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United States Pokémon Red A Pokemon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
United States Pokémon Blue A Pokemon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
Japan Pokémon Stadium からだが プログラムで できているので でんしくうかんを じゆうに うごける。   じんこうの ポケモンである。
United States Pokémon Stadium A man-made Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
United States Pokémon Yellow The only Pokemon people anticipate can fly into space. None has managed the feat yet, however.
United States Pokémon Gold It is a manmade Pokemon. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.
United States Pokémon Silver A manmade Pokemon that came about as a result of research. It is programmed with only basic motions.
United States Pokémon Ruby Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokemon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
United States Pokémon Sapphire PORYGON is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This POKeMON is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
United States Pokémon Emerald It is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data in order to enter cyberspace. A PORYGON is copy- protected so it cannot be duplicated.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen A POKeMON that consists entirely of programming code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
United States Pokémon FireRed Using the most advanced technologies, scientists finally succeeded in making the first artificial POKeMON.
United States Pokémon Pearl The world's first artificially created Pokémon. It can travel through electronic space.
United States Pokémon Diamond The world's first artificially created Pokémon. It can travel through electronic space.
United States Pokémon Platinum A man-made Pokemon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace.
United States Pokémon HeartGold It is a manmade Pokémon. Since it doesn’t breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver A manmade Pokémon that came about as a result of research. It is programmed with only basic motions.
United States Pokémon White A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace.
Japan Pokémon White さいこうの かがくりょくで うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。 でんしくうかんを いどうできる。
United States Pokémon Black A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace.
Japan Pokémon Black さいこうの かがくりょくで うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。 でんしくうかんを いどうできる。
United States Pokémon Black 2 A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace.
Japan Pokémon Black 2 さいこうの かがくりょくで うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。 でんしくうかんを いどうできる。
United States Pokémon White 2 A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace.
Japan Pokémon White 2 さいこうの かがくりょくで うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。 でんしくうかんを いどうできる。
France Pokémon X Un Pokémon créé par l’homme après de longues recherches. Il ne connaît que peu de mouvements.
Italy Pokémon Y Formato per intero da codici programmatici, può muoversi liberamente nel ciberspazio.
Spain Pokémon Y Un Pokémon formado por códigos de programación. Se mueve libre por el ciberespacio.
France Pokémon Y Ce Pokémon est fait de programmes et d’algorithmes. Il peut survivre en milieu virtuel.
South Korea Pokémon Y 몸이 프로그램으로 만들어져 있다. 전자 공간을 자유자재로 이동할 수 있는 능력을 가졌다.
Germany Pokémon Y Porygon besteht komplett aus Computerdaten. Es kann sich frei in virtuellen Welten bewegen.
Japan Pokémon Y からだが プログラムで できている。 でんしくうかんを じゆうじざいに いどうできる のうりょくをもつ。
United States Pokémon Y A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
Italy Pokémon X Questo Pokémon è il risultato di una ricerca umana. Esegue solo i movimenti più elementari.
Spain Pokémon X Pokémon creado por el hombre tras muchas investigaciones. Sus habilidades son básicas.
Germany Pokémon X Ein künstlich produziertes Pokémon, welches das Ergebnis von Forschungen ist. Es ist simpel aufgebaut.
Japan Pokémon X けんきゅうのすえ うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。きほんてきな どうさしか プログラムされていない。
United States Pokémon X A man-made Pokémon that came about as a result of research. It is programmed with only basic motions.
South Korea Pokémon X 연구 끝에 태어난 인공 포켓몬이다. 기본적인 동작만 프로그램되어 있다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Porygon è in grado di regredire ai suoi codici di programmazione originari ed entrare nel cyberspazio. Questo Pokémon è dotato di un sistema antipirateria per evitarne la duplicazione illecita.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 전신을 프로그램 데이터로 되돌려 전자 공간에 들어갈 수 있다. 복사 방지가 되어 있어 복사할 수 없다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Porygon è in grado di regredire ai suoi codici di programmazione originari ed entrare nel cyberspazio. Questo Pokémon è dotato di un sistema antipirateria per evitarne la duplicazione illecita.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Porygon es capaz de convertirse otra vez en datos informáticos y de entrar en el ciberespacio. Tiene protección anticopia, así que es imposible duplicarlo.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Porygon est capable de se décompiler et de retourner à l’état de programme informatique pour entrer dans le cyberespace. Ce Pokémon est protégé contre le piratage, il est donc impossible de le copier.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Porygon ist in der Lage, sich in Daten zurückzuverwandeln und in den Cyberspace zu gelangen. Dieses Pokémon ist kopiergeschützt, sodass es durch Kopieren nicht vervielfältigt werden kann.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire ぜんしんを プログラム データに もどして でんし くうかんに はいる ことが できる。 コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 전신을 프로그램 데이터로 되돌려 전자 공간에 들어갈 수 있다. 복사 방지가 되어 있어 복사할 수 없다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Porygon es capaz de convertirse otra vez en datos informáticos y de entrar en el ciberespacio. Tiene protección anticopia, así que es imposible duplicarlo.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Porygon est capable de se décompiler et de retourner à l’état de programme informatique pour entrer dans le cyberespace. Ce Pokémon est protégé contre le piratage, il est donc impossible de le copier.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Porygon ist in der Lage, sich in Daten zurückzuverwandeln und in den Cyberspace zu gelangen. Dieses Pokémon ist kopiergeschützt, sodass es durch Kopieren nicht vervielfältigt werden kann.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby ぜんしんを プログラム データに もどして でんし くうかんに はいる ことが できる。 コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy protected so it cannot be duplicated by copying.
United States Pokémon Sun Roughly 20 years ago, it was artificially created, utilizing the latest technology of the time.
United States Pokémon Moon It can convert its body into digital data, which enables it to enter cyberspace.
United States Pokémon Sword
United States Pokémon Shield
United States Pokémon Stadium 2 It is a manmade Pokémon. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment.