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Sarah Natochenny

Sarah Natochenny
First Name: Sarah
Last Name: Natochenny
Main Country: United States United States
Main Language: English
Birthdate: 1987-09-20
Age : 37
Sarah Natochenny is a Los Angeles based voice actress for various Pokémon media, joining the franchise with the redub of the Pokemon the Series special, "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon". Born in New York City, and booking the role at only 18 years old, Sarah is best known in the franchise as the third voice of Ash Ketchum.

Sarah has done multiple interviews about her tenure on the show. A fan of Pokémon since the show came out, she claimed to have overslept on the day of her audition for Ash, likening it to Ash Ketchum's first day as a trainer. She also was taught to dub during her session, and was certain she wouldn't have booked the role, and when she got it, it turned her life around. She has been open about how fan backlash to the recasting of the character attributed to deep depression, but is grateful for the new generation of fans who recognize and grew up with her work. Until the episode The Mew From Here, Sarah was in every single main series episode since her introduction.

Sarah is very active in the Pokémon fandom. She has stated her favorite series is XY, and supports Amourshipping. She established a New York foster service for cats called Voices for Fosters with fellow voice actor/director Lisa Ortiz after being moved to tears from recording the Pokémon episode "One Journey Ends, Another Begins...". Sarah's cat also happens to be named Pikachu, and she has made good friends with Nachiket Dighe, the current Hindi voice of Ash Ketchum, and claims she wants to meet more international voices of the character. When Ash Ketchum was revealed to be leaving the series, she created a short retrospective video on YouTube and Tiktok titled My Pokémon Journey, which won the 2023 Audience Webby Award in the Social Media - Celebrity/Fan category. As of the award announcement date, April 25th, 2023, the video had 2.9 million views and close to 500K likes on TikTok.

Her official website is: https://www.sarahnatochenny.com/
YouTube video showcasing how Pokémon is dubbed
Characters Portrayed
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
  • Japan アセロラのミミッキュ
  • Japan Acerola no Mimikkyu (Mimi-tan)
  • Japan Acerola's Mimikkyu (Mimi-tan)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Staraptor
  • Japan サトシのムクホーク
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Staravia
  • Japan サトシのムクバード
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukubird
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukubird
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Starly
  • Japan サトシのムックル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukkuru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukkuru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Astrid's Meowstic
  • Japan アヤカのニャオニクス
  • Japan Ayaka no Nyaonix
  • Japan Ayaka's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Auntie Kangaskhan
  • Japan ガルーラおばちゃん
  • Japan Garura oba-chan
  • Japan Aunt Garura
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Barry's Roserade
  • Japan ジュンのロズレイド
  • Japan Jun no Roserade
  • Japan Jun's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Barry's Staraptor
  • Japan ジュンのムクホーク
  • Japan Jun no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Jun's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Battle Tube Referee
  • Japan 審判 (バトルチューブ)
  • Japan Shinpan (Battle Tube)
  • Japan Battle Tube Referee
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Billy
  • Japan クロウ
  • Japan Kurō
  • Japan Kuro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Blake's Espurr
  • Japan リュウジのニャスパー
  • Japan Ryuji no Nyasper
  • Japan Ryuji's Nyasper
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Blanche's Meowstic♀
  • Japan ブランシュのニャオニクス
  • Japan Blanche no Nyaonix
  • Japan Blanche's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bluto's Meowstic
  • Japan ブルータスのニャオニクス
  • Japan Blutus no Nyaonix
  • Japan Blutus's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Blissey
  • Japan タケシのハピナス
  • Japan Takeshi no Happinas
  • Japan Takeshi's Happinas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Chansey
  • Japan タケシのラッキー
  • Japan Takeshi no Lucky
  • Japan Takeshi's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Candice's Medicham
  • Japan スズナのチャーレム
  • Japan Suzuna no Charem
  • Japan Suzuna's Charem
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cassie
  • Japan コバシ
  • Japan Kobashi
  • Japan Kobashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cher's Roserade (Roseradette)
  • Japan シオンのロズレイド
  • Japan Shion no Roserade
  • Japan Shion's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cheryl
  • Japan モミ
  • Japan Momi
  • Japan Momi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cheryl's Burmy
  • Japan モミのミノムッチ
  • Japan Momi no Minomutchi
  • Japan Momi's Minomutchi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cheryl's Chansey
  • Japan モミのラッキー
  • Japan Momi no Lucky
  • Japan Momi's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cindy
  • Japan ムツコ
  • Japan Mutsuko
  • Japan Mutsuko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cocoa's Mismagius
  • Japan チョウコのムウマージ
  • Japan Chōko no Mumage
  • Japan Choko's Mumage
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Concetta
  • Japan キャル
  • Japan Cal
  • Japan Cal
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Corina
  • Japan チヅル
  • Japan Chizuru
  • Japan Chizuru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cynthia's Roserade
  • Japan シロナのロズレイド
  • Japan Shirona no Roserade
  • Japan Shirona's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Buneary
  • Japan ヒカリのミミロル
  • Japan Hikari no Mimirol
  • Japan Hikari's Mimirol
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Delia Ketchum
  • Japan ハナコ
  • Japan Hanako
  • Japan Hanako
Character Thumbnail
  • United States DJ Leo's Diglett
  • Japan DJレオのディグダ
  • Japan DJ Leo no Digda
  • Japan DJ Leo's Digda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States DJ Mary
  • Japan クルミ
  • Japan Kurumi
  • Japan Kurumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Tinkatink
  • Japan ドットのカヌチャン
  • Japan Dot no Kanuchan
  • Japan Dot's Kanuchan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Drew's Roselia
  • Japan シュウのロゼリア
  • Japan Shū no Roselia
  • Japan Shu's Roselia
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elesa
  • Japan カミツレ
  • Japan Kamitsure
  • Japan Kamitsure
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elma's Roserade
  • Japan エルマのロズレイド
  • Japan Elma no Roserade
  • Japan Elma's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Fantina's Mismagius
  • Japan メリッサのムウマージ
  • Japan Melissa no Mumage
  • Japan Melissa's Mumage
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Forsythia's Budew
  • Japan ツボミのスボミー
  • Japan Tsubomi no Subomie
  • Japan Tsubomi's Subomie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Forsythia's Roserade
  • Japan ツボミのロズレイド
  • Japan Tsubomi no Roserade
  • Japan Tsubomi's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gardenia's Roserade
  • Japan ナタネのロズレイド
  • Japan Natane no Roserade
  • Japan Natane's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Goh's Chinchou
  • Japan ゴウのチョンチー
  • Japan Go no Chonchie
  • Japan Go's Chonchie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Goh's Diglett
  • Japan ゴウのディグダ
  • Japan Go no Digda
  • Japan Go's Digda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Goh's Misdreavus
  • Japan ゴウのムウマ
  • Japan Go no Muma
  • Japan Go's Muma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Goh's Wingull
  • Japan ゴウのキャモメ
  • Japan Go no Camome
  • Japan Go's Camome
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Guildmaster Wigglytuff
  • Japan プクリン
  • Japan Pukurin
  • Japan Pukurin
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Heath's Espurr
  • Japan ハジメのニャスパー
  • Japan Hajime no Nyasper
  • Japan Hajime's Nyasper
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Heath's Meowstic
  • Japan ハジメのニャオニクス
  • Japan Hajime no Nyaonix
  • Japan Hajime's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Holly
  • Japan ホノカ
  • Japan Honoka
  • Japan Honoka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ilima's Kangaskhan
  • Japan イリマのガルーラ
  • Japan Ilima no Garura
  • Japan Ilima's Garura
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Johanna
  • Japan アヤコ
  • Japan Ayako
  • Japan Ayako
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Kodai's Misdreavus
  • Japan コーダイのムウマ
  • Japan Kodai no Muma
  • Japan Kodai's Muma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Kodai's Mismagius
  • Japan コーダイのムウマージ
  • Japan Kodai no Mumage
  • Japan Kodai's Mumage
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Larry's Staraptor
  • Japan アオキのムクホーク
  • Japan Aoki no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Aoki's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Leona
  • Japan ユモミ
  • Japan Yumomi
  • Japan Yumomi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lila
  • Japan ユリ
  • Japan Yuri
  • Japan Yuri
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lilia's Buneary
  • Japan リリアのミミロル
  • Japan Lillia no Mimirol
  • Japan Lillia's Mimirol
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Luna
  • Japan ルナ
  • Japan Luna
  • Japan Luna
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lusamine's Clefable
  • Japan ルザミーネのピクシー
  • Japan Lusamine no Pixy
  • Japan Lusamine's Pixy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lusamine's Mismagius
  • Japan ルザミーネのムウマージ
  • Japan Lusamine no Mumargi
  • Japan Lusamine's Mumargi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Medicham (Team Meanies)
  • Japan チャーレム (チームイジワルズ)
  • Japan Charem (Team Ijiwaruzu)
  • Japan Charem (Team Ijiwaruzu)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mollie's Chansey
  • Japan モリーのラッキー
  • Japan Morī no Lucky
  • Japan Molly's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mr. Shaw's Roselia
  • Japan ショールのロゼリア
  • Japan Shoal no Roseila
  • Japan Shoal's Roseila
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nando's Budew
  • Japan ナオシのスボミー
  • Japan Naoshi no Subomie
  • Japan Naoshi's Subomie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nando's Lopunny
  • Japan ナオシのミミロップ
  • Japan Naoshi no Mimilop
  • Japan Naoshi's Mimilop
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nando's Roselia
  • Japan ナオシのロゼリア
  • Japan Naoshi no Roselia
  • Japan Naoshi's Roselia
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nando's Roserade
  • Japan ナオシのロズレイド
  • Japan Naoshi no Roserade
  • Japan Naoshi's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Niko's Roserade
  • Japan ルカのロズレイド
  • Japan Luka no Roserade
  • Japan Luka's Roserade
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Blissey
  • Japan ジョーイのハピナス
  • Japan Joy no Happinas
  • Japan Joy's Happinas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Chansey
  • Japan ジョーイのラッキー
  • Japan Joy no Lucky
  • Japan Joy's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Olympia's Meowstic♀
  • Japan ゴジカのニャオニクス
  • Japan Gojika no Nyaonix
  • Japan Gojika's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Olympia's Meowstic♂
  • Japan ゴジカのニャオニクス
  • Japan Gojika no Nyaonix
  • Japan Gojika's Nyaonix
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orson's Staraptor
  • Japan オルニスのムクホーク
  • Japan Ornis no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Ornis' Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orson's Staravia
  • Japan オルニスのムクバード
  • Japan Ornis no Mukubird
  • Japan Ornis' Mukubird
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Orson's Starly
  • Japan オルニスのムックル
  • Japan Ornis no Mukkuru
  • Japan Ornis' Mukkuru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paris' Lopunny
  • Japan パリスのミミロップ
  • Japan Paris no Mimilop
  • Japan Paris' Mimilop
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Starly
  • Japan シンジのムックル
  • Japan Shinji no Mukkuru
  • Japan Shinji's Mukkuru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pershie's Trainer
  • Japan ペルちゃんのトレーナー
  • Japan Per-chan no Trainer
  • Japan Per-chan's Trainer
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Reggie's Staraptor
  • Japan レイジのムクホーク
  • Japan Reiji no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Reiji's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rhonda
  • Japan ユウカ
  • Japan Yūka
  • Japan Yuka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rhyanna's Misdreavus
  • Japan ルチルのムウマ
  • Japan Ruchiru no Muma
  • Japan Lytyl's Muma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roxanne
  • Japan ツツジ
  • Japan Tsutsuji
  • Japan Tsutsuji
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ryan
  • Japan イサキ
  • Japan Isaki
  • Japan Isaki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shine's Bramblin
  • Japan シャインのアノクサ
  • Japan Shayne no Anokusa
  • Japan Shayne's Anokusa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Skyla
  • Japan フウロ
  • Japan Fūro
  • Japan Furo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Solidad
  • Japan サオリ
  • Japan Saori
  • Japan Saori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Store Manager's Wiglett
  • Japan 店長のウミディグダ
  • Japan Tenchō no Umidigda
  • Japan Store Manager's Umidigda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sylvan
  • Japan オギン
  • Japan Ogin
  • Japan Ogin
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Flare Grunts
  • Japan フレア団員
  • Japan Flare-danin
  • Japan Flare Gang Grunts
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Galactic Grunts
  • Japan ギンガ団員
  • Japan Ginga-danin
  • Japan Galaxy Gang Grunts
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Rocket Grunts
  • Japan ロケット団員
  • Japan Rocket-danin
  • Japan Rocket Gang Grunts
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tiara's Cleffa
  • Japan キララのピィ
  • Japan Kirara no Py
  • Japan Kirara's Py
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Toren's Chansey
  • Japan トリトのラッキー
  • Japan Torito no Lucky
  • Japan Torito's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ultra Ranger's Blissey
  • Japan ウルトラレンジャーのハピナス
  • Japan Ultra Ranger no Happinas
  • Japan Ultra Ranger's Happinas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Vanessa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Virizion (Mystery Dungeon)
  • Japan ビリジオン (不思議のダンジョン)
  • Japan Virizion (Fushigi no Dungeon)
  • Japan Virizion (Mystery Dungeon)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Zoey's Glameow
  • Japan ノゾミのニャルマー
  • Japan Nozomi no Nyarmar
  • Japan Nozomi's Nyarmar
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Zoey's Misdreavus
  • Japan ノゾミのムウマ
  • Japan Nozomi no Muma
  • Japan Nozomi's Muma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Zoey's Mismagius
  • Japan ノゾミのムウマージ
  • Japan Nozomi no Mumage
  • Japan Nozomi's Mumage
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Zoey's Shellos
  • Japan ノゾミのカラナクシ
  • Japan Nozomi no Karanakushi
  • Japan Nozomi's Karanakushi
Pokémon Portrayed
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Caterpie
  • Japan キャタピー
  • Japan Caterpie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Clefairy
  • Japan ピッピ
  • Japan Pippi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Clefable
  • Japan ピクシー
  • Japan Pixy
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wigglytuff
  • Japan プクリン
  • Japan Pukurin
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Diglett
  • Japan ディグダ
  • Japan Digda
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Chansey
  • Japan ラッキー
  • Japan Lucky
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Kangaskhan
  • Japan ガルーラ
  • Japan Garura
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Chinchou
  • Japan チョンチー
  • Japan Chonchie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Cleffa
  • Japan ピィ
  • Japan Py
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Hoppip
  • Japan ハネッコ
  • Japan Hanecco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sunkern
  • Japan ヒマナッツ
  • Japan Himanuts
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wooper
  • Japan ウパー
  • Japan Upah
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Misdreavus
  • Japan ムウマ
  • Japan Muma
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Swinub
  • Japan ウリムー
  • Japan Urimoo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Blissey
  • Japan ハピナス
  • Japan Happinas
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Larvitar
  • Japan ヨーギラス
  • Japan Yogiras
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wingull
  • Japan キャモメ
  • Japan Camome
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Surskit
  • Japan アメタマ
  • Japan Ametama
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Medicham
  • Japan チャーレム
  • Japan Charem
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Roselia
  • Japan ロゼリア
  • Japan Roselia
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Starly
  • Japan ムックル
  • Japan Mukkuru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Staravia
  • Japan ムクバード
  • Japan Mukubird
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Staraptor
  • Japan ムクホーク
  • Japan Mukuhawk
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Budew
  • Japan スボミー
  • Japan Subomie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Roserade
  • Japan ロズレイド
  • Japan Roserade
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Burmy
  • Japan ミノムッチ
  • Japan Minomutchi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wormadam
  • Japan ミノマダム
  • Japan Minomadam
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Shellos
  • Japan カラナクシ
  • Japan Karanakushi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Buneary
  • Japan ミミロル
  • Japan Mimirol
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lopunny
  • Japan ミミロップ
  • Japan Mimilop
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Mismagius
  • Japan ムウマージ
  • Japan Mumage
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Glameow
  • Japan ニャルマー
  • Japan Nyarmar
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Krokorok
  • Japan ワルビル
  • Japan Waruvile
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Virizion
  • Japan ビリジオン
  • Japan Virizion
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Espurr
  • Japan ニャスパー
  • Japan Nyasper
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Meowstic
  • Japan ニャオニクス
  • Japan Nyaonix
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lurantis
  • Japan ラランテス
  • Japan Lalantes
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandygast
  • Japan スナバァ
  • Japan Sunaba
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Mimikyu
  • Japan ミミッキュ
  • Japan Mimikkyu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Bramblin
  • Japan アノクサ
  • Japan Anokusa
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Tinkatink
  • Japan カヌチャン
  • Japan Kanuchan
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Wiglett
  • Japan ウミディグダ
  • Japan Umidigda
Role Media Title
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventures
Voice Actor
Video Game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Video Game Pokémon Masters EX
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Video Game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 147
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 148
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 149
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 150
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 151
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 152
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 153
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 154
Voice Actor
Female Reporter B
AG 154
Voice Actor
AG 154
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 155
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 156
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 157
Voice Actor
Ninja A
AG 157
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 158
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 159
Voice Actor
Battle Tube Referee
AG 159
Voice Actor
Girl (Red Hair
AG 159
Voice Actor
Girl (Green Hair)
AG 159
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 160
Voice Actor
AG 160
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 161
Voice Actor
Girl B
AG 161
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 162
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 163
Voice Actor
Drew's Roselia
AG 163
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 164
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
AG 164
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 165
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 166
Voice Actor
AG 166
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 167
Voice Actor
AG 167
Voice Actor
Boy B
AG 167
Voice Actor
Boy C
AG 167
Voice Actor
AG 167
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 168
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 169
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 170
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 171
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 172
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 173
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 174
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 175
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 176
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 177
Voice Actor
Ledian's Trainer
AG 177
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 178
Voice Actor
AG 178
Voice Actor
AG 178
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 179
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 180
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 181
Voice Actor
AG 181
Voice Actor
Drew's Roselia
AG 181
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 182
Voice Actor
AG 182
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 183
Voice Actor
AG 183
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 184
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 185
Voice Actor
AG 185
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 186
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 187
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
AG 187
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 188
Voice Actor
Drew's Roselia
AG 188
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 189
Voice Actor
AG 189
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
AG 189
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 190
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
AG 190
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 191
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 192
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
AG 193
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
AG 193
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 1
Voice Actor
DP 1
Voice Actor
DP 1
Voice Actor
DP 1
Voice Actor
DP 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 2
Voice Actor
DP 2
Voice Actor
DP 2
Voice Actor
DP 2
Voice Actor
DP 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 3
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
DP 3
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 3
Voice Actor
Paul's Starly
DP 3
Voice Actor
DP 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 4
Voice Actor
DP 4
Voice Actor
Prinplup's Trainer
DP 4
Voice Actor
Nando's Budew
DP 4
Voice Actor
Nando's Roselia
DP 4
Voice Actor
DP 4
Voice Actor
DP 4
Voice Actor
DP 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 5
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 8
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 9
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 9
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 9
Voice Actor
DP 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 10
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 10
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 10
Voice Actor
Coordinator C
DP 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 11
Voice Actor
DP 11
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 11
Voice Actor
Zoey's Misdreavus
DP 11
Voice Actor
Boy C
DP 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 12
Voice Actor
DP 12
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 13
Voice Actor
Ash's Starly
DP 13
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 14
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 16
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 16
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 17
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 18
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 19
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 19
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 20
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 21
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 23
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 24
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 24
Voice Actor
Female Customer
DP 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 25
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 25
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 25
Voice Actor
Forsythia's Roserade
DP 25
Voice Actor
Forsythia's Budew
DP 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 26
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 27
Voice Actor
DP 27
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 29
Voice Actor
DP 29
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 29
Voice Actor
DP 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 30
Voice Actor
DP 30
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 30
Voice Actor
Cheryl's Burmy
DP 30
Voice Actor
Cheryl's Chansey
DP 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 31
Voice Actor
DP 31
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 31
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 32
Voice Actor
DP 32
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 33
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 33
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 35
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 35
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 36
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 36
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 36
Voice Actor
Nando's Roselia
DP 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 37
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 37
Voice Actor
Gardenia's Roserade
DP 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 38
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 38
Voice Actor
DP 38
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 39
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 39
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 40
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 41
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 41
Voice Actor
Zoey's Misdreavus
DP 41
Voice Actor
Zoey's Shellos
DP 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 42
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 42
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 43
Voice Actor
DP 43
Voice Actor
DP 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 44
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 44
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 45
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 46
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 46
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 49
Voice Actor
DP 49
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 49
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 49
Voice Actor
Zoey's Shellos
DP 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 50
Voice Actor
DP 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 51
Voice Actor
DP 51
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 51
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 52
Voice Actor
DP 52
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 53
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 53
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 54
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 55
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 55
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 56
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 58
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 59
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 59
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 60
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 60
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 61
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 62
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 62
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 63
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 63
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 64
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 64
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 65
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 65
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 66
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 66
Voice Actor
Reggie's Staraptor
DP 66
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 67
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 67
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 67
Voice Actor
Reggie's Staraptor
DP 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 68
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 68
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 68
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 69
Voice Actor
Team Galactic Grunts
DP 69
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 70
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 70
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 70
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 71
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 72
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 72
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 72
Voice Actor
DP 72
Voice Actor
DP 72
Voice Actor
DP 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 73
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 74
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 75
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 75
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 76
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 77
Voice Actor
DP 77
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 78
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 78
Voice Actor
Zoey's Shellos
DP 78
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 79
Voice Actor
DP 79
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 79
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 80
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 81
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 82
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 83
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 83
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 84
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 84
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 84
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 85
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 85
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 86
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 86
Voice Actor
Cocoa's Mismagius
DP 86
Voice Actor
Paris's Lopunny
DP 86
Voice Actor
DP 86
Voice Actor
Girl B
DP 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 87
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 87
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 87
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 88
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 89
Voice Actor
DP 89
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 90
Voice Actor
DP 90
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 91
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 91
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 92
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 92
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 92
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 93
Voice Actor
Fantina's Mismagius
DP 93
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 94
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 94
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 94
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 95
Voice Actor
DP 95
Voice Actor
DP 95
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 95
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 95
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 96
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 96
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 97
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 97
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 97
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 98
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 99
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 100
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 100
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 100
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 101
Voice Actor
Fantina's Mismagius
DP 101
Voice Actor
Barry's Staraptor
DP 101
Voice Actor
Barry's Roserade
DP 101
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 102
Voice Actor
Fantina's Mismagius
DP 102
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 103
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 103
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 103
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 104
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 105
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 105
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 106
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 106
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 106
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 107
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 108
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 109
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 110
Voice Actor
Team Galactic Grunts
DP 110
Voice Actor
DP 110
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 110
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 111
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 111
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 112
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 112
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 113
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 113
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 113
Voice Actor
Couple (Female)
DP 113
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 114
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 114
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 115
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 115
Voice Actor
Reporter (Female)
DP 115
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 116
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 116
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 116
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 117
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 118
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
DP 118
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 118
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 118
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 119
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 119
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 119
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 121
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 121
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 121
Voice Actor
DP 121
Voice Actor
Kid (Braids)
DP 121
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 122
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 122
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 122
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 123
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 123
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 124
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 125
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 125
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 126
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 127
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 127
Voice Actor
Candice's Medicham
DP 127
Voice Actor
DP 127
Voice Actor
DP 127
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 128
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 129
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 130
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 130
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 130
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 131
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 131
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 131
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 132
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 132
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 133
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 133
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 133
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 133
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
DP 133
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 134
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 135
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 136
Voice Actor
DP 136
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 137
Voice Actor
DP 137
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 137
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 138
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
DP 138
Voice Actor
DP 138
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 139
Voice Actor
DP 139
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 139
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 140
Voice Actor
DP 140
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 141
Voice Actor
DP 141
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 142
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 142
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 143
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 143
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 144
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 145
Voice Actor
DP 145
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 146
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 147
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 147
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 148
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 148
Voice Actor
Rhyanna's Misdreavus
DP 148
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 149
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 149
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
DP 149
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 150
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 150
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 151
Voice Actor
Team Galactic Grunts
DP 151
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 152
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 152
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 153
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 154
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 154
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 155
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 155
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 156
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 156
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 157
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 158
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 158
Voice Actor
Snorlax's Trainer
DP 158
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 159
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 160
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 160
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 161
Voice Actor
DP 161
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 161
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 162
Voice Actor
DP 162
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 163
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 164
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 164
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 165
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 166
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 167
Voice Actor
DP 167
Voice Actor
Girl (Pink)
DP 167
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 167
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 167
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 168
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 168
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 169
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 169
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 170
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 170
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 171
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 172
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 173
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 173
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
(Ditto 1 transformed)
DP 173
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
(Ditto 2 transformed)
DP 173
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 174
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 174
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 175
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 176
Voice Actor
DP 176
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 176
Voice Actor
Zoey's Mismagius
DP 176
Voice Actor
Nando's Lopunny
DP 176
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 177
Voice Actor
DP 177
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 177
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 178
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 178
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 179
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 179
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 180
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 181
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 182
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 183
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 183
Voice Actor
Nando's Roserade
DP 183
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 184
Voice Actor
Customer C
DP 184
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 185
Voice Actor
Girl A
DP 185
Voice Actor
Girl C
DP 185
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 186
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 186
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 187
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 187
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 188
Voice Actor
Reggie's Staraptor
DP 188
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 189
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 190
Voice Actor
DP 190
Voice Actor
Brock's Chansey
DP 190
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
DP 191
Voice Actor
DP 191
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
DP 191
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
DP 191
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 9
Voice Actor
Movie 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Movie 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Movie 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 12
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
Movie 12
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
Movie 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Kodai's Misdreavus
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Kodai's Mismagius
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Pokémon Boccer Player
Movie 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 16
Voice Actor
Movie 16
Voice Actor
Movie 16
Voice Actor
Movie 16
Voice Actor
Movie 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 17
Voice Actor
Astrid's Meowstic
(CN Edit only)
Movie 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 19
Voice Actor
Movie 19
Voice Actor
Movie 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 20
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
Movie 20
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
Movie 20
Voice Actor
Movie 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 21
Voice Actor
Toren's Chansey
Movie 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 22
Voice Actor
Team Rocket Grunts
Movie 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Movie 23
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
Movie 23
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
Movie 23
Voice Actor
Movie 23
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SP 5
Voice Actor
SP 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SP 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SP 15
Voice Actor
Brock's Blissey
SP 15
Voice Actor
Cynthia's Roserade
SP 15
Voice Actor
SP 15
Voice Actor
SP 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SP 16
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SP 16
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
SP 16
Voice Actor
SP 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 1
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
BW 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 2
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
BW 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 19
Voice Actor
Jewelry Seller
BW 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 21
Voice Actor
Woman B
BW 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 31
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 48
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 54
Voice Actor
Kid (Food)
BW 54
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 56
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 59
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 60
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 61
Voice Actor
Old Lady
BW 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 64
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 66
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 68
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 69
Voice Actor
BW 69
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 70
Voice Actor
BW 70
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 71
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 77
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 78
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 79
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 82
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 84
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BW 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 2
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
BWS2 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 6
Voice Actor
BWS2 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 14
Voice Actor
Cher's Roserade (Roseradette)
BWS2 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 19
Voice Actor
BWS2 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Kid C
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2N 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2N 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2N 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2N 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
BWS2N 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Mr. Shaw's Roselia
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 4
Voice Actor
XY 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 7
Voice Actor
Rhyhorn Farmer
XY 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 14
Voice Actor
XY 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 24
Voice Actor
XY 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 31
Voice Actor
Female Shopkeeper
XY 31
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 45
Voice Actor
Blake's Espurr
XY 45
Voice Actor
Heath's Espurr
XY 45
Voice Actor
Heath's Meowstic
XY 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 48
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 54
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 56
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 59
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 60
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 64
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 66
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 68
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 69
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 70
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 71
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 77
Voice Actor
Orson's Starly
XY 77
Voice Actor
Orson's Staravia
XY 77
Voice Actor
Orson's Staraptor
XY 77
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 78
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 79
Voice Actor
XY 79
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 82
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 84
Voice Actor
XY 84
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 87
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 88
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 89
Voice Actor
XY 89
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 90
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 91
Voice Actor
Blanche's Meowstic♀
XY 91
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 92
Voice Actor
Olympia's Meowstic♀
XY 92
Voice Actor
Olympia's Meowstic♂
XY 92
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XY 93
Voice Actor
Olympia's Meowstic♀
XY 93
Voice Actor
Olympia's Meowstic♂
XY 93
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 16
Voice Actor
XYZ 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 19
Voice Actor
Elma's Roserade
XYZ 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 21
Voice Actor
Lilia's Buneary
XYZ 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 24
Voice Actor
XYZ 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 25
Voice Actor
XYZ 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 26
Voice Actor
XYZ 26
Voice Actor
XYZ 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 28
Voice Actor
XYZ 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 31
Voice Actor
Girl 1
XYZ 31
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 40
Voice Actor
Team Flare Grunts
XYZ 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 45
Voice Actor
Girl (Two Buns)
XYZ 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
XYZ 47
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
XYZ 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 1
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 3
Voice Actor
SM 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 4
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 7
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 7
Voice Actor
Pershie's Trainer
SM 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 17
Voice Actor
SM 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 20
Voice Actor
SM 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 23
Voice Actor
DJ Leo's Diglett
SM 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 24
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 31
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 35
Voice Actor
SM 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 40
Voice Actor
SM 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 42
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 46
Voice Actor
SM 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 47
Voice Actor
SM 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 48
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 54
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Mismagius
SM 54
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 56
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 59
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 60
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 66
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 67
Voice Actor
SM 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 68
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 68
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 69
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 70
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 71
Voice Actor
SM 71
Voice Actor
SM 71
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 73
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 73
Voice Actor
SM 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 74
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 75
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 76
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 77
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 77
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 78
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 79
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 82
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 84
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 85
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 85
Voice Actor
SM 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 86
Voice Actor
SM 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 87
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 87
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 88
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 89
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 90
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 91
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 92
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 93
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 93
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 94
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 94
Voice Actor
SM 94
Voice Actor
SM 94
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 95
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 96
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 97
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 98
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 99
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 100
Voice Actor
Ultra Ranger's Blissey
SM 100
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 101
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 102
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 102
Voice Actor
SM 102
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 103
Voice Actor
SM 103
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 104
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 104
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 105
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 106
Voice Actor
SM 106
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Blissey
SM 106
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 107
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 108
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 109
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 110
Voice Actor
SM 110
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 111
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 111
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 112
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 112
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 113
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 114
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 114
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 115
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 116
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 117
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 118
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 119
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 120
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 121
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 122
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 123
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 124
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 124
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 125
Voice Actor
SM 125
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 126
Voice Actor
Lusamine's Clefable
SM 126
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 127
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 128
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 129
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 129
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 130
Voice Actor
Ilima's Kangaskhan
SM 130
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 131
Voice Actor
Ilima's Kangaskhan
SM 131
Voice Actor
SM 131
Voice Actor
SM 131
Voice Actor
Acerola's Mimikyu (Mimikins)
SM 131
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 132
Voice Actor
SM 132
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 133
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 134
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 135
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 136
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 137
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 138
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 138
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 139
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 139
Voice Actor
SM 139
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 140
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 140
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 141
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 141
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 142
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 142
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 143
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 143
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 144
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
SM 144
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 145
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
SM 146
Voice Actor
SM 146
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 1
Voice Actor
PM2019 1
Voice Actor
PM2019 1
Voice Actor
PM2019 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 2
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 6
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PM2019 6
Voice Actor
PM2019 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 7
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 8
Voice Actor
PM2019 8
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 9
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 9
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 10
Voice Actor
PM2019 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 13
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 19
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 21
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PM2019 21
Voice Actor
PM2019 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 23
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 24
Voice Actor
PM2019 24
Voice Actor
PM2019 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 25
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 26
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 27
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 29
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 30
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 31
Voice Actor
Goh's Wingull
PM2019 31
Voice Actor
PM2019 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 33
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 35
Voice Actor
PM2019 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 39
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 39
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 40
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 42
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 44
Voice Actor
Scientist (Female)
PM2019 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 46
Voice Actor
PM2019 46
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 47
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 48
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 49
Voice Actor
PM2019 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 50
Voice Actor
PM2019 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 51
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 52
Voice Actor
Goh's Diglett
PM2019 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 54
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 54
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 56
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 58
Voice Actor
PM2019 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 59
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 60
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PM2019 60
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 62
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 62
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 62
Voice Actor
Goh's Wingull
PM2019 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 63
Voice Actor
PM2019 63
Voice Actor
PM2019 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 64
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 66
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 67
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 68
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 69
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PM2019 69
Voice Actor
PM2019 69
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
Goh's Diglett
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
Goh's Wingull
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 70
Voice Actor
Goh's Misdreavus
PM2019 71
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 71
Supporting Staff
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 73
Voice Actor
PM2019 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 74
Voice Actor
PM2019 74
Voice Actor
PM2019 74
Voice Actor
PM2019 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 77
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 78
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 79
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 81
Voice Actor
Commercial Voice
PM2019 81
Voice Actor
Bluto's Meowstic
PM2019 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 82
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 83
Voice Actor
Tiara's Cleffa
PM2019 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 84
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 87
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 88
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 88
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 89
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
PM2019 89
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 90
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
PM2019 90
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 91
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 92
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 93
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
Goh's Wingull
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
Goh's Chinchou
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
Goh's Diglett
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
PM2019 94
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 95
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 96
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 97
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 98
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 99
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 100
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 101
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 102
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 103
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 104
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 105
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 106
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PM2019 106
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 107
Voice Actor
Goh's Diglett
PM2019 107
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 108
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 109
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 110
Voice Actor
PM2019 110
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 111
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 112
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 113
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 114
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 114
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 114
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 115
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 116
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 117
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 118
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 118
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 120
Voice Actor
PM2019 120
Voice Actor
PM2019 120
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 122
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 123
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 123
Voice Actor
Cynthia's Roserade
PM2019 123
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 124
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 124
Voice Actor
Cynthia's Roserade
PM2019 124
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 125
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 125
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 127
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 129
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 129
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 130
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 131
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 132
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 132
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 132
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 134
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
PM2019 135
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 136
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 137
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 137
Voice Actor
PM2019 137
Voice Actor
PM2019 137
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 138
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 139
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 139
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 140
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 141
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 142
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 143
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 144
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 145
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 146
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PM2019 147
Voice Actor
Delia Ketchum
PM2019 147
Voice Actor
Ash's Staraptor
PM2019 147
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 1
Voice Actor
Eevee 1
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 2
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 3
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 4
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 5
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Eevee 6
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
(some lines)
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
(some lines)
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
(most scenes)
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 10
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 11
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 12
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 14
Voice Actor
DJ Mary
PLL 14
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 15
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 16
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 17
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 18
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 20
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 21
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 22
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 23
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 24
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 28
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 30
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 32
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 34
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 35
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 36
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 37
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 38
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 41
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 43
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 44
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 45
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 48
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 49
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 50
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 51
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 52
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 53
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 55
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 57
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 58
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 61
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 62
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 63
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 64
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 65
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 67
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 72
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 73
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 74
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 75
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 76
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 79
Voice Actor
PLL 80
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 81
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 83
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 85
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 86
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 87
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 88
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 89
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 90
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 91
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 92
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 94
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 95
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 96
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 97
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 98
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 99
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 100
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 101
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 102
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 103
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 104
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 105
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 106
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 107
Voice Actor
PLL 107
Voice Actor
PLL 107
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 108
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 109
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 110
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 111
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 113
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 115
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 116
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 118
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 119
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 120
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 121
Voice Actor
PLL 121
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
PLL 121
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
PLL 121
Voice Actor
PLL 121
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 123
Voice Actor
Ash's Staravia
PLL 123
Voice Actor
Dawn's Buneary
PLL 123
Voice Actor
Zoey's Glameow
PLL 123
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 127
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 128
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 129
Voice Actor
Zoey's Glameow
PLL 129
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 130
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 132
Voice Actor
PLL 132
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 133
Voice Actor
PLL 134
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 135
Voice Actor
Nurse Joy's Chansey
PLL 135
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 136
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 137
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 138
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
PLL 139
Voice Actor
Medicham (Team Meanies)
Voice Actor
Auntie Kangaskhan
Voice Actor
Guildmaster Wigglytuff
Voice Actor
Guildmaster Wigglytuff
Voice Actor
Virizion (Mystery Dungeon)
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Ash Ketchum
Voice Actor
Female Student (Brown Hair)
PM2023 1
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 3
Voice Actor
PM2023 3
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 4
Voice Actor
PM2023 4
Voice Actor
PM2023 4
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 5
Voice Actor
Woman A
PM2023 5
Voice Actor
PM2023 5
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 11
Voice Actor
PM2023 11
Voice Actor
PM2023 11
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 12
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 17
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 18
Voice Actor
PM2023 22
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 26
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 30
Voice Actor
PM2023 31
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 32
Voice Actor
Cap Fangirl (Red)
PM2023 35
Voice Actor
Shine's Bramblin
PM2023 35
Voice Actor
PM2023 35
Voice Actor
Female Tepig Trainer
PM2023 36
Voice Actor
PM2023 36
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 37
Voice Actor
Archeologist (Diggersby's Trainer)
PM2023 37
Voice Actor
PM2023 37
Voice Actor
PM2023 37
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 38
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 39
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 40
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 41
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 42
Voice Actor
PM2023 42
Voice Actor
PM2023 42
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 43
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 43
Voice Actor
PM2023 43
Voice Actor
Store Manager's Wiglett
PM2023 43
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 44
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 44
Voice Actor
Mollie's Chansey
PM2023 45
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 47
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 48
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 49
Voice Actor
PM2023 49
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 50
Voice Actor
PM2023 50
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 51
Voice Actor
PM2023 51
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 52
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 53
Voice Actor
Niko's Roserade
PM2023 53
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 54
Voice Actor PM2023 55
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 58
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 59
Voice Actor
Larry's Staraptor
PM2023 59
Voice Actor PM2023 60
Voice Actor
Dot's Tinkatink
PM2023 66
Voice Actor
Niko's Roserade
PM2023 66
Voice Actor
PM2023 66