The announcer introduced the show by saying: "And today our Pokémon Quiz Caravan will feature upcoming Pokémon movie. Yes! It's going to be a big bash! Stay with us! Pokémon Smash!". The Smash crew started off watching Akiyama walk in with a microphone pretending to be an idol. He then explained that July 1st is Children's Song Day (童謡の日 童謡=こどものために作られた歌). Akiyama then sang his original song (やまいも) in honor of the day.
Potatoes, taro, sweet potatoes |
じゃがいも さといも さつまいも |
there are lots of different kinds of potatoes. |
いもにも いろいろ あるけれど |
I am the king of the mountain, |
ぼくはお山の 大将さ |
I am steadfast, I never lose. |
ねばり強さじゃ まけないぞ(トロン) |
Onomatopoeia's: とろ~ん とろ~ん means nodding off
にゅ~るにゅる~ is the "sound" of making a big smile |
とろ~ん とろ~ん にゅ~るにゅる~ |
When I take a bit, I become super strong. |
ひとくち食べれば ちからもち |
- |
とろ~ん とろ~ん にゅ~るにゅる~ |
Now my mouth itches |
おくちが かゆくなっちゃった (トロン) |

Click on image for higher resolution
Professor Red introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Be prepared (ゆだんには注意). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
Rocket Gang Disbands!? (ロケット団解散!?) from the
Diamond and Pearl series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
After the Pokémon Library episode, the International Division girls showed up and Baba introduced a Pokémon Smash version of a Caravan event 'Pokémon Puzzle Looking for differences quiz! (ポケモンパズルまちがい探しクイズ!)' that Robert worked on. The rest of the Smash crew tried to quickly put the puzzle together. Golgo wasn't happy with the picture and quickly moved on to the real quiz caravan.

Click on image for higher resolution
For this week's Quiz Caravan, Red and Golgo visited Obitsu Elementary School, Kimitsu, Chiba Prefecture,(千葉県君津市立小櫃小学校), where the local Children's Organization had written to them requesting to participate in a Quiz Caravan. The Movie 15 van arrived with Golgo once again dressed as Manaphy and Red dressed as Mewtwo. The students were wearing Keldeo and Meloetta hats. Points from this quiz caravan would be added to the running scores on Team Keldeo and Team Meloetta cosplay contest.
Click on image for higher resolution
The first quiz segment was the Black 2 White 2 Quiz (ブラック2ホワイト2クイズ). The kids were all on their own this time but were also divided up into two main groups and they would move to either the Black Kyurem (X) or White Kyurem(O) side when the questions were asked.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Game - Male and female Pikachu look different (ピカチュウはオスとメスでがたがちがう) |
Yes - (O White) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
Movie - Keldeo is a legendary Pokémon (ケルディオは伝説のポケモンである) |
No - Mythical Pokémon (X Black 幻のポケモン) Spoiler: Click to show! |
3 |
Game - Does Latias weight more than Professor Red? ラティオスとレッド博士ではラティオスのほうが重い) |
No - Latios 60kg, Red 85kg (X Black) Spoiler: Click to show! |
4 |
Special Problem (特別問題) - Is Chief Golgo wearing orange socks today?(ゴルゴ所長のいまはいているくつ下の色オレンジである) |
No - White Color (X Black - 水色) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Team Meloetta got 30 points for winning the event. The next Caravan event was 'Pokémon Puzzle Looking for differences quiz! (ポケモンパズルまちがい探しクイズ!). The event wasn't shown but Team Keldeo ended up getting 30 points while Team Meloetta ended up winning and got 50 points.
The next segment was the Keldeo Relay Quiz (ケルディオリレークイズ). The quiz consists of 5 different relay tasks: Finding a ball in a flour pan with your mouth, a 4 person/5 legged relay, Putting the Keldeo horn through a hole, passing a ring with Keldeo's horn and not letting a ball fall to the ground using the Keldeo's horns. The teams would each have to answer a trivia question to get the points for the team at the end of each relay task. The first team there would get to pick which question they were asked based on two different categories.
Below are the questions that were asked:
1 |
Card - When damage is received from a Pokémon whose type you are weak to, the damage increases how many times? (弱点にかかれているタイプのポケモンからダメージをうけるときダメージは何倍?) |
2X (2倍) Spoiler: Click to show! |
2 |
Game - Which of these Pokemon are not Fighting type: Terrakion, Cobalon, Yabukuron (テラキオン、コバルオン、ヤブクロンかくとうタイプをもっていないのは?) |
3 |
Anime - Satoshi's Hahakomori's specialty is to use leaves to make what? (サトシのハハコモリがとくいなのははっぱで何をつくること?) |
Clothes (服) Spoiler: Click to show! |
4 |
Card - The Starter Set: National Zukan Version incudes 3 powerful cards featuring mythical Pokemon. These 3 are are Victini, Shaymin and which other? (はじめてセット全国図鑑版には協力な幻のポケモンのカードが3枚入っています その3枚とはビクティニ・シェイミと何?) |
5 |
Game - What is the price of a Super Ball at a Friendly Shop? A: 600 B: 400 (フレンドリィショップで売られているスーパーボールのねだんはどっち?A: 600円 B: 400円) |
600円 Spoiler: Click to show! |
6 |
Movie - Which is the fastest, Cobalon, Terrakion or Virizion? (コバルオン、テラキオン、ビリジオンスピードが1番早いのは?) |
7 |
Game - Name 5 Fighting type Pokémon (かくとうタイプのポケモンを5ひき答えろ) |
Various answers Spoiler: Click to show! |
8 |
Movie - Name the three other Formes besides Normal that Deoxys, who played a major part in The Sky-Rending Visitor Deoxys, can take on (裂空の訪問者 デオキシスで活躍したデオキシス ノーマル以外の3つのフォルムをすべてこたえなさい) |
Attack, Speed, Defense (アタック、スピード、ディフェンス) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Team Meloetta won with 230 points but Team Keldeo was only 10 points behind at 220 points.
Pokémon Black 2 White 2 Special Report
Game launch events were held all over Japan on Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 and Sunday, June 24th, 2012.
Takao Unno and director Junichi Masuda from Game Freak were at the Kameari Ario shopping mall in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo. Hana was also at the event and did a quick special report for the Smash audience. She also got on stage to show off the confetti cone that Professor Red provided and it was shot off into the crowd. Hana then also dressed up as Meloetta and did the
Meloetta Dance for the audience at the event.
Mijumaru's Tweet Corner
In the tweet corner, Mijumaru reminded viewers of the
Keldeo pre-order event that was taking place at the time of air. Ticket could only be purchased until July 13th, 2012. Mijumaru also reminded viewers the the 15th movie would be released in theaters on July 14th, 2012.