The episode starts off with just Robert, Golgo, Red and Shoko. Yamamoto asks where the International Group is and Golgo explains that they are late as is the President. The narrator explains that Misaki generally says "Pokémon Library" before the repeat episode starts. Red then intimates her by saying "Pokémon Library". Akiyama takes a turn in a sad and crying voice and then Golgo and Yamamoto do a group saying of "Let's Pokémon Library" that imitates the
Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duo.
Baba introduces this weeks rerun theme which is "People and Pokémon Grow Stronger Together" (人とポケモンは一緒に成長すろ). Professor then does the "Pokémon Library" library call instead of Misaki in the style of his old "Poké-we-go!" saying from Pokémon Sunday which gets the attention of the other members there. Akiyama and Professor Red then end up doing the call again this time imitating the
Fall in Love (フォーリンラブ) duos style. This weeks episode,
Rescue Ralts! Hurry Masato! is from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of this episode is available in the episode guide.
After the repeat episode finishes, the girls from the International Group show up. The girls say that the
President of Pokémon Enterprises is out working hard today. To help the girls and audience better understand the Pokémon Card Game, Robert and the International Group meet up with
Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) who will be their teacher for this segment of the show.

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The narrator introduced the newly released
Pokémon BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits which were released in Japan on October 29th, 2010. A tutorial clip from the DVD that is included with the set was briefly shown.

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Lesson 1: Card Type (カードの種類): Takashima introduced the 3 main types of cards, Pokémon cards, Energy cards, and Trainer cards. Robert then appeared on the top level of the gym each wearing a large Pokémon card in front of them. Baba wore the Grass-type
Tsutarja (ツタージャ) card from the new BW set, Akiyama wore the
Fire-type Pokabu (ポカブ) card and Yamamoto wore the
Mijumaru (ミジュマル) card.
Yamamoto explained the fact that some Pokémon cards can evolve into other Pokémon replacing the previous card. A player puts the evolved form of the Pokémon onto of the previous evolution card but they must go in order. A level 2 evolution card cannot be put onto of the basic Pokémon card.
Lesson 2: How to Read a Card (カードの見かた): The narrator then explained the locations of all the card information. The name of the card at the top center, the type symbol in the top right. Takashima then indicated that the Hit Points (HP) are located beside the type symbol. He then showed where the Weakness and Resistance locations were at the bottom left part of the card. The narrator then indicated that the attacks are located in the center of the card with the damage they will deal located right beside the attack descriptions. Takashima then pointed out that attacks need energy to be able to use the attacks.
Lesson 3: Energy: Takashima held up a card with the 8 main energy type cards and the International Group girls tried to guess the type each card was.
Lesson 4: Let's Try it Out! (ワザを出してみよう!): The girls put a fire and water energy card on Yamamoto Mijumaru and instructed him to use Water Gun. Yamamoto got out a squirt gun and sprayed water in Baba's face. Baba didn't seemed concerned about it at all and then pointed out that his card Tsutarja has -20 resistance to Water type attacks. Mijumaru Water Gun attack only does 20 damage so the resistance canceled out any damage (20-20=0).
Maria then instructs Yamamoto Mijumaru to use Water Gun on Akiyama Pokabu this time. Akiyama goes crazy right after Yamamoto squirts him in the face with the water since Pokabu's x2 weak against Water attacks. (20x2=40)

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Lesson 5: Trainer Cards (トレーナーズのカード):
Dr. Takashima (タカシマ先生) introduced the concept of Trainer Cards and how they can benefit players during battle.
Lesson 6: Place Names (場所の名前): The narrator then showed the main areas on the mat where battles take place.

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Pokémon Smash C-Gear Background:
During the last segment of the show, Shoko-tan introduced the Pokémon Smash C-Gear Background Present Campaign. Each member of the Pokémon Smash crew has drawn a background that they hope will be voted on to become a C-Gear background for Pokémon Black and White. A
page has been put up at the official Pokémon Smash website to allow people to see which pictures each member drew. Players can vote for their favorite one until midnight on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010. The results will be announced on November 28th.