On April 18th, 2012,
Pokémon Tretta (ポケモントレッタ) was officially revealed by Takara Tomy and Marvelous Arts AQL. The arcade machine will initially feature more than 40 different Pokémon. The arcade cabinets will be distributed throughout Japan by around
July 15th, 2012 and it costs 100 yen per play.
The Pokémon are divided into four groups:
Normal class, Super Class, Hyper class and Master class (ノーマルクラス/スーパークラス/ハイパークラス/マスタークラス). There are also three main game playing modes:
Search mode, Battle Mode and Get Mode (サーチモード, バトルモード, ゲットモード). In search mode there are six main areas such as grass area and a march where players can search for the Pokémon. In battle mode, players can have 3-on-3 battles where players can fight other Pokémon. If a player does not have 3 Pokémon, rentals are provided. Like all all Pokémon games, players can also try to get Pokémon in Get mode. Players throw a monster ball whenever they feel like they can capture a Pokémon they have lowered the HP on.
Two other items will also be available for players to get. The
Tretta Report (トレッタレポート) which allows players to save game data like the Pokémon caught so far and to check their
Pokémon Partner (パートナーポケモン) information. The
Tretta case (トレッタケース) allows players to conveniently store their Tretta pucks.

Click on image for higher resolution
There will also be a special bridge pucks that allows players these seven special pucks from the Pokémon Battrio V set "Legends and Myths - Shining Victory" (ポケモンバトリオV V05弾 伝説&幻 輝ける勝利) on either the Pokémon Tretta arcade game or the Pokémon Battrio arcade game. The set will be available on
May 17th, 2012. The special bridge pucks from the set are: Two Tsutarja's, two Mijumaru's, two Pokabu's and a Pichu.
http://pokemontretta.com/ and