The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that there will be a distribution of four Pokémon as part of the
Powerful Tag Pokémon (強力タッグポケモン) campaign at the Pokémon Centers. From
May 7th, 2012 until May 31st, 2012, players of the Japanese version of
Pokémon Black and White can receive
Kyukon (キュウコン) and
Chandela (シャンデラ). From
June 1st, 2012 until June 22nd, 2012 players can also receive
Lucario (ルカリオ) and
Elphoon (エルフーン). Below are the full details for each Pokémon.
Kyukon (キュウコン)
Level: 50 |
OT: PC |
Poké ball: Cherish Ball |
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon |
Ability: Drought |
Held Item: Chesto Berry |
Attack 1: Heat Wave |
Attack 2: SolarBeam |
Attack 3: Psyshock |
Attack 4: Will-o-wisp |
Chandela (シャンデラ)
Lucario (ルカリオ)
Elphoon (エルフーン)
Level: 50 |
OT: PC |
Poké ball: Cherish Ball |
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon |
Ability: Prankster |
Held Item: Cheri Berry |
Attack 1: Swagger |
Attack 2: Giga Drain |
Attack 3: Beat Up |
Attack 4: Helping Hand |
Sources: and