Home / Episode Guide / はじめての雪!ホッホッゲー!!/Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
Main Image
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Roy and Fuecoco's First Snow!
  • Japan はじめての雪!ホッホッゲー!!
  • Japan Hajimete no yuki! Hohhogee!!
  • Japan Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
  • South Korea 첫눈! 뜨뜨아~!!


OP/ED List

Episode Director
Animation Director
Chief Animation Director
Assistant Director
Guest Setting
Screenplay Assistance
Key Animation
2nd Key Animation
In-Between Animation Check
In-Between Animation
Color Coordination
Line Photography
Production Assistant
Animation Production
Segment Organization
Segment Storyboard
Segment Unit Director
Segment Key Animation
Segment In-Between Animation Check
Segment Production Assistant
Recording Studio

Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

After taking their time interacting with lots of the Pokémon that live on Mt. Napper, Liko and the others decide to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!

As Liko and the others head towards Fridge Town for Roy's practical application test, they arrive at Mt. Napper, where Roy and Hogator are overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time! After taking their time interacting with lots of the Pokémon that live on Mt. Napper, the group decides to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona
  • Japan ネモ
  • Japan Nemo
  • Japan Nemo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brassius
  • Japan コルサ
  • Japan Colza
  • Japan Colza
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Larry
  • Japan アオキ
  • Japan Aoki
  • Japan Aoki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko
  • Japan リコ
  • Japan Liko
  • Japan Liko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy
  • Japan ロイ
  • Japan Roy
  • Japan Roy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ludlow
  • Japan ランドウ
  • Japan Randou
  • Japan Randou
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nidothing
  • Japan ぐるみん
  • Japan Gurumin
  • Japan Gurumin
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Rotom Phone
  • Japan リコのスマホロトム
  • Japan Liko no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Liko's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxly
  • Japan ドットのクワッス
  • Japan Dot no Kuwassu
  • Japan Dot's Kuwassu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Fuecoco
  • Japan ロイのホゲータ
  • Japan Roy no Hogator
  • Japan Roy's Hogator
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Rotom Phone
  • Japan ロイのスマホロトム
  • Japan Roy no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Roy's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot
  • Japan ドット
  • Japan Dot
  • Japan Dot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brassius' Sudowoodo
  • Japan コルサのウソッキー
  • Japan Colza no Usokkie
  • Japan Colza's Usokkie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Terapagos
  • Japan テラパゴス (パゴゴ)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Larry's Staraptor
  • Japan アオキのムクホーク
  • Japan Aoki no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Aoki's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Rotom Phone
  • Japan ドットのスマホロトム
  • Japan Dot no Smartphone Rotom
  • Japan Dot's Smartphone Rotom
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Tinkatink
  • Japan ドットのカヌチャン
  • Japan Dot no Kanuchan
  • Japan Dot's Kanuchan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Swimmer
  • Japan 海パン野郎
  • Japan Kaipan-yarō
  • Japan Swim Shorts Dude
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Swimmer's Trubbish
  • Japan 海パン野郎のヤブクロン
  • Japan Kaipan-yarō no Yabukuron
  • Japan Swim Shorts Dude's Yabukuron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Floragato
  • Japan リコのニャローテ
  • Japan Liko no Nyarote
  • Japan Liko's Nyarote
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nemona's Pawmot
  • Japan ネモのパーモット
  • Japan Nemo no Parmot
  • Japan Nemo's Parmot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Kilowattrel
  • Japan ロイのタイカイデン
  • Japan Roy no Taikaiden
  • Japan Roy's Taikaiden
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Hattrem
  • Japan リコのテブリム
  • Japan Liko no Tebrim
  • Japan Liko's Tebrim
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxwell
  • Japan ドットのウェルカモ
  • Japan Dot no Welkamo
  • Japan Dot's Welkamo

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Delibird
  • Japan デリバード
  • Japan Delibird
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Snorunt
  • Japan ユキワラシ
  • Japan Yukiwarashi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Cubchoo
  • Japan クマシュン
  • Japan Kumasyun
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Beartic
  • Japan ツンベアー
  • Japan Tunbear
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Bergmite
  • Japan カチコール
  • Japan Kachikohru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Klawf
  • Japan ガケガニ
  • Japan Gakegani
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Palafin
  • Japan イルカマン
  • Japan Irukaman
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Frigibax
  • Japan セビエ
  • Japan Sebie


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted an episode break reminder on August 2nd, 2024.

The Pokémon anime is on a break today... so we've prepared a fun surprise for you instead! Please check this account at 12pm! The next episode will air Friday August 9th, 2024. Here, the trio will head for Mt. Napper for Roy's practical application test, the next in line after Dot's! Look forward to it (airdate and airtime may vary depending on region)! Episode 59 is currently available on Youtube as well!

本日のアニポケ 放送はお休み



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a link to the Chanpuru Gym Gym Test-style Pokémon anime quiz on August 2nd, 2024.

Order the Secret Pokémon Anime Menu Item:
In episode 59 of the Pokémon Anime, Dot battled Aoki as part of her practical application test! We'll now give you a Chanpuru Gym Gym Test-style Pokémon anime quiz! If you get all the questions right, you'll get a wonderful mobile wallpaper! This quiz will also prepare you for Roy and Liko's practical application tests that await in the upcoming episodes, so make sure to give it a try, okay?

The three questions are as follows:
1) What type of Pokémon does Aoki, Dot's opponent during her practical application test battle, use when acting as Gym Leader?
a) Flying
b) Normal
c) Bug

2) Which of the following is a rule for the practical application tests?
a) You need to team up with someone for the battle
b) They are battles against the Paldea Elite Four
c) You need to use 2 Pokémon

3) Which Pokémon did Aoki send out during the practical application test?
a) Nokokocchi and Nekkoara
b) Mukuhawk and Odoridori
c) Mukuhawk and Nokokocchi

本日のアニポケ 放送はお休み

Q1: ドットが応用テストでバトルしたアオキは、ジムリーダーとしてはどんなポケモンの使い手?




The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a wallpaper on August 1st, 2024 by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie.

AniPoke Wallpaper Calendar
Every month we'll give you a mobile wallpaper calendar made by Mojacookie. August is an extremely hot month, but... Liko, Roy, Dot and their Pokémon are instead having fun in the snowy mountains! You see, starting with the next episode, which airs Friday August 9th, 2024, the trio will head for the super cold Mt. Napper! (airdate and airtime may vary depending on region).




The 65th Itabashi Fireworks Festival (第65回 いたばし花火大会) took place on August 3rd, 2024 from 19:00 to 20:30 JST. There were Captain Pikachu and Monster Ball fireworks.

Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted outfits of Liko, Roy and Dot on August 7th, 2024.

Pokémon Anime Outfit Presentation:
Mt. Napper is a super cold, snow covered mountain located in the northern part of the Paldea region, so we present the trio's winter clothes. Liko is covering her head and ears with a hat that has a stitched leaf ornament on it. Dot dislikes the cold, so she's all bundled up in multiple layers of clothes. And Roy has a knitted hat with a Hogator-inspired design!

アニポケ 衣装紹介
ロイのニット帽はホゲータ のようなデザイン!


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a Next Episode Featured Points on August 7th, 2024.

Mt. Napper is filled with Ice type Pokémon. As the trio talkes a walk around, Hogator practically ended up turning into a Sebie?! And there was a Kachikohru nearby as well...

アニポケ 次回注目ポイント
3人で散策していたらホゲータがセビエ みたいになっちゃった!?
近くにはカチコール もいて…


The official Animedia Twitter account posted tweets on August 1st, 2024 and August 7th, 2024, promoting the September 2024 Issue which was released on August 8th, 2024.

It's an Olympic year, so we're promoting Pokémon articles in various languages. Animedia's Oct issue (out Aug 8) is a special Pokémon TV anime feature, with exclusive cover art, in-depth articles, and a free Pokémon clear file supplement! If you're in Japan, grab your copy now!


The cover and lead feature of the September issue of Animedia, which goes on sale on August 8th, 2024, is the TV anime Pocket Monsters! The cover features illustrations of Liko & Nyarote, as well as Chili & Dooh. It also comes with a special clear file with the cover illustration on both sides.

8月8日発売のアニメディア9月号の表紙&巻頭特集はテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」 ! 表紙は リコ & ニャローテ 、 チリ&ドオー のイラストが目印です 表紙イラストを両面に使用した特製クリアファイルもついてきます アニポケ

We interviewed Minori Suzuki, Yuka Terasaki, Yoshino Aoyama, Kohsuke Toriumi, Ryōtarō Okiayu, Mitsuki Saiga, Miria Takagishi, and Chiaki Kobayashi! We look back on the Terastal Debut Arc with a focus on the exhibition matches with the Elite Four.

巻頭特集では 鈴木みのり さん、寺崎裕香 さん、青山吉能 さん 鳥海浩輔 さん、置鮎龍太郎 さん、斎賀みつき さん、高岸美里亜 さん 小林千晃 さんにインタビューを敢行! 四天王 との交流戦を中心に「テラスタルデビュー編」を振り返ります アニメディア9月号


The Pocket Monsters TV show has made its return to Animedia! The Terastal Debut arc is finally reaching its climax, so we'll be recapping Liko, Roy and Dot's rapid development through their battles with the Elite Four and the Gym Leaders while presenting interviews with the cast!

The Pocket Monsters TV show airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm! (airdate and airtime may vary depending on region. All content is subject to change). Also currently streaming on various services.
Staff: Executive Director: Daiki Tomiyasu / Director: Saori Den / Series Construction: Dai Sato / Character Design: Rei Yamazaki / Sub-Character Design: Kyoko Ito / Sound Director: Masafumi Mima / Music: Conisch / Animation: OLM Cast: Liko: Minori Suzuki / Nyarote: Megumi Hayashibara / Roy: Yuka Terasaki / Hogator: Daiki Yamashita/ Dot: Yoshino Aoyama / Welkamo: Daisuke Namikawa / Friede: Taku Yashiro / Captain Pikachu: Ikue Ohtani / and more

An introverted girl, a boy that longed for adventure from an island, and a girl that used to be holed up in her room are now all able to set off into the vast world as long as they have their partners! The Pocket Monsters TV show has likewise taken many huge steps forward alongside its companions, and has now been on the air for about a year and a half! Liko and the others have grown as people and taken on adventures towards new goals, currently having gone to Orange Academy in order to learn Terastallizing. Following the assessment tests and exhibition matches against the Elite Four, their last examinations are a set of final practical application tests. While the result of these tests is all very intriguing, we'll first bring you a recap of what the characters have been through so far. We'll now take yet another thorough look at Liko and the others' growth and the Elite Four's strength through a series of interviews with the cast; Not just the voice actors of protagonists Liko and Roy and their fellow Terastal trainee Dot, but also the voice actors playing the Paldea region's Elite Four, who have guided the trio via battles!

On Friede's suggestion, Liko and the others decided to study on exchange at Orange Academy in the Paldea region to receive Terastal training, leaving their fellow adventurers for a short while.

The Ancient Adventurer Lucius' goal was the mythical paradise Rakua. Liko and the others are searching the the six Pokémon called the "Six Heroes" in order to escort Terapagos there.

Liko and the others are studying on exchange at Orange Academy. They're done with the assessment tests and exhibition matches, and are now finally in the middle of the practical application tests!

LIKO (voiced by Minori Suzuki): A native of the Paldea region who enrolled at Sekiei Academy in Kanto. Used to be very introverted, but has grown a lot while spending time with Pokémon.
FRIEDE (voiced by Taku Yashiro): The leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers. His partner Captain Pikachu is known as "Cap" due to being the captain of the Brave Asagi.
TERAPAGOS: A highly mysterious Pokémon that transformed from the pendant Liko got from her grandmother. Apparently used to travel with the Ancient Adventurer.
NYAROTE: Liko's partner. Very fickle and tends to do things its own way. Evolved during the battle against the Black Rayquaza.
TEBRIM: A Psychic type Pokémon susceptible to others' emotions. Liko's second partner, recently evolved from a Mibrim into a Tebrim.
NEMO (voiced by Eri Kitamura): Battle fanatic and president of Orange Academy's student council. A highly skilled Trainer who holds the Champion rank while still a student.
LUCIUS (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa): An adventurer that lived a hundred years ago, and whose story is being told in picture books and the like that speak of him as "the Ancient Adventurer". It is said that he reached the paradise Rakua alongside six Pokémon (The Six Heroes).


(Born October 1st, from Aichi, represented by Aoni Production. Major roles include Freyja Wion (Macross Delta) and Uran (Pluto))

Q: How do you feel Liko has grown during her adventure thus far?
Suzuki: Liko used to be very introverted and insecure, and she took a very big step forward when she met Nyahoja and set off on a journey with Friede and the others; I think that was one of the most important events that had ever happened in her life to that point. At first she was afraid to take one such step forward, but before I knew it she had become able to move rapidly forward both one, two and three steps on her own accord, and each and every time I play her I can feel her steady, ongoing growth.

Q: Early on, Liko often acted due to external factors, didn't she?
Suzuki: Yes, it happened so often she even had a monologue asking herself if she was the lead in some kind of shojo story (laughs). She had a lot of internal monologues back then, and I felt like a lot of her lines made her come across as very reserved. However, I never forgot to keep a positive outlook as I played her, reminding myself that while Liko wasn't a big talker, she was reflecting on things and trying to make progress in her own way. As the series continued, she became less private, monologuing less and starting to tell others how she felt instead of keeping it to herself. Additionally, she also became able to properly understand what her own desires were, and I think that led to her optimism becoming a lot more pronounced.

Q: Liko has gradually obtained more and more Pokémon, has this had any effect on her relationship with Nyahoja/Nyarote?
Suzuki: Nyahoja initially acted somewhat jealous towards the other Pokémon, and while it still has that side to it now that it has evolved into a Nyarote, it has also developed somewhat of an older sister-esque vibe that's on full display when it has its hands full dealing with the overly free-spirited Terapagos (laughs). I really love the relationship between Nyarote, Tebrim and Terapagos, it's extremely cute.

Q: During the exhibition matches, Liko teamed up with Kaede to battle Chili from the Paldea region's Elite Four. How did you feel during the dubbing session for this battle, and what did you think of the episode itself when you watched it?
Suzuki: I was really happy I got to battle alongside Kaede-san, and the fact that our opponent would be Chili-san of all people made me thrilled... Both the character I was playing and I myself as a voice actress found ourselves next to a pair of absolute legends we were learning a lot from, so me and Liko both found ourselves really overwhelmed with excitement during that dubbing session (laughs). When Chili-san told Liko that she was being too stressed out and stiff, I couldn't have identified with Liko more... (laughs). The exhibition matches were written with the purpose of spotlighting all the characters that took part in them, so I really felt the Elite Four and Gym Leaders' respective professionalism and desire to teach the academy students how much fun battling is. Kaede-san and Chili-san both engaged with Liko in a way that led her to discover the answer to the question she was asked on her own, and it all made me keep thinking how warm and welcoming this world is.
However, that scene also required me to accurately express Liko's growth as a Pokémon battler, so I ended up getting really worked up and passionate during that dubbing session. It was also really tough to get across how Liko had driven herself to establish her mindset as a Trainer and was enthusiastically working towards it. I felt like Liko gained something from that exhibition match, but the practical application test is next, and she still has a lot of growing to do. Just thinking about all the various personal victories she can attain while still knowing she has further to go makes me really excited. This must be the kind of excitement Liko and the others feel while on their adventures.

Q: What were your thoughts on Liko's battle opponent Chili?
Suzuki: I might sound like a total otaku now (laughs), but it made me really happy that Chili-san getting animated meant I'd be able to see every little move she makes! The way she acts is just so beautiful to watch. Her Terastal Orb throwing sequence in particular is just the coolest!
When I watched the finished episode, I also noticed that when Chili-san was giving Liko advice, she was exchanging little knowing looks with Kaede-san while providing Liko with guidance. It made me really happy to see that the two of them were trying to raise Liko together with so much love and care. There was also a bit depicting Chili-san telling a stiff and nervous Liko a joke to help her relax, and I really appreciated that kind and considerate gesture. Liko actually responded by telling Chili-san not to poke fun at her, maybe because she was really stressed at the time, but I personally thought Chili-san was being very supportive here.

THE EXHIBITION MATCH AGAINST ELITE FOUR CHILI WHERE LIKO LEARNED THE FUN AND FRUSTATION OF BATTLING: Liko teamed up with her assessment test battle opponent, Cercle Town Gym Leader Kaede, and took on Chili from the Elite Four. Liko was initially very nervous, but the battle eventually taught her both the fun of fighting in real earnest while being as one with your Pokémon, as well as the frustration of losing.

"Roy and Hogator have a very close relationship where the two are constantly on the same page, I feel like Liko and Nyahoja/Nyarote practice as healthy level of distance. You could say that Liko's feelings get reflected in Nyahoja/Nyarote; If Liko is hesistant, Nyahoja won't act either, but might give Liko a supportive push or pull, while if Liko is fully motivated, it will take an optimistic attitude and show that it's ready to give its all if Liko is eager to. I really love that sense of mutual understanding and distance the two have going, and even told myself that if I don't play Liko properly, I won't actually get through to Nyahoja/Nyarote. I feel the two of them are reflections of each other that maintain the perfect level of both distance and relationship - they're neither too close nor too distant." -Suzuki

Q: What do you personally think the ideal bond between Trainer and Pokémon is?
Suzuki: In my opinion, the ideal bond is defined by a shared desire to overcome an obstacle or a battle when the two find themselves facing one, even if they don't speak the same language or spend all their time together. As Liko herself said in the actual show, Friede and Cap's bond absolutely exemplifies this.
Q: Out of all the various groups and organizations in the show, like the Rising Volt Tacklers, the Explorers, Orange Academy, the Elite Four, the Gyms etc, which would you personally like to join?
Suzuki: Definitely Orange Academy! I want to learn more about Pokémon alongside Liko, Roy and Dot! If I have to pick someone to work with, I guess I'll go with Kaede-san, though I feel like she'd get really scary if I messed up (laughs).

(Born August 4th, from Kumamoto, represented by Ken Production. Major roles include Mika Egashira (Skip to Loafer) and Vueko (Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ogonkyo))

Q: How do you feel Roy has grown during his adventure thus far?
Terasaki: So far, I think the biggest step he's taken is making his initial resolve to leave the island, leaving the Grandpa he had lived with his entire life behind and starting to approach Pokémon from the position of a Trainer. Ever since then, he and Hogator have gained battle experience together, eventually reaching the point where they were able to battle the Black Rayquaza, who they were initially unable to even touch. When I look back on his journey now, I can think of many incidents that made him grow substantially.

Q: The Terastal Debut arc saw Roy starting to travel with just Liko and Dot. What are your thoughts on him traveling with someone from his own generation?
Terasaki: Prior to Terastal Debut, Roy had been able to do all kinds of wild things since he had Friede and the other adults there watching over him, but I feel like he's stopped behaving so self-centered ever since he started traveling with his own generation only. Back when he and Friede would be together, he'd occasionally just run off on his own without telling anyone (laughs), but nowadays he always makes sure to tell one of his companions if he's going somewhere. I feel like he's grown more mature in that aspect specifically because the group only consists of the three kids now. I also feel like the three act differently towards each other now than they initially did; As an example, if Roy notices Dot getting tired, he'll now encourage her by saying their destination isn't far away.
As a whole, I think the trio is very well balanced; Roy will act on instinct, Liko will rationally think things through, and Dot will systematically analyze the situation. It really is a wonderful thing that they were all able to meet and go on an adventure with friends that compliment them so well, and I'm sure Roy highly appreciates each and every day he gets to travel and study with Liko and Dot.

Q: Roy is very confident and can get along with anyone, are the any scenes demonstrating this that you found particularly memorable?
Terasaki: I guess the interaction between Roy and Collecurei in episode 57, where Roy's reaction to being mind controlled was just thinking it was fun. That's how easy-going he is (laughs). I actually got shocked at how it didn't bother him at all (laughs). He's just extremely sincere and straight-forward, and probably doesn't even know the meaning of the word doubt. It's like he doesn't sweat the details at all...
However, he's also surprisingly observant and intuitive, even to the point of noticing Nyarote's jealousy before Liko did, you know? I'm sure that came specifically from all the time he spent in nature alongside Pokémon.

Q: During the exhibition matches, Roy teamed up with Colza to battle Hassaku from the Paldea region's Elite Four. How did you feel during the dubbing session for this battle?
Terasaki: During that battle, Roy almost never used keigo when talking to Colza; This is actually something the sound director had talked to me about before I started this scene, telling me that Roy doesn't use keigo with his partner because he's focusing his attention on the battle. This made me feel a bit uncomfortable at first since Roy usually does use keigo with Colza-san, but when that feeling completely disappeared once the battle started reaching its climax, it really clicked with me what kind of person Roy is.
I was also really happy I got to record alongside someone for my exhibition match. In fact, this was actually the very first official battle in the show where I got to do that; Due to the current situation, I had always recorded my battle dialogue all by myself up to this point. Having your costar there with you all the time makes it so much easier to grasp the course of the battle as a whole, and we were able to take our acting to the next level together. This once again made me feel that a battle truly is something people create together.

Q: What were your thoughts on Roy's exhibition battle opponent Hassaku?
Terasaki: He's very passionate, but also very entertaining! He definitely came across as a teacher providing Roy proper guidance, but it also felt like he was enjoying the battle on a level beyond just that. He's also really bright and cheerful, so it's quite the mystery how he and Colza-san get along so well (laughs). Despite being such different personalities, they're so close they call each other "Col-san" and Hassan". That actually caused my mind to start wandering, thinking about their history together and how they had probably known each other since they were young.

Q: And now it's time for the practical application test against Lime, right?
Terasaki: At the time we're conducting this interview, I don't actually know anything about the rap battle at all, including the outcome. Having said that, though, all the rapping I've done in the endings makes me confident in my abilities! Either way I'll do my utmost, so please keep an eye on the battle!! On another note, Lime's voice actress Kimiko Saito-san was just the perfect pick for the role...! I think her voice has these qualities of a strong and dependable mother to it that helps softening the scary and imposing impression you initially get from Lime-san. I hope you'll look forward to her performance, and to her rapping as well!

He didn't even mind getting mind-controlled by Collecurei in episode 57, thinking it was just fun.

"Episode 52 had a scene where Hogator tried following Roy as he was going down a cliffside with a river at the bottom, and Roy told it to stay away from the water since it would drown if it fell. When I did my first take for this scene, I performed this line as if I was saying it to a friend, but the sound director then told me he wanted me to do the line as if I was genuinely warning my own child about this danger. This really gave me an awakening of sorts. Roy and Hogator started off as friends, but Hogator has now also become someone Roy really cherishes and wants to protect. It seems like his relationship with Hogator, as well as how he thinks of it, is getting reinvented on a daily basis through the story itself" -Terasaki

Q: What do you personally think the ideal bond between Trainer and Pokémon is?
Terasaki: As far as I'm concerned, Hogator and Roy already have the ideal bond. They're completely indispensable to each other, and together they can do anything and overcome any predicament. I had to miss a dubbing session once due to have caught a cold, and afterwards I got told by the other cast members that they had never seen Hogator look so sad before (laughs). They also told me that I had bonded really well with Hogator before they even knew it, which made me really happy to hear. I'll never miss another session, Hogator!
Q: Out of all the various groups and organizations in the show, like the Rising Volt Tacklers, the Explorers, Orange Academy, the Elite Four, the Gyms etc, which would you personally like to join?
Terasaki: I'll pass on the Explorers, please! (laughs) Amethio always looks like he's suffering so much, and whenever I see him I always want to just call him over... So if I have to pick a group to join, I'll go with the Rising Volt Tacklers. I'd like to be on kitchen duty alongside Murdock and Mawhip, cooking is the only thing I'd be able to do there...!

ROY (voiced by Yuka Terasaki): A boy from the Kanto region. Easy-going and doesn't sweat the details. In episode 45 he got to battle his ultimate goal, the Black Rayquaza, though only for a moment.

(Born May 15th, from Kumamoto, represented by 81 Produce. Major roles include Hitori Goto (Bocchi the Rock!) and Akari Kosugi (Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjo ga nai))

Q: How do you feel Dot has grown during her adventure thus far?
Aoyama: Initially, Dot wasn't the type to openly show curiosity about things; She'd instead live entirely in her own world, looking things up on the Internet and making videos about them. This is what drastically changed when she met Liko and Roy; Now she's driven by an inquisitive mind, letting everything she sees influence and change her. She seems like a completely different person now, wouldn't you say?

Q: Did any specific incidents that showed Dot's growth or changed nature make a particular impression on you?
Aoyama: The one in episode 41 where Dot's mother comes to visit; I ended up crying several times while looking over the script, and it was a very difficult episode to work on. I'm sure Dot's desire to entertain others with her videos is ultimately something she inherited from her mother and her love for talking, don't you agree? As Dot's voice actress, it made me really happy that her rebelling against her parent got depicted so carefully and in such great detail.
I personally use the phrase "My heart just Murdocked" whenever I get really emotional from seeing how much Dot has grown, or find myself really worrying about her (laughs), and episode 41 was definitely an episode that made my heart Murdock.

Q: What are your thoughts on how Dot fits into the group of her, Liko and Roy?
Aoyama: Dot often acts as the straight man in the group, so at first glance you'd assume she was the most reliable member of the group. However, the truth is that there's actually someone far more reliable than her in the group; A certain "Kuwassu"...! (laughs) I really do think Kuwassu has helped Dot a lot, though. Whenever Dot gets completely overwhelmed or scrambling around during a battle or incident, Kuwassu will take the initiative and pull Dot along with it. It truly is a reliable, indispensable partner for her.

Q: And Kuwassu just evolved into a Welkamo during the practical application test as well, right?
Aoyama: That's right! My reaction to it was something along the lines of "It finally happened, huh?". Up until that point I had always thought of Kuwassu in the same way I would've thought of a human partner, so seeing it evolve before my eyes, undergoing a type of transformation that doesn't happen to humans, somehow felt very unique and novel to me. During that test, Kuwassu had constantly been pulling Dot along and buying her time to think, making it possible for her to come up with plans... and then it finally evolved into a Welkamo! Despite feeling a bit like her partner in life had just left her behind again, seeing how much it had grown also genuinely made her feel like she had to work harder as well. And that reaction right there showed how Dot had grown a lot too, didn't it? I found it extremely touching to hear such motivational words come out of her own mouth like that.

Q: What were your thoughts on Dot's practical application test opponent Aoki?
Aoyama: Aoki-san was definitely an opponent it's very hard to get a handle on, and not someone Dot could possibly beat at her current level. Dot must have studied him a lot, and was enthusiastic about her test due to being confident her intel gathering skills were second to none, and thus thinking she had a good chance of winning. During the battle, Kuwassu even evolved into a Welkamo. However, they still lost, and considering Dot's earlier enthusiasm, I think that came as a huge shock to her. Welkamo was able to help her regain her positive attitude, though. Additionally, Kanuchan was still very inexperienced, and learning that it still has a long way to go was a very valuable lesson for her as well.

Q: In the exhibition match that took place before the practical application tests, Dot teamed up with Nanjamo to battle Poppy from the Paldea region's Elite Four. What were your thoughts on this battle?
Aoyama: I felt that Dot was really fortunate to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. It's amazing how she actually got to participate in this exhibition match alongside Nanjamo-neesan, someone she loves and respects both as a content creator and as a Trainer. Nanjamo-neesan truly is a wonderful person; She's stylish and easygoing, never acts self-important, knows how to enjoy herself and has a passionate side to her, but never forgets to entertain the spectators watching her battles. It was definitely thanks to her being there that Dot was able to have such a good battle against a powerful opponent like Poppy.

Q: And what were your thoughts on Dot's exhibition battle opponent, Elite Four member Poppy?
Aoyama: That little body giving instructions to such gigantic Pokémon looked so adorable! As you'd expect from an Elite Four member, she felt very confident and in control as she was battling; While she was clearly enjoying herself from the bottom of her heard, her battle tactics were both rock solid and imposing. I'm sure Poppy must've found it very strange to see Dot look so depressed even though she had won, but instead of being pushy, she instead taught Dot how to enjoy battling while still maintaining her Elite Four dignity. That exchange is specifically what made me think of Poppy as truly worthy of being a part of the Elite Four.

This Pokémon has always been by Dot's side as Gurumin's companion. Even after officially becoming Dot's partner, it has continued to support her (as well as Liko and the others) both openly and in secret.

During the exhibition matches, Dot teamed up with Nanjamo, the Gym Leader of Hakko City. Nanjamo is also a popular content creator, and Dot refers to her as "Nanjamo-neesan". During this battle, Dot learned a lot from watching Poppy and Nanjamo entertain not only themselves, but also the audience.

Q: What do you personally think the ideal bond between Trainer and Pokémon is?
Aoyama: I feel like Liko, Roy and Dot each embody the ideal bond; All three of them have an amazing partner by their side that acknowledges and encourages their Trainer and gives them supportive pushes. Every dubbing session I think about what a miracle that is.
After Kuwassu evolved into Welkamo, Dot did her best to keep up with it; She still needs a lot of support from her Pokémon, and I feel like the truly ideal bond would involve them acknowledging that they both still have a lot to learn and then help each other improve.
Q: Out of all the various groups and organizations in the show, like the Rising Volt Tacklers, the Explorers, Orange Academy, the Elite Four, the Gyms etc, which would you personally like to join?
Aoyama: The Rising Volt Tacklers would be the best, wouldn't it? I want to work under Cap! It seems very tough on Orio to have to do all the maintenance work on her own, so I'd like to help her out, even though I have no idea exactly what I'd be able to assist her with.

DOT (voiced by Yoshino Aoyama): A girl who used to stay holed up in her room working on intel and creating videos as the costumed content creator Gurumin. Currently attempting the practical application tests alongside Liko and Roy.


A series of exhibition matches against the Paldea Elite Four got arranged as a surprise for the Academy students after the assessment tests. Meeting skilled Trainers will speed up their growth!

(Born May 16th, from Kanagawa, represented by Arts Vision. Major roles include Mikazuki Munechika (Token Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnoji) and Guido Mista (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind))
(Born November 17th, from Fukuoka, represented by Aoni Production. Major roles include Kaku and Kizaru (One Piece) and Subaru Okiya (Detective Conan))

Q: What are your thoughts on the characters you play?
Toriumi: Aoki is an office worker who's thoroughly devoted to his job and doesn't assert himself too much, so he seems very trustworthy in that regard. He might actually give young children some nice social education too... as in, I hope that watching him can teach them that the reason their dads and moms are always so tired is because they're working hard for their children's sake. I think Aoki is a wonderful character in that sense as well (laughs).

Q: Aoki also handled Dot's practical application test. How did you feel during the dubbing session for this battle?
Toriumi: The exhibition matches the other Elite Four members had very strong undercurrents of "teaching through battling", while Aoki and Dot's battle was a practical application test, so it was all about evaluation. Despite that, I still think Aoki tried giving Dot guidance in his own way. One thing I really like about him is how subtle he can be with things like this; He doesn't provide answers directly, but makes others realize on their own what they are. So while he's not overly forward, it feels like his sentiments towards the other shines slightly through in the way he performs his work and duties. Seeing that approach towards raising today's youngsters made me feel like he's a really good Gym Leader. He may talk in a very detached manner, but I can really sense a focus on nurturing the next generation in him. Okiayu: I've never actually seen Aoki talk normally (laughs). Hassaku and Aoki appear together in their debut episode, episode 46, and back then I thought he was a really mysterious character; He didn't talk much at all, and whenever you'd think he's about to say something, he just ended up mumbling a bit to himself... He must be a very difficult role to play. It's a shame we never got to record together, but I've enjoyed watching Aoki in action in the finished episodes. Toriumi: As you said, Aoki is really difficult to play right... His lines in the script constantly have notes saying "calmly" next to them. The practical application test episode also had a line from Dot where she comments on how detached Aoki sounds when commanding moves, and she was right on the money there; This was an evaluation match, so it was more about ascertaining Dot's skill level rather than battling seriously.

Q: And what were your thoughts on Hassaku?
Okiayu: It seemed like he was all about teaching what battles were like rather than being an Elite Four member serving as a wall to potentially overcome... and I guess ALL the Elite Four members had similar reasons for agreeing to doing these exhibition matches in the first place. Especially the battle between Chili and Liko had Chili trying to provide Liko with guidance, but as I said, the battle between Hassaku and Roy instead felt more about teaching what battles were like. Maybe that was because of Hassaku's tendency to get too passionate about things?

Q: I personally got the impression that his opponents being specifically Roy and Colza is what made him get just as excited as they did. Toriumi-san, what were YOUR thoughts on Hassaku?
Toriumi: He's the most education-minded member of the Elite Four in the truest sense of the word, and he seems like a very uncomplicated, passionate man who can be greatly moved by seeing how young people grow and improve. He loves battling... and he's very loud (laughs).
Okiayu: (laughs)
Toriumi: He also feels a lot like a leader type, though that doesn't mean he acts superior to others in any way. He just conducts himself like a good leader.
Okiayu: When you think about it, the anime referring to them as the "Elite Four" doesn't really carry all that much weight, you know. In the video games they serve as sort of the last bastion, but here they're just appearing in exhibition matches, so it took a while for them to give off the same impression as you get from the games. On that note, it's been quite a while since I last acted in a show that featured move names and lines like "Dodge!", so I found those kind of lines very fun to record. hose move names are quite difficult though! (laughs)

A no-holds-barred battle between two experienced Trainers! Hassaku and Colza go way back, but they gave us a truly passionate battle, not wanting to disrespect the other by going easy on him.

Q: If you were to go on a picnic with Pokémon, what would you like to eat together?
Okiayu: I'm the type that always goes with egg sandwiches.
Toriumi: (laughs) As for me... Well, if I'm going to eat outdoors in the first place, I'd like to use a griddle, you know. Okiayu: You're good at grilling meat, aren't you?
Toriumi: I used to grill a lot (laughs). So yeah, I'd like to grill some meat and treat everyone to some BBQ!

HASSAKU (voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu): A Dragon type Trainer who's both an Elite Four member and an art teacher at Orange Academy. During the exhibition matches, he faced Roy and Colza.
AOKI (voiced by Kohsuke Toriumi): A Trainer who's both an Elite Four member and the Gym Leader of the Chanpuru Town Gym. During the exhibition matches, he faced Sango, and during the practical application tests, he faced Dot.

(Born June 12th, from Saitama, represented by Ken Production. Major roles include Richard (Bara-o no Soretsu) and Belaf (Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ogonkyo))

Q: During the exhibition matches, Chili battled Liko and Kaede. What were your thoughts on her double battle against these two?
Saiga: Liko's passion and the way Chili-chan battled without carelessly getting caught up in said passion made for a truly intense battle. Chili-chan started off watching over Liko from the position of a coach or mentor, but apparently she's the type of person that gets really excited when she's having fun (laughs), so she got more and more serious the more intense the battle got. I really liked that. I also think Chili-chan's passion might have spread to Liko and contributed to her growing as a Trainer. And to think Liko of all people would be crying tears of genuine frustration after the exhibition match... I could really tell how fun and how frustrating that battle had been for her. This really was a wonderful episode that truly made me feel Liko was growing.
The Pokémon that were giving their all alongside Chili-chan during that battle were super cute as well! I got really happy when I learned she had such a nostalgic Pokémon as Dugtrio on her team, and when I first saw Dooh I got really excited over how cute my Partner Pokémon was. When I first learned I was going to use these two in a double battle I got really curious about how they'd fight together, but I was very impressed with how the battle ended up making great use of their respective characteristics. It truly was a lot of fun!

Q: One of the main highlights of the Paldea region is battles where the Trainers use Terastal Orbs. This battle had Chili Terastallize Dooh and Liko Terastallize Nyarote, what were your thoughts on that part of it?
Saiga: To be quite honest, my initial reaction was that it felt quite unfair for an Elite Four member to power up her Pokémon on top of actually starting to battle seriously (laughs), but on the other hand it also proved that she truly WAS going all out against Liko. It was great to see her human nature and personality get brought to the forefront as she fought with true sincerity and no regard for who the opponent was or the fact that this was an exhibition match.

Q: What were your thoughts on Liko's team mate, Cercle Town Gym Leader Kaede?
Saiga: She felt like a teacher kindly guiding Liko, but I also found the way she eventually started really enjoying herself and went all out to be really cool! Kaede is played by Kotono Mitsuishi-san, and she plays her in a kind yet dignified and appealing manner that really impressed me during the dubbing session. The way she got pumped up was super cool, and it was really cute how she immediately went back to normal after the battle. Her acting was absolutely mesmerizing. That's Mitsuishi-san for you...

Q: And can you also once again tell us your thoughts on Chili's exhibition battle opponent Liko?
Saiga: Liko initially came across as a well-behaved young lady, but during her exhibition match she attacked Chili-chan head-on with everything she had. She started off as really frightened and unsure what to do, but at the end of the battle she had become really proactive, having enjoyed the battle and wanting to get stronger. That transformation really made an impression on me. I wonder how she'll grow from here and what kind of Trainer she'll ultimately become, and I really hope her battle against Chili-chan will have laid the groundwork for her development.
By the way, episode 56, the one that this exhibition match took place in, had a ton of characters in it, and I got the feeling they all said something very meaningful before they left (laughs). The episode was so jam-packed with all kinds of elements and mysteries that it really made me curious to see where this is all going.

Q: If you were to go on a picnic with Pokémon, what would you like to eat together?
Saiga: What the Pokémon themselves want to eat, of course! I want to make them something that will bring smiles to their faces and then enjoy it alongside them, all in order to thank them for doing their best while battling. A picnic where the Pokémon come first would be truly ideal!

CHILI (voiced by Mitsuki Saiga): A Ground type Trainer and one of the Paldea Elite Four. Very cheerful and approachable, but still battled with extreme passion during her exhibition match against Liko and Kaede.

(Born February 17th, from Aichi, represented by Kenyu Office. Major roles include Airune, the narrator and 15 other roles (Takara Tomy's Punirunes short stories) and Hiyori Sonoda (Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha))

Q: What was your initial impression of Poppy?
Takagishi: It was roughly "She's so small and so cute!". The cast members were announced at AnimeJapan 2024, where they had these cardboard figures of the Elite Four at the venue, and Poppy's was the only one that was a completely different size from the others (laughs). Thinking about how she's a member of the Elite Four despite being so tiny and so cute filled me with a really intense sense of cuteness, emotion and surprise.

Q: Did this impression change after you had actually played the role?
Takagishi: Yes, actually trying to play her made me feel that her love for Pokémon and her passion for battling exceeds even her cuteness. I could also feel that while the protagonists are still in the process of growing, Poppy has already been through that process despite her young age, something that's very apparent from her dialogue. Even though she both looks and sounds like she's having the time of her life while battling, her hidden passion is just as strong as that of older Trainers, and I found that contrast extremely charming.

Q: What kind of direction did you receive for this role?
Takagishi: Poppy's first appearance in the show had her watching a battle between students at Orange Academy and commenting on it. When I was preparing for that scene, the sound director told me that since the Elite Four are there searching for talent, they're calmly analyzing the battle and assessing the two opponents, so I should perform my line as if I'm making a personal observation, not as if I'm talking to someone. That explanation made me once again feel the passion towards battles and the experience level worthy of the Elite Four that Poppy has, and helped me gain a much broader understanding of her character.

Q: Poppy's second appearance was in her double battle against Dot and Nanjamo during the exhibition matches, what were your thoughts on your first ever Pokémon battle?
Takagishi: Poppy might be a veteran Trainer, but for me, this was my very first Pokémon battle, so I was extremely nervous. I could tell Poppy was thoroughly enjoying it, though, and that helped a lot.
I was also really touched by how amazingly well Poppy and her Pokémon worked together; Daioudou and Dekanuchan fought properly together as a team even without Poppy giving them any instructions! She calls her Pokémon "Poppy's friends", and the Pokémon themselves also share a deep bond of friendship that allows for mutual understanding between them. And just like Poppy herself, the Pokémon she used in the battle were great at improvising, something I'm sure got fostered through all the fulfilling battles they've experienced alongside Poppy.

Q: And what were your thoughts on your opponents Nanjamo and Dot?
Takagishi: Since Nanjamo-san is a content creator, she's always trying to be an entertainer. I felt that her attitude towards enjoying her battles was similar to Poppy's, if not even exceeding it, and it also seemed like she had closely calculated exactly how to present that attitude to the spectators.
As for Dot, she sure has changed since her time on the airship, hasn't she? During this battle, the way Poppy and Nanjamo were enjoying themselves to the fullest rubbed off on her, and despite her anxiety, she gradually started becoming more and more proactive. I think that made for a very enjoyable battle.

Q: What was the atmosphere at the dubbing studio like?
Takagishi: There were so many characters appearing in the exhibition match episodes that just the cast members alone numbered more than 20, and most of them were present for the main dubbing session. This was one of the first times I acted with so many people gathered together in one placed, so I was really nervous, but I managed to get through the session thanks to everyone's kindness and Poppy's cheerful energy.

Q: If you were to go on a picnic with Pokémon, what would you like to eat together?
Takagishi: Most of Poppy's Pokémon are really big, so I'm sure they eat an absolute ton! I want to make sure they get proper nutrition, so I'd like to make them some ajillo with lots of vegetables. I've been really into making ajillo lately in order to eat more vegetables, and since I especially love cheese, I'd want to simmer vegetables and camembert cheese in a big pot and then serve it to them all! I'd really have to simmer a lot if I'm going to do that for the Pokémon's portions as well, though (laughs).

POPPY (voiced by Miria Takagishi): The youngest Trainer in the Paldea Elite Four. During the exhibition matches, this Steel type Trainer faced Dot and Nanjamo.


The Elite Four is an explosion of idiosyncratic personalities! We've asked the cast members to share their candid thoughts on them!!

Terasaki: I can't help but love the way Chili intentionally provokes and messes with other Trainers...! She'll put Liko on the spot by telling her she represents her school, then makes her relax with a joke right afterwards. She's great at leading others by the nose! (laughs) Chili is not only Pokémon battle tactics, but also at psychological warfare towards her opponent, and I couldn't take my eyes off her!
Aoyama: She sure is cool. The way she's so sociable with everyone makes her feel like the girl next door, yet she's super strong! I personally love it when someone who's normally really easygoing suddenly flips a figurative switch and gets this really serious look on their face (laughs), so I thought the battle between Chili and the Liko/Kaede team was great. She's definitely the most expressive of the Elite Four, and also feels very relatable and approachable. The way she encourage Liko to grow as a person during their battle also really made an impression on me.
Takagishi: She's very cool and handsome, isn't she? To me, the anime iteration of Chili came across as much more loving and charming than the one from the original video game. The exhibition matches allowed rookie Trainers to practice against the Elite Four, and specifically because of that, we got to see how kind she was when teaching the Liko-chan how fun battling is while she's in the process of growing as a person. I feel like the Pokémon anime made Chili even more appealing than she already was.
Okiayu: I always thought Chili was a man!
Toriumi: Me too (laughs). She's pretty androgynous. And also optimistic and laid-back in general.
Okiayu: I feel like she's probably a lot more confident and outspoken than Aoki and Hassaku.

Terasaki: Aoki-san is very mysterious, and you never really know what he's thinking (laughs). However, even though he seems nonchalant, I think I saw a glimpse of kindness and passion during the practical application test. I feel like he really does care a lot about his challengers, and I'm glad I got to see him battle "up close".
Suzuki: Aoki-san both looks and sounds so detached that I initially found him very hard to read, but upon closer examination I eventually realized he's actually very kind and considerate. Dot's realization of the same also made a real impression on me. During the exhibition match between Sango and Haidai-san in episode 55, Aoki-san admonishes Sango when she objects to Kihada-sensei's ruling, telling her that her own personal rules don't apply in the real world, and I also found that really cool and striking.
Saiga: It's pretty amazing of him to be both a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member on top of being an office worker. When you think about how experienced he is in multiple fields, he might actually be the most amazing Elite Four member of them all. The fact that he doesn't talk much also makes him seem nice and mysterious, as if he's hiding something.
Takagishi: He's like the polar opposite of Hassaku-sensei (laughs), feeling very calm, collected and relaxed. He barely had any lines at all during the exhibition matches, which I guess is also quite like him. It's completely impossible for me to imagine how he and Poppy would interact, so I'm really looking forward to the possibility of them eventually doing so!

Suzuki: Hassaku-san's crying really sticks in your memory (laughs). I also thought the friendly dialogue between him and Roy's double battle partner Colza-san was really wonderful, and so was the sense of teamwork I felt from Roy and Colza-san during their battle against him. It was as if the two had formed a real bond after a single battle, and it made a real impression on me how readily Roy accepted Colza-san calling him "Roygarde", as well as how Roy lost himself in the battle to the point he forgot to use keigo with him (laughs).
Aoyama: I feel like Hassaku-san is overwhelmingly strong, which sticks out specifically due to how kind and cheerful he otherwise is. If Aoki-san has a strong core, Hassaku-san's strength spreads out wide like a folding fan. I felt a very flexible kind of resilience from the way he battles and his general demeanor.
Saiga: I think he's a really interesting person. He appears very teacher-like, but is actually extremely emotional and overflowing with compassion. Ryotaro Okiayu-san's kind voice only adds to this impression and I can't help but smile when I'm around him, which made me think of Hassaku as a teacher that makes everyone around him smile.
Takagishi: He's really passionate, not just when it comes to battling, but his love for everyone around him comes across really strongly as well! His love for his students, his love for all Pokémon, his respect for his opponents while battling... he's just so passionate in every way! I thought he was passionate in the game as well, but hearing Ryotaro Okiayu-san's voice made me feel that passion even more, and I once again thought about what an incredible teacher he is.

Terasaki: I think of Poppy as cute, but also scary; She's normally really cute, but her slightly scary side comes out when she's battling. Don't let appearances deceive you, she's really tenacious. I thought the exhibition match between her and the Dot/Nanjamo team was really instagrammable; Fun for both the Trainers themselves and the people watching.
Suzuki: When Poppy-san introduced her Pokémon as "super tough", Nanjamo-san replied that the squishy body of her's was really cute as well. It really stuck with me how this was the kind of exchange you can only really get from the Pokémon anime! The way Poppy-san acts and talks is always really cute, but Poppy-san herself isn't just cute, she's extremely strong as well. You can feel the inherent strength behind the adorable exterior of that tiny little body as it speaks words of encouragement to her Pokémon and brings out their potential to the absolute maximum.
Saiga: When I first saw her, I got really shocked at how tiny she was! Her voice and behavior are both really cute, but when it's time to battle, she'll be out there properly strategizing. The contrast between her look and her evident strength is just what you'd expect from the Elite Four, I'd think. Oh, and it also really surprised me how big her Partner Pokémon were (laughs).
Okiayu: She's cute. That says it all, really.
Toriumi: She's really cute and endearing. However, it's not like this look hides the fact that she's completely merciless in battle or anything... right? Like, her being so obsessed with winning she resorts to dirty tricks or something...!
Okiayu: That would've been pretty interesting, actually (laughs).
Toriumi: Ah, sorry, I guess she's not like that at all (laughs).


It has been a year since Liko, Roy and Dot first started traveling as members of the Rising Volt Tacklers. The cast members playing these three will now pour their hearts out about how they feel about their beloved companions.

Aoyama: I think Liko is really impressive! As of recent, she hasn't been particularly discouraged at all, or more accurately, she's completely stopped worrying. When she learned that Gurumin's true identity is Dot, I myself got pretty "dokimeki" for a minute, but when she talked about how much she loves Gurumin even after learning the truth, I could feel her extreme open-heartedness and love. Her relationship with Nyarote is precious as well...! Even though Liko's intent is to tell Nyarote her honest feelings, her Partner interprets them differently, which is why Liko realizes the need for more direct engagement. I found them to have a very different relationship from the one Dot has with Welkamo.
Terasaki: She really is a nice girl. She's really kind and very attentive towards both Pokémon as well as Roy and Dot, and I think it's really amazing that she can show such deep consideration towards others at such a young age. The way she engages with Pokémon by first thinking really thoroughly through the situation is something I don't think anyone else could do. Not only that, but when she acts, she does things properly, and she's been starting to show a lot of admirable qualities lately as well. When Liko tells the others to leave something to her, she has my utmost trust!

Suzuki: Whereas Liko has a tendency to overthink things, Roy and Hogator are wonderfully straightforward optimists that just go for it no matter what. Liko has a lot to learn from Roy, and I think she also has a lot of respect for him. His intense cheerfulness and positivety truly are God-given gifts. These qualities are not something you can attain just by wanting them, and from the perspective of an adult, they make Roy a wonderful character that even makes you feel admiration for him.
Aoyama: Roy is really impressive too! Whenever he encounters something unknown, he doesn't hesitate, but gleefully engages with it. I really admire that attitude. Even when he loses a battle, he has an open enough mind to accept the loss and acknowledge that he still had fun, something I wish Dot would learn from him too. Dot often used to play the straight man to his antics, but recently there's been more and more instances of her giving up on trying to stop him (laughs). I imagine there must've been many offscreen instances of her repeatedly trying but ultimately failing to stop him from doing something.

Suzuki: I feel that Dot is growing a bit as a person every single day. Initially, Liko was very conscious about the fact that Dot was her favorite content creator Gurumin, but nowadays I think she likes Gurumin as Gurumin and wants to be friends with Dot as Dot. This isn't one-sided either, Liko is very much on Dot's radar as well. I feel like they've developed a really passionate relationship, not just as friends, but as teammates and Trainers from the same generation as well. You really feel Dot's loyalty when she gets angry on Liko's behalf, or shows courage for her. Dot was the first one to take her practical application test, and I got really pleasantly surprised at the way this made her want to win and establish momentum. I also have to mention the amazing sense of stability I get from her Partner Pokémon Kuwassu; Even if Dot is panicking completely, Kuwassu always stands there all composed, waiting for Dot to become mentally ready, and I think that kindness and gentlemanly behavior is just wonderful.
Terasaki: I think Dot is the character that has grown the most out of these three. She started out holed up in her room, but her interests kept moving towards the outside of it, and she eventually even joined the others on their journey. I'm sure this made Liko and Roy happy as well, but it sure made my day! Dot used to say things were impossible for her to do, but now she just gives things a try without limiting herself, at least attempting the challenges she's faced with. In the practical application tests, she likewise served as the vanguard, saying she had to win so that the two others could follow her lead. Even Murdock would be crying his eyes out if he saw how much she has grown! (laughs)


Roy's voice actress Terasaki-san and Dot's voice actress Aoyama-san have taken a real interest in the highly enigmatic, spectacled girl Botan!

Terasaki: The one character I want to learn more about is Botan! She's such a mysterious character...!! I personally really love her design (laughs), but I'm also really looking forward to seeing how she'll get involved with Roy and the others. Grusha is a really cool and mysterious character as well, and I'm having a hard time imagining what will happen when those two get involved with our main trio. I think both Botan and Grusha will find Roy annoying, though (laughs). It's probably a good thing that Botan met Dot first (laughs).
Aoyama: Botan really interests me. We got to see her and Dot interact at the academy, but she's still hard to get a grasp on, which is precisely why I'm so fascinated by her. I'm sure Dot would like to learn more about her too. This is presumably the first time Dot has become involved with someone without invited or encouraged by someone else, and I think that interacting with someone similarly emotionally stunted will help broaden her world. I'm now looking forward to seeing how interacting with Botan is going to change Dot.

Dot met Botan in a library she got lost in while chasing after Terapagos. How will these two resolve the mysteries and suspicions they both agree on?

BOTAN (voiced by Ryo Hirohashi): A mysterious girl Dot met in Orange Academy's library. Apparently serves as engineer for the Paldea Pokémon League. Hard to get a grasp on.


Grusha, the person we saw with Omodaka in the spectator area during the exhibition matches, ended up becoming Liko's opponent for her practical application test. He's waiting for Liko to come visit him at the snowy Mt. Napper Gym, but...

(Born June 4th, from Kanagawa, represented by Office Osawa. Major roles include Mash Burnedead (Mashle series) and Stark (Soso no Frieren))

Q: Grusha initially appeared in episode 56, "Liko VS Chili! At the End of the Battle", where he talked to Liko after her exhibition match. What did you think of that scene?
Kobayashi: Liko got a bit bewildered by the fact that he spoke so harshly to her even though they had never met before, didn't she...? (laughs). However, I think the fact that he approached her as an "equal" instead of treating her with kid's gloves just because she's a child is actually a positive character trait.He's not lenient with her, nor does he provide gentle guidance due to her being so young, he's instead fixated on the fact that someone aiming to become a strong Trainer can't have that kind of attitude. Being so harsh with Liko from the very get-go really shows how much he's "strict with both himself and others", and I like him all the better for it.

Q: Did you focus on or emphasize anything specific when you played Grusha in order to best express his qualities, or did the sound director tell you anything that particularly made an impact on you?
Kobayashi: I already told you that Grusha speaks harshly to others because he sees them as equals, but it's important that he's not TOO harsh, otherwise it'll come across as him seeing them as TOO equal. The sound director told me that playing Grusha with so much passion it seems like he's going all out due to thinking he'll lose otherwise will just make him look petty, so I focused heavily on balancing how passionate he sounds with how much calm, yet strict "guidance" he provides and the like.

Q: Liko is the next person to take her practical application test following Dot and Roy. Grusha is going to be her opponent in this test, what did it feel like to dub this battle? And can you tell us any upcoming highlights from it?
Kobayashi: Grusha is on a level far above Liko, so I'd like you to focus on how she fights against him. It's important to keep in mind that type matchup is a thing, and that Nyarote does not have the advantage when fighting Ice types. I think seeing how Liko fights alongside her partner Pokémon in this disadvantageous situation is something you should pay particular attention to. I hope you'll look forward to Liko's battle, and of course to Grusha's Terastallization as well.

Q: Finally, do you have something you want to tell to those who are waiting for another Grusha appearance in order to see him in action?
Kobayashi: Since they've entrusted this role to me, I'm going to do my absolute utmost to avoid giving you an uncool battle, so please look forward to Liko and Grusha's battle!

Grusha apparently took an interest in Liko after watching her exhibition match, but the advice he gave her afterwards was quite harsh: "If that makes you feel this good, things are bound to get uncool for you". Gym Leader Grusha is as cold and harsh as Mt. Napper itself; Will the true meaning behind his words be made clear during the practical assessment test?

"Being that I'm the person he left those mysterious words with back in episode 56, I'm really curious what that was all about. He's going to be my practical application test opponent, so now I'm really excited to learn what kind of battle that's going to be!" -Suzuki

GRUSHA (voiced by Chiaki Kobayashi): Gym Leader of the Mt. Napper Gym. Uses Ice types, and is known as the strongest Gym Leader in the Paldea region. Liko's practical application test opponent.




Corocoro Comic September 2024 Issue (月刊コロコロコミック 2024年9月号) was published by Shogakukan on August 9th, 2024. There was a page dedicated to this episode.

We support Hogator, who's as energetic and passionate as a Corocoro reader! You guys try living this way as well!!

Living a Hoge-life means to support Hogator with all your might! We present 3 main points its fans love about it!!
Hogator never hesitates in battle, even when it's up against a Legendary Pokémon!! This guts warms our hearts!
Its song-related move "Disarming Voice" even saved everyone once!
It's hilarious how it'll even let its guard down mid-battle due to mistaking a Pokémon for food.

Species: Fire Croc Pokémon
Type: Fire
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 9.8kg
Ability: Blaze
*It's always eating something?! Try looking out for this the next time you watch an episode.
*Its friendship with Roy is just out of this world.

Lime has a lot of respect for Roy and Hogator. Their battle is an absolute must see!

Check out the two episodes Corocoro recommends:

Scheduled for August 9th: "Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!"
As Liko and the others head towards Fridge Town for Roy's practical application test, they arrive at Mt. Napper, where the group decides to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!

Scheduled for August 16th: "Resound, My Soul! Challenging Lime"
Roy has arrived in Fridge Town. His opponent for his practical application test is Lime, who's both a Gym Leader and a super famous rapper, and Roy will need to put on an improptu performance in order to battle her...?!


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a Next Episode Featured Points on August 9th, 2024.

Liko, Roy and Dot enjoy the snowscape they find themselves in, having fun sliding on the ice, making snowmen and the like. However, danger is afoot when a Tunbear shows up?!

アニポケ 次回注目ポイント
しかし、ツンベアー に遭遇して危機一髪!?


On August 9th, 2024, the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account reminded that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from August 9th, 2024 to August 16th, 2024. This episode was specifically labeled as a missed-program webcast (見逃し配信).

The episode was also available on the TV Tokyo YouTube channel and the Official Corocoro Channel and were labeled as limited-time delivery (期間限定配信). The TV Tokyo version included the series trailer at the end of the episode where as the Corocoro version had beginning and ending bumpers promoting Corocoro.

AniPoke Episode 60 Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
What did you think?
The snow-covered Hogator looked like Sebie!?
But then... Hogator looked like Kumasyun!
Check out the cute transformation!
It will be available for 1 week from today!

アニポケ 第60話「はじめての雪!ホッホッゲー!!」
雪をかぶったホゲータはセビエ みたい⁉
と思いきや…ホゲータがクマシュン みたいに


Haruno Tasaka (田坂東乃) posted fanart pictures on her Twitter account on August 9th, 2024 to promote the costume design art that she worked on for this episode.

I was in charge of designing the winter clothes and hats for Liko, Roy, and Dot in episode 60!
I hope you will enjoy seeing the clothes in the future stories at the snowy mountains as well.
⭐︎ Fanart from the boutique where they are deciding, "Which one should I wear?"



CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on August 9th, 2024.


Anipoke is just around the corner! Roy and Hogator's first time in the snowy mountains. No, they got lost!!


Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!

Dot passes the practical application test with flying colors which was conducted by Gym Leader Aoki in Chanpuru Town! The three of them head to Fridge Town where Roy's practical application test will take place! Fridge Town is located at the top of Mt. Napper, a snowy mountain towering over the Paldea region. Roy gets excited when he hears about snow, but...!?


▲ The three of them get bundled up against the cold as they climb the very cold Mt. Napper.


▲ The Dot's Kuwassu evolved into a Welkamo during in the practical application test. It's reliable even on snowy mountains!


▲ They are all excitedly building a snowman and ice skating on the frozen lake.


▲ At Mt. Napper, there are many Pokémon that the three of them have never seen before!


▲ Kachikohru and Sebie are fighting with each other! For some reason, Hogator is also there when fight breaks out......!?

The sun is setting, but they still have a long way to go before they get to Fridge Town. So the three of them decide to rest for the night in a mountain lodge. They go out to find firewood for the fireplace before it gets dark. However, Roy still hasn't returned!


▲ Roy and Hogator split up to gather firewood. Taikaiden searches for firewood from the sky.


▲ Everywhere in the snowy mountains looks exactly the same!? Hogator gets separated from Roy.

A Tunbear lives nearby... so he needs to find Hogator quickly......!! Tonight at 6:55pm, watch the rest of the Pokémon anime! We'd never thought we'd say this in the middle of summer vacation, but snowy mountains are dangerous, so everyone please be careful!!

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】ロイとホゲータはじめての雪山でソーナンス!? いいえ、遭難っす!!
チャンプルタウンでジムリーダー、アオキの応用テストに見事合格したドット! それに続けと3人は、ロイの応用テストが行われるフリッジタウンへと向かう!
。 ▲ナッペ山では3人が初めて見るポケモンもたくさん飛び出してくるぞ!
▲ カチコールとセビエは犬猿の仲!勃発したケンカになぜかホゲータの姿も……!?
▲雪山はどこも同じ場所に見える!? ついにはロイとはぐれてしまうホゲータ。
近くにはツンベアーのすみかもある様子……はやくホゲータを見つけないと……!! ということで続きは今日よる6時55分からスタートのアニポケで!


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a Mountain Day note on August 2nd, 2024.

Today is Mountain Day.
In episode 60 of the Pokémon anime, Liko, Roy, and Dot began climbing Mt. Napper, a snowy mountain that towers over the northern part of the Paldea region. It is also home to many Ice-type Pokémon! Fridge Town is on the way to the summit, while the Napper Gym is located farther up the mountain!

今日は 山の日
アニポケ 60話でリコ、ロイ、ドットが入山したナッペ山はパルデア地方の北部にそびえる雪山


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a picture of the sticker people could get at the Pokémon Center Festival on August 1st, 2024.

At the Pokémon Center Festival starting on Thursday, August 1st, 2024, we're giving away Captain Pikachu stickers. Just tell the staff in the store "Captain Pikachu!" and get one! You can also have fun sticking them on the fans you get at the AniPoke Summer Festival! For more details, click here.

アニポケ夏祭り でもらえるうちわに貼っても楽しめちゃう!
くわしくはこちら アニポケ


Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with production artwork pieces on August 8th, 2024. The picture featured Hogator.

We present a key frame of Hogator from episode 60. Roy and Hogator are overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time, and it looks like Roy put a scarf on it.

アニポケ マニア
第60話よりホゲータ の原画をご紹介


Beardedpotato posted on August 11th, 2024 that they worked on this episode as a 2nd Key Animator but was incorrectly credited as "Breadedpotato" in the credits.

I participated in Pokemon Horizons episode 60 as 第二原画.
Although they spelled my name wrong
I only did a few small parts, but it did took the life out of me because I kept making mistakes


Special First-Airing Segment PM2023 Data Broadcast


Eyecatch PM2023

Liko and Nyarote

Eyecatch PM2023

Roy and Hogator

Pokémon Seminar Pokémon Seminar

Pokémon Seminar - Professor Friede and Captain Pikachu share their knowledge of Pokémon.
This time... it's the Ice Fin Pokémon Sebie!
It is a solitary Pokémon.
When two Sebie get into a fight, the winner is decided by a certain part of their body...
Which part is it?

A: Hand Feathers
B: Dorsal Fin
C: Tail
Answer: A: Hand Feathers

ポケモンゼミ フリードとキャプテンピカチュウが、ポケモンに関する知識を紹介

A: 手の羽根
B: 背びれ
C: 尻尾

正解は… A.手の羽根

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account also posted the Question and the answer on August 10th/11th, 2024.

The Pokémon Seminar also has its own separate staff list:
Unit Director: 坂本鼓太郎 (Kotarō Sakamoto)
Organization: 小森さじ (Saji Komori)

Animation Storyboard/Unit Director: 植田千湖 (Chiko Ueda)
Key Animation: 松本めぐみ (Megumi Matsumoto)
In-Between Animation Check: 関根有理 (Yuri Sekine)
Production Assistant: 立野竜之介 (Ryūnosuke Tachino)

            演出 坂本鼓太郎
            構成 小森さじ

アニメーション絵コンテ/演出 植田千湖
            原画 松本めぐみ
          動画検査 関根有理
          制作進行 立野竜之介
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:01
Title: いざ!遙かなる冒険の彼方へ
Japanese (Romanized): Iza! Harukanaru bōken no kanata e
Japanese (TL): Here we go! Towards a Faraway Adventure
Liko recaps.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:29
Title: ゆるさんぽ
Japanese (Romanized): Yuru sanpo
Japanese (TL): Casual Walk
Liko shows of her new outfit.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:14
Title: ひだまり
Japanese (Romanized): Hidamari
Japanese (TL): Sunny Spot
Roy shows off that he's only wearing mittens.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:51
Title: なにものでもない私
Japanese (Romanized): Nani monode mo nai watashi
Japanese (TL): I'm a nobody
Roy notices that it's getting colder.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:40
Title: Will (Anime Size)
Japanese Opening Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:10
Title: SV M65 タイトル~Tv Anime Ver.3
Japanese (TL): Title~ Tv Anime Ver.3
Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:20
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Roy and Hogator jump into the snow.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:06
Title: SV M80 Absolute Chaos?!
Kachikohru thinks Hogator looks like a Sebie.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:11
Title: あの空が私を呼んでいる
Japanese (Romanized): Ano sora ga watashi wo yonde iru
Japanese (TL): The Sky is Calling Me
Roy notices that the lake is frozen over. (Track starts a few seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:41
Title: ぷりっぷり
Japanese (Romanized): Purippuri
Japanese (TL): Squish-squish
Roy and Hogator spot a Kumasyun.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:20
Title: 逃げろ~!
Japanese (Romanized): 逃げろ~!
Japanese (TL): Run away~!
Tunbear gets mad after Roy and Hogator trip over Kumasyun and it starts crying.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:26
Title: 神話の響き
Japanese (Romanized): Shinwa no hibiki
Japanese (TL): Echoes of Myth
It starts to snow.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:16
Title: ラインジングボルテッカーズのアイキャッチ
Japanese (TL): Rising Volt Tackler's Eyecatch
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:04
Title: SV M21 Lurking Villains
Roy sees a snowman.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:49
Title: やりきれないこともある
Japanese (Romanized): Yarikirenai koto mo aru
Japanese (TL): Sometimes it's too much
Roy calls out for Hogator.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:33
Title: SV M69 New Beginnings
Roy and Hogator are reunited.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:20
Title: あなた大きいね
Japanese (Romanized): Anata ōkī ne
Japanese (TL): You're big, arent you
Roy spots the Tunbear.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:37
Title: SV M12 Partner Pokémon
Roy returns back to the lodge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:45
Title: 戦闘!ジムリーダー~Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 2:22 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:50
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:07
Title: Let me battle feat. つぐらなわかみょ
Japanese (TL): Let me battle feat. TugLanaWakaMyo
Japanese Ending Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:37
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Answer (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:00
Title: 緑の芽吹
Japanese (Romanized): Midori no mebu
Japanese (TL): Budding Greens
Pocket Monsters Episode 61 preview. (Track starts about 49 seconds in)

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:32
Title: My Favorite Pokémon
English Opening

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 23
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 1
11 Jul 2024 05:34 AM
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Titles: はじめての雪!ホッホッゲー!!/Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!!
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01 Aug 2024 04:25 PM
Adamant Administrator
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After taking their time interacting with lots of the Pokémon that live on Mt. Napper, Liko and the others decide to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!

As Liko and the others head towards Fridge Town for Roy's practical application test, they arrive at Mt. Napper, where Roy and Hogator are overjoyed at seeing snow for the first time! After taking their time interacting with lots of the Pokémon that live on Mt. Napper, the group decides to spend the night at a mountain cabin. But when Roy and Hogator go searching for firewood, they end up getting separated in the snow...?!

Voice Cast:
Minori Suzuki: Liko
Megumi Hayashibara: Nyarote
Yuka Terasaki: Roy
Daiki Yamashita: Hogator
Yoshino Aoyama: Dot
Daisuke Namikawa: Welkamo
Kei Shindo: Tebrim
Tasuku Hatanaka: Taikaiden
Taku Yashiro: Tunbear

Professor Friede's Pokémon Seminar:
Taku Yashiro: Friede
Ikue Ohtani: Captain Pikachu
Daiki Yamashita: Sebie
Kei Shindo: Sebie
Last edited 29 Oct 2024 08:12 PM by Adamant