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15 Dec 2011 06:04 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 黒き英雄の遺跡!シンボラーとデスカーン!!/Kuroki eiyū no iseki! Symboler to Deathkarn!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
04 Feb 2012 06:06 PM
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I thought this episode was just so-so. It was nice to hear about some mythology of the Isshu Region and the flashbacks were interesting, but aside from those nothing really stood out in this episode.
I liked the humor the elder Professor Araragi had when traversing the traps, and his voice just made it funnier. The "battles" weren't really spectacular though, and I was rather disappointed that most of the traps could simply be dealt with by one Pokémon, as well as the fact that Professor Araragi's father didn't appear to have any Pokémon. Looking at the preview for this episode, I had thought that it would be similar to the Desumasu episode, which was actually somewhat scary, but it wasn't.
Before watching this episode, I had no idea that Desukaan walked on all fours. Since it appeared to be able to levitate, I thought it would just float like other Ghost Pokémon.
13 Feb 2012 11:33 AM
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This episode was not as interesting as I thought it would be. The whole mythology thing was not as interesting as I expected either, for some reason. I'm always quite interested by anything regarding legendary Pokémon mythology, but simple drawings on a wall just didn't cut it for me, I guess.

That being said, I wouldn't call this episode a disappointment, far from that. I really like 'Papa' and his odd behaviour, and there was some pretty fun moments (like when 'Papa' steals the orb, that sneaky dude!).
I was quite surprised at seeing the Deathkarn walk on their 'legs', or them "mumyfying" human beings...

The next episode looks real great, Waruvile's finally back! But I certainly wasn't expecting it to battle alongside Pikachu... guess this episode will be full of surprises!
Last edited 13 Feb 2012 11:36 AM by Chance