The official Pocket Monsters movie blog has confirmed that a new show called
Pokémon Smash! (ポケモンスマッシュ!) will debut on October 3rd, 2010. Pokémon Smash will replace
Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) in the same 7:30am to 8:30am time slot on TV Tokyo. A press conference was held in Tokyo on September 16th to reveal the new show. TIM group which includes [
Red Yoshida (レッド吉田) &
Golgo Matsumoto (ゴルゴ松本)], Robert (ロバート) group which includes [
Ryuuji Akiyama (秋山竜次),
Hiroshi Yamamoto (山本博) & Hiroyuki Baba (馬場裕之)], as well as Shoko Nakagawa (中川翔子), the cast members from Pokémon Sunday, will be returning to the new show. Lucario, Hikozaru and Yamirami will not be appearing on the show and it appears that they will be replaced by Mijumaru and Zoroark.
The show will also feature new cast members apart from the returning Pokémon Sunday cast members. Choi Hong-Man (チェ・ホンマン) is a South Korean kickboxer and mixed martial artist. He is very tall at 7'2" and he towers over the rest of the cast as the press conference pictures show. 17 year old Misaki Momose (桃瀬美咲) in the yellow shirt, 11 year old Hana Watt (ハナ・ワット) in the red shirt, and 11 year old Maria Israel Cialdini (マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ) in the green are the three girls.
The show will keep the same variety show nature that Pokémon Sunday did by featuring the games, anime, movies as well as announce new information about the Pokémon franchise. A new set featuring 5th Generation Pokémon has been created and the show will air in widescreen and in high definition.
The series has been added to the episode guide. Episode information will be added as it becomes available.
Pictures from the press conference and from Shoko Nakagawa's blog have been added an Imageboard thread.
Sources: http://blog.pokemon-movie.jp/2009/2010/09/post_170.html & http://journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2010/09/17/011/