Home / Staff and Actor Index / Biography Details: Alexandre Gomes

Alexandre Gomes

Alexandre Gomes
First Name: アレクサンダー Alexandre
Last Name: ゴメズ Gomes
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: French
Birthdate: 1994-11-04
Age : 30
ゴメズ・アレクサンダー (Alexandre Gomes) is an animator from France who is also known as Sanda.

His website can be found under https://alexandregomes11.wixsite.com/portfolio, his Twitter account formely under @Alehas_project and @ag_sanda1, his Instagram account under @alex_sanda1111 and his YouTube account under @sandaalex8266.
Role Media Title
In-Between Animation
ゴメス・アレクサンドル; OLM Digital
SM 24
In-Between Animation
ゴメス アレクサンドル; OLM Digital
SM 35
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 50
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 52
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 53
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 55
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 57
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 61
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 66
In-Between Animation
OLM Digital
SM 67