The announcer introduced the items for this episode and then said: "Hey boys and girls! It's time for Pokémon Entertainment Show! Pokémon Smash! So let's get started!". Golgo just started off the show with a a very long 'PokéMor~~~ning!' as the cast emulated his greeting. Maria and Hana showed a pictures they drew of Professor Red. Professor Red then showed a picture that was supposedly drawn by his 4 year old daughter but no one believed him with all the CG work. A note on the screen said that Professor Red actually drew it.

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Yamamoto introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Even Father's have a Dream! (ふるさとはあたたかい!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was
My Rival is an Office Worker!? (ライバルはサラリーマン!?) from the
Advanced Generation series.
A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode but Yamamoto who had been walking around from camera to camera throughout the segment got in front of the camera shot.

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After the Pokémon Library episode, Keywords from the 14th movies were talked about. Misaki held up a card that said 'Sword of the Earth (大地の剣)'. A short clip from the 14th movies was shown. Shoko-tan then held up a card that said 'Ideals and Truth (理想と真実)'. Robert then held up a card that said 'Small (小さいもの)'. Robert then made fun of Golgo for
loosing his Okutan which Golgo got pretty upset about. Robert then thought it was best to quickly leave and the VTR with Robert exploring the meaning of the keyword 'Small (小さいもの)' was shown.

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Akiyama appeared with a chibi-like stuffed version of himself strapped to his chin. They ask him why he has a 'Little Akiyama' attached to him and he explained that it falls in line with their research on the keyword 'Small (小さいもの)'. They arrived at
TOPCON, which is a company that does research in optical Engineering, nano-opto, imaging application, and optical systems development. Akiyama holds up a card with a picture and asks what it is. The narrator explains that it is a picture of the end of a pencil using an
electron microscope with a magnification of 100.

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Robert entered the plant and ment with Topcon employee Hiroyuki Oshikawa (押川浩之). He showed off an electron microscope that could take pictures 10000x. Akiyama had two containers that he wanted to look at under the microscope, one was salt (しお) the other was sugar (さとう).

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For the third item, they then decided to look at a strawberry. They then decided to look at one of Yamamoto's hair's. They then looked at a 10yen coin. Returning to the main set, Victini showed up as well as the group
Every Little Thing which includes
Kaori Mochida (持田香織) and
Ichiro Ito (伊藤一朗). They will be doing this years theme songs: Sora (宙 -そら-) which will be the ending theme for
Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom (ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム) and Koe (響 -こえ-) which will be the ending theme for
Victini and the Light Hero - Reshiram (ビクティニと白き英雄レシラム). Below are the covers for the CD which will now be released on July 13th, 2011 in Japan. Click on the images for more information.
Hana and the cast finally made the connection that the keyword 'Small (小さいもの)' that Robert was investigating was 'Every Little Thing'. Just as Every Little Thing left, Robert showed up.

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A Battle with the Pokémon Received at the Movie (映画で貰えるポケモンでバトル)
To promote the upcoming event Pokémon that are being distributed for the 14th movies, the Pokémon Smash crew decided to have a battle featuring these Pokémon. The announcer explained the following Pokémon:
Pre-order Movie 14 Ticket - V-Generate Victini, the Level 100 Zekrom and Reshiram. Shoko-tan then talked about
Janta's Golugh (ジャンタのゴルーグ) and
Carlita's Sazandora (カリータのサザンドラ) which were also showcased in the battle. The Dream Battle featured a 4 on 4 battle with Team Zekrom (Robert) VS Team Reshiram (International Division girls) with the Pokémon level capped at 50. Team Zekrom ended up winning at got 300 points added to their running score.

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Pokédex 3D (ポケモン立体図鑑BW)
On June 17th, 2011, Nintendo launched the first major system update for Nintendo 3DS in Japan. As part of the update, the Nintendo eShop was launched which allowed users to download the free
Pokédex 3D (ポケモン立体図鑑BW) application and start collecting data for more than 150 Pokémon from the Pokémon™ Black Version and Pokémon White Version games. Players can scan AR codes to help them unlock more Pokémon for the dex. Shoko-tan showed off the app and the 3 AR codes for the 5th generation starters were displayed:
Tsutarja (ツタージャ),
Pokabu (ポカブ) and
Mijumaru (ミジュマル).

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A list of all the AR codes for the 5th generation Pokémon
is available in our games section for Pokédex 3D (ポケモン立体図鑑BW) by clicking here. The AR codes
are also available in our dex.
Super Pokémon Scramble (スーパーポケモンスクランブル)
Shoko-tan also announced the new Nintendo 3DS game Super Pokémon Scramble (スーパーポケモンスクランブル) which will be released in Japan on
July 28th, 2011 for 4800yen.

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As a reminder for the upcoming CD release of
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which will be released on June 22nd, 2011, they filmed various kids singing the song for the ending.