The announcer introduced the show by saying: "And this week we'll feature Misaki's training. How to be an expert on Pokémon battle, right here on Pokémon Smash!" The episode started with Misaki playing at her desk with the rest of the cast watching her. Golgo shows up and notices Misaki training. Golgo tells Akiyama to get Misaki's attention and as he does Misaki uses
Close Combat (インファイト) in the game and plays out the move in real life hitting Akiyama in the head. She goes back to the game and then once again hits Akiyama in the head with her own
Close Combat using the boxing glove she was wearing.

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Now that Misaki was no longer focused on her game, she introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Don't give up before the battle has concluded (バトルを最後まであきらめちゃダメ!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Battle Arena! Fighting Showdown! (バトルアリーナ! 格闘対決!!) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

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After the Pokémon Library episode, the VTR for Elite Four Misaki's Battle Training; A Knockout Battle Tournament with Kids Downtown was shown. A clip was shown of Fighting Type Misaki's Elite Four battle against 9 year old Tasuku Nozawa (野澤輔) from
Smash #59. Misaki was the first Smash Elite Four member to be defeated as Tasuku still had two of his Pokémon by the end of the battle. Robert then showed up and decided that they would help Misaki with her training. Robert led Misaki up to a hut that had a sign out front that said 'Learning Room' (修業部屋) where they told her to go in. She was a bit scared to see what was in there but it ended up being
Director Lucario.

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Robert were transformed in to teachers and the first thing they were going to work on with Misaki was her 'Insufficient Study of Compatibility' (相性の勉強不足). In her battle against Tasuku Nozawa (野澤輔), it was clear she wasn't familiar with all the type advantages and disadvantages and was one of the reasons she lost the battle as the super effective attacks ended up knocking out her Pokémon. Yamamoto was Teacher Fuuma Ittetsu (風馬一徹) who had a chart up on the board and he went through the
different types that Fighting Pokémon were effective against and uneffective against.

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The second point was 'Mental Weakness'(精神面の弱さ) and once again a clip from the same battle with Tasuku Nozawa (野澤輔) was shown. It highlighted that Misaki has problems focusing her attention so it was time for Baba as Teacher Inokuma (猪熊) to help Misaki. They went to a nearby river where the water temperature was only 2C. Baba walked through the water but didn't seem to mind it. Misaki was then instructed to enter the water but as soon as she did she started screaming how cold it was. Baba then decided to play a concentration/focus/reflex game of catch the stick before it puts an X on the photo (キャッチできないと写真にX). Baba would hold the stick and release it but Misaki would have to catch it before it stamped an X on a photo of her. The first round in the game, Misaki missed catching it and a X was stamped on her right eye on the photo. After three rounds, the cold river water was getting to Misaki and she ran out.
Pokémon have 2 types (タイプが2つあるポケモン) was the third training exercise that Misaki participated in and Akiyama was the teacher this round, and he made a square box that had 9 doors. Two doors could be punched in if they were the right type for the given Pokémon. The first Pokémon was
Goukazaru and Misaki correctly punched out the Fighting and Fire type doors. The second Pokémon was
Roubushin but Akiyama tricked Misaki into thinking it had two types but its only a Fighting type. Misaki punched the Rock type box only to hurt her hand. Akiyama then sang a song that can help people remember the Pokémon types.
Misaki the next day working on training. From that time on she had been taking her 3DS with her everywhere she went such as getting her nails done and having coffee but the people there also tested her type knowledge and reflexes. Both instances she did poorly and a Smash rep made her wear a horrible outfit for doing poorly at the nail salon and she then had to wear a bald cap with glasses at the coffee shop. Misaki also trained with Robert again doing all the previous training exercises but she didn't really improve much.
Finally after a lot of study and practice, Robert returned do their exercises with Misaki. She showed vast improvement. Misaki then did 10 battles against some kids. She defeated all 10 and they then went back to the main Smash set. Akiyama song test hasn't been passed yet unlike Yamamoto's and Baba's tests which Misaki had finally passed. Akiyama called in a bunch of guys with fans who would hit Misaki if she sang the song wrong. She ended up singing the lyrics well except for the very end when she said Dokudog(ドクドッグ) instead of
Dokurog (ドクロッグ). She got hit with the fan for saying its name wrong but only because Akiyama had made the same mistake when he was teaching her the song.
12 year old Ryou Miyashiro (宮城遼) was this weeks battler. He knows karate and his favorite Pokémon is
Burshamo. Misaki ended up winning the battle without loosing any of her Pokémon.