Champion! (ポケモンXY選手権) - This segment was almost identical in structure to the quiz caravan as it featured Golgo and Red on location at a junior school. The International Division often came along and participated with the students of the school. There are different segments to the Pokémon XY Champion as well but most of them require the participants to answer Pokémon trivia from, at the time, the upcoming games Pokémon X and Y.
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Last updated 12 Mar 2015 00:26
by Sunain.
Revision #29