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Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 51 新たなる大地! 新たなる冒険!! / ポケテレメンバーとゲスト・足立梨花さんで第2回「ポケモンサバイバル」、ポケサバ初代王者・トシプロデューサーは連覇なるか?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 51 Aratanaru daichi! Aratanaru bōken!! / PokéTele menber to guest Adachi Rika-san de dai2kai 'Pokémon Survival', PokéSurv shodai ōja Toshi-producer wa renpa naru ka?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 51 A New Land! A New Adventure!! / The PokéTV Hosts and the Guest Rika Adachi Participate in the Second Installment of 'Pokémon Survival'! Will Producer Toshi, Who Won the First PokéSurv, Continue His Winning Streak?
Cover Image Japanese: Special 0 ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア × ニコニコ生放送 秋のポケモンスペシャル
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Special 0 Pocket Monsters Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire x NicoNico Namahōsō: Aki no Pokémon Special
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Special 0 Pocket Monsters Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire x NicoNico Live: Autumn Pokémon Special
Cover Image English: XY 51 When Light and Dark Collide!
Cover Image Japanese: XY 51 ルチャブルとダークルチャブル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): XY 51 Luchabull to Dark Luchabull!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): XY 51 Luchabull and Dark Luchabull!
Cover Image German: XY 51 Licht gegen Finsternis!
Cover Image French: XY 51 Quand Sombre affronte Étincelant !
Cover Image Spanish: XY 51 ¡Cuando colisionan la luz y la oscuridad!
Cover Image Swedish: XY 51 När ljus och mörker krockar!
Cover Image Italian: XY 51 Quando luce e oscurità s’incontrano!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): XY 51 ¡Cuando la luz y la oscuridad se enfrentan!
Cover Image Finnish: XY 51 Kun valo ja pimeys kohtaavat!
Cover Image Dutch: XY 51 Als licht en donker botsen!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): XY 51 Quando Luz e Sombra Colidem!
Cover Image Norwegian: XY 51 Når lys og mørke støter sammen!
Cover Image Danish: XY 51 Når lys og mørke støder sammen!
Cover Image Korean: XY 51 루차불과 다크루차불!
Cover Image Portuguese: XY 51 Quando Luz e Sombra Colidem!
Cover Image Russian: XY 51 Когда свет и тень встречаются!
Cover Image English: XY 52 A Stealthy Challenge!