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Cover Image English: SM 4 First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!
Cover Image Japanese: SM 4 モクロー登場!アローラでポケモンゲットだぜ!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): SM 4 Mokuroh tōjō! Alola de Pokémon get da ze!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): SM 4 Enter Mokuroh! I Got a Pokémon in Alola!!
Cover Image German: SM 4 Alola-Fang à la Ash Ketchum!
Cover Image French: SM 4 Première capture à Alola, façon Ketchum !
Cover Image Spanish: SM 4 ¡Primera captura en Alola, al estilo Ketchum!
Cover Image Swedish: SM 4 Första fångsten i Alola, Ketchum-stil!
Cover Image Italian: SM 4 Prima cattura ad Alola, in puro stile Ash!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): SM 4 ¡Primera captura en Alola, al estilo Ketchum!
Cover Image Finnish: SM 4 Alola - Ensinappaus, Ketchum-tyyliin!
Cover Image Dutch: SM 4 De eerste vangst in Alola, in Ketchum stijl!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): SM 4 A primeira captura em Alola, no estilo Ketchum!
Cover Image Norwegian: SM 4 Første fangst i Alola, i Ketchum-stil!
Cover Image Danish: SM 4 Første fangst i Alola i Ketchum-stil!
Cover Image Korean: SM 4 나몰빼미 등장! 알로라에서 포켓몬을 잡아라!!
Cover Image Russian: SM 4 Первая поимка в Алоле в стиле Кетчума!
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 58 栗原類くんによるPQ(ポケモンクイズ)、新ゲーム&アニメ新シリーズから出題! / 松本梨香さんがアニメ新オープニング曲を披露!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 58 Kurihara Louis-kun ni yoru PQ (Pokémon Quiz), shin game & anime shin series kara shutsudai! / Matsumoto Rica-san ga anime shin opening-kyoku wo hirō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): POKENCHI 58 A PQ (Pokémon Quiz) from Louis Kurihara, with Questions from the New Video Games and New Anime Series! / Rica Matsumoto Performs the New Anime Opening Song!
Cover Image English: Gen 12 The Magma Stone
Cover Image Japanese: Gen 12 火山のおき石
Cover Image French: Gen 12 La Pierre Magma
Cover Image Japanese: POKENCHI 59 新ゲーム登場記念でお笑い芸人たちがコントを披露、あばれる君も!? / みんなで踊る「ポケだちのうた」!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): POKENCHI 59 Shin game tōjō kinen de owarai geinin-tachi ga conte wo hirō, Abareru-kun mo!? / Minna de odoru 'Pokédachi no uta'!