Images from the June issue of Coro Coro have been released which show the new starter Pokémon, the new region and the new protagonists from the upcoming games
Pokémon Black and White. All images from the latest Coro Coro issue are
available in the Imageboard thread.

Click on images for higher resolution
Confirmed New Features:
- New region: Isshu Region (イッシュ地方)
- New protagonists: Slightly older than the previous games
- Starter Information Announced
Tsutaja (ツタージャ) |
Grass Snake Pokémon |
Overgrow |
Grass |
0.6m |
8.1kg |
Pokabu (ポカブ) |
Fire Pig Pokémon |
Blaze |
Fire |
0.6m |
9.9kg |
Mijumaru (ミジュマル) |
Sea Otter Pokémon |
Torrent |
Water |
0.5m |
5.9kg |
- Trickery (Ikasama - イカサマ): Is a new move that attack is based upon the opponent stats.
- Claw Sharpen (Tsumetogi - つめとぎ): is a new move that raises the Pokémon's Attack and Accuracy stats.