Futachimaru |
Water |
One of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups
Chaoboo |
Fire |
One of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups |
Janovy |
Grass |
One of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups |
Pikachu |
Electric |
Award for attending a Tretta Report Certification event and passing the Level 1 criteria; Having the capture of a specific Pokémon registered on your Tretta Report. During set 1 and 2, this Pokémon was Meloetta, during set 3 it was Lucario, and during set 4 it was either Tsutarja, Mijumaru or Pokabu. |
Chandela |
Ghost |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Cobalon-Chandela Cup. From October 2012 and on, one of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups. Also one of four tretta given out at random to participants in the Special Cup. |
Cobalon |
Steel |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Cobalon-Chandela Cup. From October 2012 and on, one of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups. Also one of four tretta given out at random to participants in the Special Cup. |
Pikachu |
Electric |
Given out through lotteries held among those who submit their tretta report data to the official Tretta Ranking system during certain periods. During the campaign periods between September ?-September 12th and December 15th-December 25th, participants just needed to submit report data, though during the October 27th-November 11th period, participants were required to have caught a Sazandora during the round they submitted their report data in order to enter the lottery. |
Meloetta |
Fighting |
Award for attending a Tretta Report Certification event November 2012 and up and passing the Level 2 criteria; Having raised a partner Pokémon into an Extra Attacker during the current expansion set. |
Sazandora |
Dark |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Terrakion-Sazandora Cup. From December 2012 and on, one of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups. Also one of four tretta given out at random to participants in the Special Cup. |
Terrakion |
Rock |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Terrakion-Sazandora Cup. From December 2012 and on, one of the several trophy tretta participants would be given one of at random in most Trophy Cups and the Challenge Cups. Also one of four tretta given out at random to participants in the Special Cup. |
Keldeo |
Fighting |
Award for attending the Tretta Report Certification event in January 2013 and up and passing the Level 3 criteria; Having caught 5 of the same Pokémon (making it appear with a gold frame in the Tretta Report Get screen) during the current expansion set. |
Virizion |
Grass |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Virizion-Agilder Cup, as well as one of several tretta gven out at random in Challenge Cups starting April 2013. |
Agilder |
Bug |
Chevargo (set 4) |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Virizion-Agilder Cup, as well as one of several tretta gven out at random in Challenge Cups starting April 2013. |
Reshiram |
Fire |
Award for attending an upcoming Tretta Report Certification event in February 2013 and up and passing the Level 4 criteria; Having caught a Master Class Pokémon during the current expansion set. |
Lucario |
Fighting |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Landlos-Lucario Cup. |
Landlos |
Ground |
One of two tretta given out at random to participants in the Landlos-Lucario Cup. |